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Platinum is a big fail

Platinum is a big fail

Dec 3, 2019, 13:4512/03/19

Platinum is a big fail

Why would you make it like this?  300 people max and the rewards are garbage.  What was the point of making it limited?  If you just needed a barometer to see how many whales you have, mission accomplished.  Arena awards still garbage, platinum a joke that most will never see.  Instead of rebalancing other heroes to make them more viable, you throw a whale tournament at us to earn the best hero.  So bad.

Dec 3, 2019, 14:2312/03/19

Players will never learn and are always fooled every time Plarium introduces something new. Remember that everything that comes new is just to stuff their pockets with money and rip off your wallets without giving you anything valuable in return :)

Dec 4, 2019, 00:5112/04/19

Some of the people I know where very happy with the Platinum Tier Arena Rewards.

I think the issue is the game put some RNG into the Platinum Tier Arena Reward which I believe is a huge problem.

I saw screenshots of players getting:

2 Legendary 6 Star Gears - 1 Epic 6 Star Gear - 1 Sacred Shard - 1 Epic Tome - Few XP Brews  - Few Gems

I think the above rewards is a pretty good set of rewards.

A few players were very satisfied with the above rewards.

Dec 4, 2019, 03:3212/04/19

Some one have to pay the bills so I can play for free, If they have a tournament for whales then is good for them, I continue to play disregarding the contest.

Participation is one way to show our approval or disapproval, you dont like the contest? Dont do it!, let Plarium make their money, if any item is price reasonably I will consider the entertainment investment otherwise let the whales get it.

The more powerful statement is made by controlling your  wallet. 

Dec 4, 2019, 05:1812/04/19
just for bragging rights.
Dec 4, 2019, 05:2612/04/19
Dec 4, 2019, 05:26(edited)
I really like the new arena.  Was able to dip my toe in platinum and quickly weakened my defense to stay in gold.  But it is nice to have to actually work on my team instead of auto-winning every time.
Dec 5, 2019, 23:3212/05/19

Hello op

platinum tier reminds me of challenger tier in league of legends