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Dragon gaining magically higher armor or just a hidden mechanic?

Dragon gaining magically higher armor or just a hidden mechanic?

Dec 3, 2019, 00:3612/03/19

Dragon gaining magically higher armor or just a hidden mechanic?


I'm noticing that when I fight the dragon at some point, mainly when he is half HP or below half HP, he sometimes magically gains super high DEF and my attacks become extremely low in DMG dealt. 

It is basically like he has double or triple DEF, like insane. And when it happens you are really close to die or die. 

This happens when I am NOT under decrease ATK debuff and I fight stage 10(red) with only blue and red heroes. 

I've noticed that  on lower levels too.

Is this a bug, hidden mechanic, or something else? 

p.s. There is no info on this matter, so when it happens you simply get wrecked. You start to lower him fast and in an instance... BOOM! And he becomes like a stone wall. 

Dec 5, 2019, 23:3812/05/19


what champions are you running?

Dec 7, 2019, 01:4512/07/19

Elhain + Thenasil + Rearguard Sergeant + Cagebreaker + Saurus   For the current stage level 10 red, 4-5 star items . And it is not based of the affinity or the decrease ATK. 

Had the same thing when I was running the green affinity on lower stages. 

It's like he magically gains DEF when he is in his secret skill ready to blast me off. 

Not sure why and how, and I was thinking it is some kind of hidden mechanic where he has % chance of increasing his DEF in certain scenarios of the battle or while using certain skills, or... something, cause he becomes visible stronger. Normal hits of 2,200 - 2,800 goes down to 1,000 -800 dmg normal hits(red). 

And it is not always. 

I should watch it more closely when it happens in the future.
Dec 7, 2019, 21:5312/07/19

When the Dragon Inhales - Purple Health Bar - I do think the Dragon becomes stronger!

I feel like his defense becomes tougher

I feel like he is harder because he is so high in the air.

Maybe, our heroes can't reach him so high in the air so they deal slightly less damage.

Nevertheless, I do think you should fix your team.

The team you have for Dragon isn't really the best set up.

The set up you want for Dragon is the following:

  1. Turn Meter Filler
  2. Poison / Enemy Max HP Attack
  3. Healing / Shielding / Reviving 
  4. Provoking / Stunning / Freezing 
  5. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs 
  6. Decrease Enemy Attack
  7. Decrease Enemy Defense
  8. Weaken
  9. AOE Damage Dealer

Ideally, you want to make a team of 5 heroes who can do the above 9 things.

So to help demonstrate why I am saying your set up is wrong.

I will use your team.

Elhain > AOE Damage Dealer 

Thenasil > Healer 

Rearguard Sergeant > Decrease Attack & Defense 

Cagebreaker > AOE Damage Dealer 

Saurus > AOE Damage Dealer

Your team has the following things #9 - #7 - #6 - #3 

Your team is missing the following things #8 - #5 - #4 - #2 - #1

I guess I should explain why you should have the above 9 things I'm talking about.

  • #1 Turn Meter Filler

The reason you want a Turn Meter Filler in the fight is to help speed your team up.

A Turn Meter Filler can help make your battles be faster.

If it takes you 10 mins to do 1 dragon fight - It is going to be an issue down the road when you need to do Thousands.

  • #2 Poison / Enemy Max HP Attack

The reason you want a hero with 1 of the above 2 abilities is to actually damage the Dragon to prevent his most powerful skill.

The Dragon will do an Inhale which will show a purple health bar.

If you can't kill the Health bar, The dragon will do his most powerful skill which does a Stun.

Poisons - Enemy Max HP Attacks can deal damage on the dragon to get him below the Health Bar Amount.

  • #3 Healing / Shielding / Reviving 

The reason you want a hero who can do 1 of the above 3 abilities is for SURVIVAL!

When you start facing the higher stages of Dragon, The Waves are going to hit you crazy hard.

You have to protect your hero's from dying off.

  • #4 Provoking / Stunning / Freezing 

The reason you want a hero who can do 1 of the above 3 abilities is for combo disruption.

The higher Stages of Dragon will have waves with some powerful heroes.

The waves in the stages synergize very well.

You don't want them to synergize - It will make beating them extremely hard.

  • #5 Block Debuff / Remove Debuff 

The dragon has a skill it likes to do which places Weaken + Several Poison.

You don't want to have all of those debuffs on your heroes.

All the debuffs on your heroes increases the likelihood of your heroes dying in the fight.

You want to have a hero who can prevent the Dragon from doing Debuffs on your heroes or you want a hero who can Remove the Debuffs.

  • #6-8 Decrease Enemy Attack - Decrease Enemy Defense - Weaken

The reason you want the above skills vs. the Dragon is to make the enemies deal less damage + help you deal more damage.

The less damage you take the higher your chances of success in the fight.

The more damage you deal to waves + dragon the higher your chance of success in the fight.

  • #9 AOE Damage Dealer

You want to have a hero who can hit pretty hard.

This hero's main goal is to kill the waves.

In a Nutshell, You need 2 heroes!

1 hero - AOE Damage Dealer - This heroes only purpose is to kill the waves 

2 hero - Poison or Enemy Max HP Hero - This heroes only purpose is to kill the dragon

The other heroes you add into the fight are distractions - designed to help keep the above 2 heroes alive.

Dec 7, 2019, 22:4712/07/19
Dec 10, 2019, 20:54(edited)

Thank you for the detailed advice and tips on Dragon, Player J!  :)

I use those heroes, because they are my highest hitting combo for the Red affinity stage 10 Dragon. The rest are not viable or dmg dealing enough, or are not developed, due to focusing on making food champions and preparing for the Christmas fusion. 

I have high khatun now and seeker(both waiting to build them), and my Kael now is with 4 pieces really solid good 6* epic relentless and today I fully booked him(- the last level of his first skill) and geared him with those relentless gear I mentioned and got from a tournament few weeks ago. Just waiting to make him 5* , he is level 40 now. 

So, basically I do kill the dragon and when I work on those heroes and rank my rearguard and thenasil to full 6* I probably will jump 2-3 levels and definitely, when I rank up my saurus will go way up in spider too. 

Kinda working with what I have and maximizing by going for 4-5* items, which is pretty good for the moment. 

When Thenasil goes to full 6* and ascention... oh my... my shield will be crazy. He is now healing for 11,800 hp, and huge shield... and when his base hp goes way up and I finally start making gear lvl16 other than his armor... :) 

Focusing so much on preparing for the fusion kinda takes away from the game experience but that's why I've made a solid foundation with my current heroes and can farm and fight the highest mid tier dungeons and also brutal and even can go into clearing nightmare 2,3 and probably 4 and 5, but too much energy. Only cleared 1 and half of 2. to get the 1mil silver and to be close to the gems and the exp. boosts if I happen to need them. :) 

My problem right now is FireKnight, the first stage where he has 10 hits on his shield. Got 2 Skinners fully skilled and 30/30, but I'm waiting to get Turn Meter manipulation as you mentioned and speed aura, so I can have more options, and also I don't really have spare energy to do it now. 

That will be my second focus after the fusion. The first will be nuking spider stage 8 and probably reaching spider 10 fairly quickly after that for the 4-5* drop. :) 

Anyway, the Dragon seems to get stronger at times, and yes, primarily when he is in his secret skill ready to blast you off the map. :) 

Dec 8, 2019, 05:1412/08/19
If you own Kael, you should be using him in Dragon
Dec 10, 2019, 21:0012/10/19

I will after the fusion event, when I will level and rank him up. :) 

He is almost set for end game with his gear( 4 pieces of great 6* relentless epic gear), he only needs rank, level, masteries and lvl16 gear and neckless and banner. :D :D :D