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Epic Lifesteal set more rare than pulling legendary?

Epic Lifesteal set more rare than pulling legendary?

Dec 1, 2019, 06:2512/01/19

Epic Lifesteal set more rare than pulling legendary?

Something just dawned at me and I was wondering if anyone else has the same luck as me. 

My favourite dungeon, Dragon's Lair, I farm high levels very frequently and receive 5 or 6 star rare, epic or legendary items of sets that I do not need (Toxic, Daze, Avenging) but somehow it is never Lifesteal set items. 

After three months of playing, I do not own any epic Lifesteal items. 

Does Plarium rig the drop rates for this set on purpose because it's such a good set? 

How many Epic or Legendary Lifesteal items do you own?

Dec 1, 2019, 09:2412/01/19
I've noticed that too
Dec 1, 2019, 11:2412/01/19


As for the drop rates, the higher the stage the higher chance for higher rarity and rank. However the set, stats, and subs are all rng, yes that's something we've all heard like a thousand times, but lets run through some numbers, we will look at the unique sets that can drop, the unique pieces that can drop of the set, the unique rarities that can drop, however i will omit the part that follows which will be unique main stats, due to the fact that each piece has a unique set of main stats and things become a lot more complicated and tedious, which further proves the degree of rng this plays a part in.

set count:9 
piece count: 6 
rarity count: 5 

total combinations:9x6x5= 270

so theoretically, if you make 270 runs, you would have had one piece of each set, of each piece, of each rarity
THAT is considering there only exists one main stat
270x16=4,320 energy
THIS is disregarding the % drops of higher rarities and higher rank pieces

now lets try to find a way to add the possible combinations of the main stats, one way is to treat them as a unique numbers, that is, each main stat on a unique set/piece/rarity

weapon = 1
helmet = 1
shield = 2
gauntlets = 8
chestplate = 8
Boots = 7

total = 27

now lets add that to our previous calculation

set count:9 
piece count: 6  
rarity count: 5 
main stats count: 27

9x6x5x27 = 7290

this is not taking into account sub stats, the fact they can be limited, and that there are a bunch more than the limit, etc, 

This is by no means how the rng is calculated, this is just a rough idea of how many combinations we can have considering how many things are able to drop, why is there value in finding this out? so that we can have a rough idea of how many tries it takes to get a single piece we want
will it happen at that try? theoretically yes, does it have to? could not happen, its probability theory, we can predict with numbers, but real life is going to have many more flaws.

that said, i hope this gives an idea of the wonderful journey of dungeon grinding and finding the right piece gear piece, or does the gear piece find you?

