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Counterattack Rework

Counterattack Rework

Nov 29, 2019, 05:3211/29/19

Counterattack Rework

I saw a teaser that counterattack was going to be balanced in some way.  I thought I would throw my idea out there.

My idea is simply changing counterattack from being a buff to being a debuff.  

why would we do that you may ask?

1. This provide a balance for players that are lacking the only three characters capable of placing counterattack (valk, matyr, and skullcrusher, who isnt nearly as good as the two legendaries.  Because Plarium could then make more Rares and epics that could place a counterattack debuff on a single target, making them really good for CB and some dungeons but not overpowered in arena.  This would allow a lot more players to have this option of getting counterattack.

2. It would be less broken in arena because of abilities that remove debuffs, block debuffs, and RESIST.  Resist is the biggest balance thing this would provide as you could potentially stop those characters from even placing it.  I think this would make accuracy and resist a lot more valuable in arena as a whole.

3.  It would cause players to debate about even bringing counterattack to CB instead of it being mandatory for end game because the player would be losing out on a poison stack because of counterattack debuff.

That is all, it's simple, for those confused on how it would work ill explain.

Team 1 has a warden that team 2 placed a counterattack debuff on.  Warden that uses A2 (AOE) on enemy team, entire team now uses A1 on warden, Warden then uses A1 on team 2's executioner, executioner now uses A1 back at warden.

Thanks for reading!  :D

Nov 29, 2019, 05:4611/29/19
Dont touch counter attack. It's fine the way it is
Nov 29, 2019, 07:4111/29/19
They never said they're reworking counterattack, they just said they'll make more options viable. 
Nov 29, 2019, 10:1811/29/19
As Airmaxxx said, there won't be changing in CA, just new options.
Nov 29, 2019, 13:0811/29/19

Tim Miller said:

I saw a teaser that counterattack was going to be balanced in some way.  I thought I would throw my idea out there.

My idea is simply changing counterattack from being a buff to being a debuff.  

why would we do that you may ask?

1. This provide a balance for players that are lacking the only three characters capable of placing counterattack (valk, matyr, and skullcrusher, who isnt nearly as good as the two legendaries.  Because Plarium could then make more Rares and epics that could place a counterattack debuff on a single target, making them really good for CB and some dungeons but not overpowered in arena.  This would allow a lot more players to have this option of getting counterattack.

2. It would be less broken in arena because of abilities that remove debuffs, block debuffs, and RESIST.  Resist is the biggest balance thing this would provide as you could potentially stop those characters from even placing it.  I think this would make accuracy and resist a lot more valuable in arena as a whole.

3.  It would cause players to debate about even bringing counterattack to CB instead of it being mandatory for end game because the player would be losing out on a poison stack because of counterattack debuff.

That is all, it's simple, for those confused on how it would work ill explain.

Team 1 has a warden that team 2 placed a counterattack debuff on.  Warden that uses A2 (AOE) on enemy team, entire team now uses A1 on warden, Warden then uses A1 on team 2's executioner, executioner now uses A1 back at warden.

Thanks for reading!  :D

Hi Miller,

the CA will not change, it's only misunderstanding.

So don't worry and stay tuned with us on Discord Server!

Have a nice day

Nov 30, 2019, 03:3911/30/19

How do you Downvote people in the Forums?

All I see is an Upvote option?

Worst post I have ever read in my life.

Total waste of 5 mins.

1st - The OP didn't read what the game said about Counter Attack.

2nd - The OP decides to change Counter Attack from a Buff to a Debuff?

What kind of nonsense is this? lol