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Nov 26, 2019, 03:0311/26/19


So it took this company almost 3 months to release another update, and even with that much time they manage to f up again. Somehow the last 2 of the last patches you have release have literally made the game unplayable. One where you couldn't play unless connected to wifi (on a mobile game) and now this one where you literally run the risk of losing energy if you try to run a mission. Sure you guys gave compensation which is great, kudos on that, however you gave 250 energy, 2 cb keys (straight to the player), and a few other things which is great except youre at risk of wasting these things if you play right now. Sure you guys got things fixed on your end (12+ hours after the update) but it took you so long to get it fixed that iOS users now have to wait until tomorrow before they can actually play. Which makes their wasted energy far more than the 250 you provided, not to mention the cb keys might as well not even exist. Have you all not heard of patch testing? I say all of this mainly to any player considering this game, do not under any circumstance spend money on this game, the players that have stayed are only here because they have spent too much to move to a different game.  