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New "update" 1.12

New "update" 1.12

Nov 25, 2019, 16:3911/25/19

New "update" 1.12

So we've been waiting few long months for this patch, we've been deceived many times, and told how huge changes, improvements, balances etc will come along with this update. And what do we received?

1. Some cosmetic changes in champions which really do not impact in the game play, or usability of this characters. I'm really disappointed, and I lost hope about balanced champions in future.

2. Some inadequately vault slots.

3. A slightly nerfed FW. I was expecting a liitle bit more.

4. The only good and noticeable change is NM campaign, very challenging, if not too much. But it drops 3* and gray items.

5. Some broken AI champions, instead of repaired. For example: Rhazin uses his A3 on clan boss, or using A3 on FK when it's under his shield which block debufs. Same thing with Nethril... Royal Hunter still do not use his A3 properly, neither Septimus his A2.

6. Arena platinum, the new way to collect money from whales.

7. And some smaller changes not worth to even mention.

So this is the big update you've been talking about for months? This took you so much time to do?

It seems like you've updated this quickly just becouse of leaked notes... 

I think you really disappointed most of players, and I hope you see this in feedback. However it's hard to expect that you will draw any conclusions.

Nov 25, 2019, 17:1011/25/19

Faction Wars updated is Ok. Easier than before. Expecting more tweak on future.  

Nightmare campaign ---> 16 energy per battle is too much. They should lowered it to 10 or 12 energy.  
Nov 25, 2019, 18:5211/25/19
Nov 25, 2019, 18:57(edited)

I respectfully disagree.

What I can say about this patch: FUCK YEAH.

Most problems people have been complaining about have been tackled. Not always in the best way, but in general it is a significant improvement and it shows that plarium does listen after all. 

And the scrolls for 800 gems? It is not the best but it is still a great change. I wish the gems were scaled down depending on the scrolls already owned, but in and out, 800gems is about what you'd spend to buy the energy to get the scrolls so in the end it is a great thing because you don't have to spam minotaur for 2 days anymore. 

16 energy campaign is too much but maybe it will be changed in the future. Right now what matters are the new rewards, it gives us something new to do. 

The arena, I am not sure I will be able to be platinum yet, but before complaining, I'd like to see what's in the chest. If there is a chance of a sacred shard... 

Nov 25, 2019, 19:0111/25/19

some people cannot be happy with anything

I didn't check everything out, but if the balance in faction wars is properly done, I can say I'm also happy with the extension of the vault and the possibility of the selection of champs from the vault in Crypts

I'm also happy with a new layer of the campaign, and I don't know yet if 16 is that much for a new layer which drops better gear. I need to get there and try it out

I can't speak about champs individually, since I don't own many of the ones mentioned

the platinum arena sounds overdone and indeed something for whales

Overall ... some good changes
Nov 25, 2019, 19:0611/25/19
Nov 25, 2019, 19:13(edited)

Nico Traveler said:

16 energy campaign is too much but maybe it will be changed in the future. Right now what matters are the new rewards, it gives us something new to do. 

The arena, I am not sure I will be able to be platinum yet, but before complaining, I'd like to see what's in the chest. If there is a chance of a sacred shard... 

With Plarium track record, If there would ever be change in NM campaign energy cost I would put my bet on increase to 20 energy instead of lowering to 15 ...

Plat is for whales so I do not even consider it new content. I will still do 5 fights a day for free refil and that is all required to stay in g4. There is no point in trying harder ...

If you try carrot strategy - make sure it is in arms reach, not 100 feet in front of you, hanging from stick attached to your forhead ...
Nov 25, 2019, 20:2811/25/19
Nov 27, 2019, 06:08(edited)

Your reaction is funny in a way... 

Who is going to farm NM for producing food? Nobody. I doubt many have a champ able to solo 12. 3 in NM, so what if it cost 16 energy? On top, the gear that drops isn't even good compared to dungeon.

Its just there for the challenge so chill out please.

They probably put 16 energy so people don't finish it overnight wich I would have if it was just 10 energy. 

But in the end I ll probably still farm 10/3 or 6 in hard. 

You guys can't even appreciate the sacred shard, void and ancient? You must be a whale then... But still talk about the carrot strategy...

 I personally stopped trying to improve my arena team when I saw g4 was blocked at 3199... Now I have an incentive to actually try, wich is good I think. 

Nov 25, 2019, 20:5611/25/19
Nov 25, 2019, 21:06(edited)

oh ... and more space for artifacts

and leveled champs in multibattles
Nov 25, 2019, 21:0911/25/19
Nico Traveler said:

You guys can't even appreciate the sacred shard, void and ancient? You must be a whale then... But still talk about the carrot strategy...

wait what about those?