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Daily energy

Daily energy

Nov 25, 2019, 16:0611/25/19

Daily energy

I really don't understand why the energy limit is so low just to play the game. As a level 60 player 130 I'm disappointed by daily energy and any energy rewards. The amount is too low anyway. I understand the energy can NOT be infinite but to pay money to play a little bit more is far away from entertaining! I spend few thousand on shards, books but to spend money just to play the game seems like an exclusive game, just for few players.

At this moment all you can do with 360 energy (120x3 - from daily quest rewards) is to do few runt in dungeons or to grind so champs in campaign. That take like 3 months to fully rise a single champ 1-60, to ascend it and get full masteries.

I can be happy with this:

Level 1 player - 100 energy

Increase amount of energy per player level: 5 (instead of 1)

Max player level: 100 (instead of 60)

That will be like:

Player level 60: 100+(5x60)=100+300=400 energy

Player level 100: 100+(5x100)=100+500=600 energy

With the current system (daily rewards) you can get 1200 energy/day and that can work good to grind champs, to get gear in dungeons etc.

That will work and will motivate players to spend money on shards, books etc!

Nov 25, 2019, 17:5411/25/19
Quantity of energy is low but increasing the pool only helps the refills. Something you forgot was regen and cost. It takes 5.5 hrs to regen that. Meaning running dungeons that cost 14 you only get 8 runs per max energy. That is what is low. Energy needs to regen 1 per min and the cost to run should be half for everything along with a larger pool. This would mean you can play longer and get more out of it. However I dont see that happening because insert technical talk to make an excuse. It's just crazy that 8 runs costs 1 dollar. And not nightmare campaign is 16 energy which will not be sustainable for leveling. The game is just becoming more crippling the higher you go, which is the opposite of what it should be
Nov 25, 2019, 18:3311/25/19

Mate, I'm not going to wake up just to spend energy and I will not ask for a break from work just for because of that! So, we play the game when we can. But 130 energy as lvl 60 player is hilarious with all that refills and energy rewards! I took all into consideration!

I strongly agree to be a limit but with so low ... I'm thinking to play another game.

For example, for Diablo players you pay only one time like 30USD and you can play the game as long as you want without spending anything! Yes, they release 2 patches in few years for 15-20 USD but that's all!!! We are playing a game, not buying a car!