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HELP Please: Who to level next and for what?

HELP Please: Who to level next and for what?

Nov 22, 2019, 17:5411/22/19

HELP Please: Who to level next and for what?

Hey guys,

I finally did it today! Just finished leveling up my first 6 star team:

Kael (booked), Lua (booked), Apoth (booked), Skullcrusher (only booked CA cooldown), Rhazin (no books, need to level him to 60 now)

So this gets me to Gold II in arena, and I can beat Stage 13 in Minotaur, Stage 13 in Dragon's Lair, but only stage 10 in Spider. For clan boss I'm always the biggest hitter as I am in a semi-beginner clan.

Kael is my farmer and does 12-3 on Brutal in 30 secs.

I assume I am now entering mid-game and I need your help deciding who I level next and where it's going to help me in the game.

I have 12 rare and 1 legendary tomes available... I used all my epics on Lua.

So, very simple question, which heroes should be my priority next and for what part of the game.

List of top end heroes available:

madame serris



mausoleum mage

corpse collector

high kathun

suwai firstborn

dark athel







Mother Superior

Reliquary Tender

Crimson Slayer


I'm thinking Bellower first because I can book him then Madame Serris? Is she good without books?


Nov 23, 2019, 01:2011/23/19
BUMP - Thanks for your help!
Nov 23, 2019, 04:4111/23/19
Nov 23, 2019, 04:43(edited)

I made Priority Mistakes when I was a beginner / intermediate player.

I made my Priority List as the following:

1st - Campaign

2nd - Clan Boss

3rd - Arena

4th - Dungeon

The above list isn't horrible, but now that I am Older & Wiser.

I think my list should of been changed a little bit.

I think it should be like the following:

1st - Campaign 

2nd - Clan Boss 

3rd - Dungeon

4th - Arena

I thought Arena was better vs. Dungeon because you get Weekly Rewards which have exclusive gears!

You get Divine Gears which are not obtainable any where else.

The problem is the Arena Rewards are only 1 time a week & most of the gear drops are trash.

I have been playing for months. 

I still don't have any useable pieces.

The gear drops from Arena are trash.

I don't use 4 star gears or below!

I don't use flat stat gears!


They are unusable!

I can't use them.

I refuse to use them.

When I started playing the game, no one told me arena reward drops are trash.

So at the time, I thought I was doing the right thing by doing Dungeons last.

I played for months & months!

All I own is 13 gear pieces.

I can't even use them on any of my heroes. lol

To Be Continued.....

Nov 23, 2019, 05:3611/23/19


  • Kael 30 seconds

I think you are fine with Kael.

30 seconds is manageable.


  • You didn't tell me your Clan Boss team so I am just going to make general statements.

A popular set up which you can use is a Counter Attacking strategy.

Players usually use the following things in a Counter Attack Clan Boss set up:

  • Attack Down 50%
  • Defense Down 60% & Weaken 25% ----------------------> You can use Rhazin
  • Counter Attack --------------------------------------------------> You can use SkullCrusher
  • Poison Dealer 5% ----------------------------------------------> You can use Kael
  • Debuff Extender / Healer / 2nd Poison Dealer

I think your Clan Boss team is a little shaky.

I don't see any Attack Down hero.

I don't see any Debuff Extender.

I don't see any Team Healer. ------> Note: Apothacury isn't used in a CB Team for his Heals - So he doesn't count!

In addition, Players don't like using Apothacury with SkullCrusher because he can throw your Counter Attack Buff out of whack.

Apothacury Turn Meter Fills can mess up your rotation.

Furthermore, Kael isn't the greatest Poison Dealer because you would prefer to have a hero that does 5% poisons on all his skills vs. 2.5%.

Kael is a great hero.

Kael can help you a lot in Clan Boss in the beginning / intermediate level. 

Kael isn't a End Game Clan Boss hero.

All in All - You have some things you need to work on!


  • I would aim for Minotaur 15 - 1st!

You will need Masteries to do the higher Dungeon Stages.

It is extremely important to get to the highest level of Minotaur.

Phase 1 - of a players Raid Shadow Career is leveling in the campaign a full team level 60.

Phase 2 - of a players Raid Shadow Career is leveling in the minotaur a full team tier 6 masteries.

You will have to use Thousands & Thousands of energy farming the Minotaur.

The last thing you want to do is use Thousands & Thousands of energy on a Weaker Minotaur Stage!

Farming a Weaker Minotaur Stage is like Farming Hard Mode in the Campaign for XP.

It's going to take forever - its a nightmare!

Trust me - You don't want to be in that spot.

What is the team you are using for Minotaur?

You need to break through to Stage 15!

This is the first critical moment!

All other Dungeons don't exist!

If you don't have Tier 6 Masteries, You will get crushed in the other Dungeons any way.

What is the team you are using?
Nov 24, 2019, 14:5111/24/19

First off, thanks PLAYER J for your post.

I agree with you with the arena being lower on the priority list... and the returns on investment in time loot-wise are too low to be priority.

For the Clan Boss, the reason I didn't bring it up is because my clan is only able to take down the Easy Boss and I do about 6.5M of damage on it per hit. I'm close to 5M on the Normal Boss. No one else in my clan is able to do really more than 2M per hit, with most super low i.e. 100K. Kind of wondering if I should change clans to speed up my progress? Which would also motivate me to work on my clan team.

For who am I using... well I'll make this simple, I'm using KAEL, LUA, APOTH, SKULLCRUSHER, RHAZIN everywhere. I really focused on getting a 5 man unit of the best heroes I had up to max. I thought I could get through most of the content with these 5. I haven't really leveled the other heroes I have or geared them yet.

So, getting this 5 hero team to level 6 masteries should be my #1 priority. Gotcha!

Guess what, after reading your response yesterday, I finished leveling Rhazin to 60 and leveled up my gear a bit more on my core team... AND I BEAT LEVEL 15!!! :-) Takes like 6-7minutes each time but they get through it... mainly because of Apoth keeping 1-2 heroes alive until the end.

I'm now leveling their 4th tier. So my main focus will be to get them to tier 6 for now.

I also think I need better gear, some of the lifesteal and speed gear my heroes are equiped with ain't optimal.

So my priorities:

1 - Get my 5 level 60 team to max masteries

2 - Get as high as I can after that at Dragon's Lair and farm for better gear

3 - Find a more competitive Clan?

4 - Level new heroes to 60 that can help out hopefully in both Dungeons and Clan Boss

Does that make sense?

Who should I focus on next and in what order?

THANKS AGAIN! Your insights have been incredibly valuable.


Nov 25, 2019, 01:2911/25/19
BUMP... thanks!
Nov 25, 2019, 06:3611/25/19

Abigor said:

So my priorities:

1 - Get my 5 level 60 team to max masteries

2 - Get as high as I can after that at Dragon's Lair and farm for better gear

3 - Find a more competitive Clan?

4 - Level new heroes to 60 that can help out hopefully in both Dungeons and Clan Boss

Does that make sense?

Who should I focus on next and in what order?

THANKS AGAIN! Your insights have been incredibly valuable.


I would make a few changes to your priority list.

I think #1 is perfect.

I would change #2.


2 - I would do Arena, Dragon Lair, & Spider Den

Let me explain why.

Your Goal is to get as high as you can in Dragon Lair + Farm Gear.

It is a very good idea!

However, in order to get higher in Dragon Lair, you need to be aware of a few things.

  • The Higher Dragon Stages are Tougher
  • The Higher Dragon Stages have more Resistance

Lets talk about why this is important information to know.

When you get into the higher Dragon Stages, The Dragon Stages will be tougher!

You are going to need every bonus you can get your hands on.

This is why I am recommending to do Arena.

Arena Rewards are horrible, but you do get Bonus Percentages which apply to all area's of the game including Dragon Lair!

Arena Gold Tier 2 = 16% ATK + DEF + HP

Arena Gold Tier 4 = 20% ATK + DEF + HP

4% doesn't seem like a huge difference, but when you are in Dragon 20 getting hit really hard.

4% could be the difference between winning a 6 Star Legendary piece or Losing the fight.

Previously, I recommended for you to do Dungeon before Arena.

The reason why is because Minotaur is in Dungeons.

The mistake I made was reaching Gold 4 Arena first before having any of my Masteries.

I made it harder for myself to reach Gold 4 Arena.

Every time I went up against other teams who had full Masteries, I was at a disadvantage!

It made the climb to Gold 4 a lot harder & more difficult for me.

This is why I think doing Dungeons first (Minotaur) can be very help.

It helps your team get stronger which can hopefully help you get to Arena Gold 4 for the extra Tier Bonus Buffs!

Hopefully, you can understand what I saying here.

When you get into the higher Dragon Stages, The Dragon Stages will have higher Resistance! 

You are going to need 200+ Accuracy to efficiently apply your debuff's which leads me to my next question.

How do you get Accuracy in this game?

  • Dragon Lair - Accuracy Sets
  • Spider Den - Accuracy Banners
  • Arena > Great Hall - Accuracy Attributes

The Goal is to get as high as you can with Dragon + Farm Better Gears.

The highest place in Dragon is Stage 20 - It has the best gears, but it takes certain requirements in order for you to succeed

Hopefully, you can see why I am telling you to do Dragon Lair runs + Spider Den runs + Arena runs.

All of these things can be done Simultaneously - You have Arena Tokens every day - You have several Refills every day.

You use few refills for Spider + few refills for Dragon + Arena Tokens for Arena.

All of this can happen at the same time.

The goal of course would be to collect the various things you need in order to reach Stage 20 Dragon.

To Be Continued... 

Nov 25, 2019, 08:2411/25/19
Nov 25, 2019, 08:54(edited)

I wanted to show you the below picture so you can see what you will be up against!

The above picture is a screen shot of my Dragon 20 run.

I want you to closely look at the enemy Dragon 20 wave.

The enemy Dragon 20 wave has the following heroes:

  • Apothacury - Turn Meter + Speed Buff + Heal
  • Sharp Shooter - Increases Critical Rate
  • Tayrel - Decrease Atk & Decrease Defense
  • 2x Hordin - Damage Dealer - Who gains extra turn if he kills a hero

The team you see before you can be extremely dangerous!

Hordin is like Relic Keeper - If Hordin begins to Snow Ball - Hordin will Farm your Dragon 20 Team like Campaign!

The Dragon 20 Waves & Boss are not messing around.

You need to be able to Control these waves so they don't get out of hand!

Lua - Does Freeze

Rhazin - Does Reduce Turn Meter to 0

You can add a Stun or Provoke set to 1 of your heroes!

You have heroes who can help you Control the waves & disrupt them!

The issue is: 

Will you have enough Accuracy to land your Debuff's?

Will you get Resisted?

This is why I am saying ACC will be so very important.

The important thing to remember is if you don't disrupt the enemy waves.

They are going to smash you into pieces.

They have very good set up!

Turn Meter Fill > Decreases Enemy Defense > Increase C. Rate > Increase Attack > Smash you to pieces > Gets Extra Turn

The heroes they have can do the above combination!

The Secret to winning is to not let them do the full combination!

You don't mind if they do parts of the combination.

You just don't want the full combination!

Lets give an example:

Lets say they have Turn Meter Fill

Lets say they have Decrease Enemy Defense

That is all fine, BUT GUESS WHAT?

The Increase C. Rate hero can't do his buff because he is Froze!

The Increase Attack hero can't do his buff because he is Stun!

The hero that Smash you to piece can't do his turn because his Turn Meter has been Reduced to 0!

Do you see what I am saying?

You don't mind if they do parts of the combination!

You just don't want to feel the full force of the combination.

You want to Crowd Control to mitigate the synergy they are building up among themselves!

3 - Find a more competitive Clan?  

You asked me the above question.

Most people think being in a competitive Clan makes them better.

I think it has an opposite effect.

I think it makes players worse!

I will explain why.

You told me you can 1 key Easy Mode + 1 key Normal Mode.

I think you should probably be in a Clan doing Hard Mode.

Now lets say for example:

You decided to quit your team to join a very competitive Clan.

The Clan you join has a bunch of players doing Ultra Nightmare Mode.

Most people would think joining this better clan doing the best Mode will make them better!

From my own experience, Most players end up quitting the game. lol

The reason why is because of Jealousy!

You are doing Hard Mode.

You are looking at this other people doing Ultimate Nightmare.

The whole time you are saying to yourself "That is where I want to be."

Every single day - you are taking this end - getting upset because your not there!

The issue is you have been playing for 4 months.

They have been playing for 1 year.

There is like no way for you to gain 8 months of progression over night.

And what happens is players start getting angry.

They get upset because they are not where they want to be.

Over time - They end up quitting.

This in a nutshell is what I have seen happen.

I am a Clan Leader.

My team does kills Easy - Normal - Hard - and on occasion Brutal.

I have tried to recruit low level/beginners players.

It always happens the same way.

They come in - they stick around for a little bit.

They get angry - They quit

I can't recruit anyone below player level 45 - 50

They don't stick around.

They get upset.

The players which are the most successful in my opinion.

Are the players who find people near there level / Clan Boss Mode.

The reason why is because of competition!

A player who is in Hard Mode can't compete vs. a teammate in Nightmare.

However, a player in Hard Mode vs. a teammate in Hard Mode is a different story!

They are so close to each other in points.

I think what happens is a competition sometimes breaks out.

You look at the Clan Boss list  - You see a person doing 10mil damage.

You might think I am going to see if I can beat them - I'm do 10.1mil damage. lol

It might sound strange, but I do think teammates compete with each other.

When you have someone else as a Rival - even if it is a teammate - It pushes you to be better.

I think this is how most players progress faster + get better as a whole in the game!

When players are close to each other, They compete with each other refining there skills.

When players are close to each other, They stimulate growth among themselves.

When players are close to each other, They start talking smack to each other - It makes the chat active.

I don't know your Clan situation.

Do you think your clan is going to develop to your CB Mode?

  • If they are - you can stay & growth with them.
  • If they are not - you can join different clan which is near your CB Mode

4 - Level new heroes to 60 that can help out hopefully in both Dungeons and Clan Boss   

I think that is a great idea!

You still have the information I gave you last time about Clan Boss.

You can see if any heroes you own or acquire can help fill some of the roles you might need in CB.

In regard to Dungeons, you might need to level up a Spirit Affinity hero which is a Tank.

The team you currently have is:

  • Lua --------------> Void
  • Kael -------------> Magic
  • Apoth -----------> Magic
  • Rhazin ---------> Force
  • Skullcrusher --> Force

Dragon 20 is Magic.

The reason the Dragon's Affinity matters is because of the way the AI Prioritizes Targets.

The AI likes to attack Affinities it is stronger vs. first

The AI likes to attack Affinities it is neutral vs. second

The AI likes to attack Affinities it is weak vs. last

Dragon 20 is Magic - So the AI wants to attack Spirit Affinity Heroes.

Right now your team - Has no Spirit Affinity Heroes.

What this means is the AI heroes are going to attack Neutral Heroes.

The AI heroes are going to attack your Magic (Kael + Apoth) heroes & Void (Lua) hero.

This is sort of bad for you - Rhazin & Skullcrusher are your Tank Defensive heroes 

Kael - Apoth - Lua = Pretty Squishy.

You really don't want the AI to attack your Squishy heroes.

You want the AI to attack a Tanky Heroes who can absorb the damage!

So what you might need to do is level a Spirit Affinity Tank!

Ideally, You want to level up a Spirit Affinity hero with tons - tons of Defense.

You want the hero to have like 4k Defense.

You need it to be a Tanky because the AI will begin to target it.

It has to survive the hits.

You can use Apoth to keep his Health maxed out 

Or you can put a Life Steal set on the Hero so it can heal with it hits.

Again this is just something to think about. 

Nov 30, 2019, 12:4211/30/19

Player J said:

Abigor said:

So my priorities:

1 - Get my 5 level 60 team to max masteries

2 - Get as high as I can after that at Dragon's Lair and farm for better gear

3 - Find a more competitive Clan?

4 - Level new heroes to 60 that can help out hopefully in both Dungeons and Clan Boss

Does that make sense?

Who should I focus on next and in what order?

THANKS AGAIN! Your insights have been incredibly valuable.


I would make a few changes to your priority list.

I think #1 is perfect.

I would change #2.


2 - I would do Arena, Dragon Lair, & Spider Den

Your Goal is to get as high as you can in Dragon Lair + Farm Gear.

It is a very good idea!

However, in order to get higher in Dragon Lair, you need to be aware of a few things.

  • The Higher Dragon Stages are Tougher
  • The Higher Dragon Stages have more Resistance

Lets talk about why this is important information to know.

Sorry for the long delay in my response. I wanted to wait to report back until I had completed masteries for all 5 characters. Thanks again for your incredible feedback and guidance!!!

First off, you were right!!! As soon as I maxed my masteries yesterday, things changed significantly for me. Even with my not-so-perfect Clan Boss team my damage went up 2.5 times. I managed to do a 13M hit on normal this morning and 10M on hard.

One thing you didn't tell me though is how freaking long that grind would be... LOL. WOW! That was ridiculous!!! Mastering 5 characters from scratch took such a long time.

I just changed Clans this morning - my old Clan can only beat Easy - I need to be part of a Clan that can consistently beat Medium and Hard. Thank you for advice of not going with a too competitive team from the start. I need to find a mid-game Clan... I think I found one this morning - not sure?

You said you were a Clan leader - what is the name of your Clan, do you have room for one more?

For the Arena battles, I was having a hard time going higher than Gold Tier II with the sub-par gear I have, so I decided to max Madame Serris yesterday and gave her and 3 accuracy sets. She is a game changer for me!!! Removing buffs is huge in Arena. Hopefully she will help me climb up the rankings. I also felt she could be my Attack + Def down hero in Clan Boss... just not sure who I take out for her???

I currenlty have maxed:

Madame Serris --> Void

Lua ------------> Void

Kael -----------> Magic

Apoth ----------> Magic

Rhazin ---------> Force

Skullcrusher ---> Force

Like you said I need a good Spirit affinity hero!!! I'm currently sitting on over 100 Ancient Shards waiting for a double event... hopefully I'll get one then.

I also really need to focus on my gear now that I have all my characters maxed masteries.

What are my next priorities?

#1 Alternate Arena, Dragon Lair & Spider Den

#2 Max a good Spirit hero

#3 Max another hero I already have while waiting for a good spirit hero? Who would you suggest next? Maybe Coldheart? Psylar?

Thanks again my friend!


Nov 30, 2019, 17:3511/30/19

Actually, My Team does have 2 team slots open.

You can join my team if you want too.

The name of the team is:

Do You Even Raid [BRRO]

We are top 784 in Global 
Dec 1, 2019, 14:0412/01/19
Player J said:

Actually, My Team does have 2 team slots open.

You can join my team if you want too.

The name of the team is:

Do You Even Raid [BRRO]

We are top 784 in Global 
Done - sent request to join.