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Youtuber eventually speaking true about RSL ? :D

Youtuber eventually speaking true about RSL ? :D

Nov 21, 2019, 15:0811/21/19

Youtuber eventually speaking true about RSL ? :D

Here is one RSL youtuber i used to check on quite a few time. And this time i guess it's eventually going to speak true.

It becomes really Pay To Win (about the relentless set reward from tornaments)

It's only for the elite not for you or me (speaking of himself)

It's only for people who spend money

This game feels like it is all for the upper echelon players, people who have money and want to spend money on a gotcha

This game doesn't scream anything out for free to play, for low spenders.

There is no way for you after year and a half to get books anywhere once you've done your initial logins

(after spealong of ultra nightmare clan boss) There's no way to get books in the game so they leave the game

There's no way to do a lot of thing in the game which is just basically WRONG


Freee to play should always be able to do what a spender could do but at a much longer time

I hope more RSL content youtuber will go that way and speak the truth about the game :D

Nov 21, 2019, 19:4511/21/19
I am not sure this game has any real pay to win elements.  There are no real ladders to climb.  For arena, you just pick teams you can beat and wait a few minutes before switching lists of people to fight.  Relentless gear, which I don't use, does not seem to be too great.  An 18% chance to go twice in a row is kind of iffy.  Sure, maybe someone will get to go 2 times 18% of the time but I do  not like those odds.   Maybe if they change arena where the battles are not over in the first round... but right now relentless gear seems OK to me and I have a hard time picking it over life steal.
Nov 21, 2019, 19:5811/21/19

If you take a look at the full video, you'll understand how it's a pay to win.

Tournaments are not won by the best, they are won by the one with the more money most of the time. At least if rewards is appealing.

And relentless gear seems to be quite interesting. It's also interesting when there are some required fusion champions as rewards.

But i do agree, as this game has no interaction between player, and no interesting late game challenges, it's some kind of play to collect perhaps :)
Nov 21, 2019, 22:2611/21/19
Nov 21, 2019, 22:28(edited)
This game is very deep, even as ptw there's always more to, more to achieve etc a d this is why I love this game. It's not easy. I've played easy games before and I got bored within 2 months. If you want an easy game maybe try something else? But I like that it's hard, and if it's hard for me (ptw) even after playing a lot for a long time, it's sure as hell gonna be even harder if you want to play for free :-) 
Nov 21, 2019, 23:5911/21/19
Nov 22, 2019, 00:02(edited)

Perhaps you should redefine HARD.

Hard game would mean challenging to me. It would have battles requiring reflexion, strategy. But RSL difficulty has never been that kind of hardness.

It's hard because events can't be achieved without paying. It's not like if you try harder you can get rewarded. If you don't pay, you don't get reward.

It's hard because the RNG is messed up. Like all champions have same chance to get out, but you eventually get always the same ones.

It's hard because high level in dungeon do not even give better rewards most of the time. How many 15th level gave you 4 lesser potion or less ?

It's hard because AI is doing stupid actions like going for an AOE on a boss when it could decrease it's turn meters by 75%.

It's hard because you need 15 books to max out most champions and you can't get book if you don't pay.

It's hard because you can't prepare for event as it's not advertised soon enough. And you only get schedule, not threshold information or how points will be given.

It's hard because they design hundreds of useless champions for few usefull champions only to lower chance to get something usefull.

So it's just not a f2p because F2P games are a category of game in which a free player will eventually get the reward but on a long run when a spender will just get it as soon as it get out. It's a pay2win because you have to pay to win the reward. I can't even see how someone can feel it's a reward when he has to pay (and so much more that it should ever cost).

And paying has never been a game difficulty level. You can't say a game is hard because you have to pay. It's not hard to pay, you do it every week to get food. It's just a paying product and RSL doesn't worth it in my opinion.Too much $$$ for something you could lose tomorrow with no refund and only tears.... think about SB nerf ;)

As for the deepness of the game, i can't see where you found that. Maybe you never played deep games :) If you take a look at the game, you can do most dungeons without bothering. I mean what's the point having 200+ champions when you can beat most of the game with 10 ? Except for arena where you face payers with full team of maxed out legendaries, you don't even need legendaries.

And as a free player i can find games. If we go on gotcha like computer games (because 60$ packs is a AAA computer game price), you can get MTGA, LOL, Dota2. All 3 of them are somewhat f2p gotcha games. You can get heroes/cards as long as you play the games. And if you want to go faster or get some skins you can pay.

Btw If you want a deep game, go for Mtga. A recent analyzis of the game has pointed out no computer would actually be able to do the perfect Mtga game. It's not even like chess or go games. Just there is to much possibility and probabilities to always have the best play.

And if you want a free deep grinding game, you can also go for PoE which is also a free diablo likecomputer game with a skill tree that would make you cry. And some dungeon like instancied area which would give you hard challenge (the kind of challenge you can't pay to achieve them)

I won't speak about phone games as i'm pretty sure there is a forum policy that would allow to sword a post if it's advertising other phone games.

It's really hard to defend RSL strategy unless you are a payer. Because once you start paying such amount for virtually nothing, your brain can't stand the contradiction between i pay too much to get junk. Thus it will make the junk be amazing to avoid being messed up.

Check out for cognitive dissonance. This is how RSL gets you once you start paying :)

Nov 22, 2019, 04:0711/22/19
Nov 22, 2019, 04:08(edited)

To Refute your post in a single devastating sentence, I am going to say the most obvious statement.

What Proof do you have that the people in your Tournament Bracket is Pay 2 Win?

What if all the people in your Tournament are Free 2 Play players?

You could be complaining about Pay 2 Win players while a bunch of Free 2 Play players are actually beating you.
Nov 22, 2019, 08:0411/22/19

Yeah i could. It would depends on the reward, and the kind of players in my bracket. I actually sometimes reach the 2nd or 2rd position in some dungeons tournaments. But the first place is most of the time unreachable by far.

But next event i'll do some math for you. I noticed you liked it. It must be easy to find if some tournaments points would require to use much more ressource a f2p can get, thus revealing a payer :)

And to end with that, it's not only my word but the youtuber's words (and this youtuber as most big RSL youtubers must be a very big whale in this game)

Nov 22, 2019, 14:0511/22/19
Nov 22, 2019, 14:10(edited)

If I can't complete the Christmas event, I'm going to leave the game and write a very bad review in Google play. I'm farming, I'm playing every day a lot of hours, but I'm not going to pay 300€ or more every month. I have no problems if I pay 30€ every month, but no more. And I have a Nintendo switch and PS4, maybe Nintendo and Sony take better care of me.

Time to think in all the players, plarium, not only a fews.

Edit. The old players always said in chat: at the beginning raid wasn't P2w. And everyone complete the events if they play. But now sucks. 

So... I can do a lot of things with my money if the company don't take care about me. 

Nov 22, 2019, 18:2611/22/19

Hi, IMO p2w players easier get legs and then artifacts of course, but to be honest this game Is either about good timing, saving resources (gems, silver, brews), vaulting (rares for fusions) and not participating in all madness-like events (told about Brakus Extreme fusion) and patience, patience, patience. As F2P fuse all 3 legs (Foli, Maulie, Jack) since entered the game, last 2 months save all shards for next fusion (vote for Santa - Sir Nic). The hardest thing in this game is looking at whales around you (they won almost every tournament without any problems - but i won lucky one time) and keep calm (or don't panic) about it.

It's only game, i will never spend a penny in this game (sorry Plarium) - it's my personal challenge - beat the cruel system for every f2p player (damned rng).

Good luck and enjoy your time with this game.

Nov 22, 2019, 20:2211/22/19

Ne0deis said:

Yeah i could. It would depends on the reward, and the kind of players in my bracket. I actually sometimes reach the 2nd or 2rd position in some dungeons tournaments. But the first place is most of the time unreachable by far.

But next event i'll do some math for you. I noticed you liked it. It must be easy to find if some tournaments points would require to use much more ressource a f2p can get, thus revealing a payer :)

And to end with that, it's not only my word but the youtuber's words (and this youtuber as most big RSL youtubers must be a very big whale in this game)

I believe it was Cirilla who said the game tries to match players fairly with other players in similar situation for the Bracket Tournament Events.

I believe the game tries to match Free 2 Play players with other Free 2 Player players with a similar Power level.

Players who spend a lot of money get matched with other players who spend a lot of money.

Stew in the video is complaining the event is Pay 2 Win because the people in his Bracket are paying large amounts to be number 1.

The issue is Stew is a Heavy Spender.

Stew is a Heavy Weight Spender - They are matching him up with other Heavy Weight Spenders

Stew was number 1 in Global Leader Board in the previous Dragon Dungeon Tournament.

It would be unfair if the game matched Stew up with a bunch of Free 2 Play players?

I love watching StewGaming youtube videos.

The issue is I believe Stew is being very Hypocritical in this video you are showing.

Stew is upset that he is matched with other people who spend trying to get the Relentless Gear.

However, I am sure other people felt the same way when Stew was number 1 in Global Leader Boards a few days back.

The above is a picture of the Spider event which happened yesterday.

Stew is ranked number 5 in Global. lol

Don't you understand?

Stew is merely saying what you want to hear & watch!

Stew is a youtube content creator.

When the camera is ON, Stew is telling you what you want to hear.

When the camera is OFF, Stew is number 1 in all the events!

The above picture is the ongoing Fire Knight Event. lol


Have Tswift sing a song about getting spanked by the Stewducer!

Nov 22, 2019, 20:5811/22/19

I can't prove a player is a pay 2 win as a player can't be a pay 2 win thing. But i guess you wanted me to prove that there are people in my bracket that are paying to win.

And you're absolutly right, there is no way i can prove for sure there is a spender in the bracket.

Many reasons :

- if reward is not appealing, why spending money ?

- if you are already 1st place, why spending more money than needed to keep a safety advance ?

- if no one in your bracket play the tournament, why spending money at all ?

I'd say the one way you can easily find spenders is when 2-3 big whales are challenging each other for the first place. All other case might only be supposition.

Does it means you can't complain about RSL organizing tournament only for payers ? I don't think so. As free player, you can't reach the top rewards of tournaments, especially when they are released on a 10 day period. And you know the maths, so you can't pretend it's false.

I should say after all that defense you have for the predatory greedy aspect of plarium that i assume you're one of those spenders. And as everyone knows, i wouldn't be able to prove that. Yet if i'm right, either you're enjoying the no challenge way of earning something by paying it, or you're already in the moments where you can't accept you're being milked.

We will certainly never agree on the facts that RSL is for spenders, and only spenders. But facts and maths don't lie ...

Nov 22, 2019, 21:0211/22/19

Player J said:

Ne0deis said:

Yeah i could. It would depends on the reward, and the kind of players in my bracket. I actually sometimes reach the 2nd or 2rd position in some dungeons tournaments. But the first place is most of the time unreachable by far.

But next event i'll do some math for you. I noticed you liked it. It must be easy to find if some tournaments points would require to use much more ressource a f2p can get, thus revealing a payer :)

And to end with that, it's not only my word but the youtuber's words (and this youtuber as most big RSL youtubers must be a very big whale in this game)

I believe it was Cirilla who said the game tries to match players fairly with other players in similar situation for the Bracket Tournament Events.

I believe the game tries to match Free 2 Play players with other Free 2 Player players with a similar Power level.

Players who spend a lot of money get matched with other players who spend a lot of money.

Stew in the video is complaining the event is Pay 2 Win because the people in his Bracket are paying large amounts to be number 1.

The issue is Stew is a Heavy Spender.

Stew is a Heavy Weight Spender - They are matching him up with other Heavy Weight Spenders

Stew was number 1 in Global Leader Board in the previous Dragon Dungeon Tournament.

It would be unfair if the game matched Stew up with a bunch of Free 2 Play players?

I love watching StewGaming youtube videos.

The issue is I believe Stew is being very Hypocritical in this video you are showing.

Stew is upset that he is matched with other people who spend trying to get the Relentless Gear.

However, I am sure other people felt the same way when Stew was number 1 in Global Leader Boards a few days back.

The above is a picture of the Spider event which happened yesterday.

Stew is ranked number 5 in Global. lol

Don't you understand?

Stew is merely saying what you want to hear & watch!

Stew is a youtube content creator.

When the camera is ON, Stew is telling you what you want to hear.

When the camera is OFF, Stew is number 1 in all the events!

The above picture is the ongoing Fire Knight Event. lol


Have Tswift sing a song about getting spanked by the Stewducer!

Stew is just saying event's are for spenders. It's true and the fact another player is spending more than him doesn't mean it's for free players.

When looking at tornament thresholded rewards, you know a free player can't get the highest ones. It's not even events where participation is really rewarded.

As for what Cirilla might have said ... i'd say it's a community manager. It says what it's told to say wether it's true or not she can't know. There are many things CM already said like "we are deeply sad to read ...., we'll get the feedback to developpers"  and months later nothing change, or it changes for the worse.
Nov 23, 2019, 09:4711/23/19

Hey hey

There are many factors to these discussions regarding the game, i can understand the perspective that very much looks like pay to win, player J is right regarding the paring of players similiar to themselves, where spending is considered when matching up with other players.

In general these tournments will be different and do require engagement from yourself to complete, unlike many games that basiclly hand you everything(speaking generally),  i Personelly like this though and thats just me.

I will forward this post as feedback the to Dev's and CM, because they will very much want to hear it.

Many thanks and good luck.
Nov 23, 2019, 11:3711/23/19

They always really much want to hear it when reading moderators and CM. But hearing is not listenning and facts show they hear the complaints and ignore them again and again and again.

There was complain about jack's fusion being impossible for free players. You throw an even worse fusion requirements few weeks laters !

And being a developper myself, i'd say that it's just figures to change in a database to tweak the event. It's not like it requires any developpements at all. And if it does require developpements, then change your dev team because those tournaments are ALL the same and they all works the same way.
Nov 23, 2019, 18:5611/23/19

Ne0deis said:

I can't prove a player is a pay 2 win.....

Thank you!

You have single handily defeated your entire argument while making me seem so awesome!

 GG Friend!

Nov 23, 2019, 20:0411/23/19
Nov 23, 2019, 20:06(edited)

You can't prove player is not a pay 2 win because pay 2 win is not an adjective that goes for someone, but for something.

Sad you can't read all the sentence.

Then if you want i can give you the counter argument. You can't prove a player isn't a payer ...

To be more specific, if i say all tournament have payers in every bracket, you will never be able to prove the contrary.
Nov 23, 2019, 21:0311/23/19
I agree with most if not everything you are saying but at this point I think it is best to just accept that this is way the game is and it isn't going to change anytime soon. I skip almost all the tournaments and events except for the ones that I would be working on anyway. Keeps me sane that way and not overly disappointed.
Nov 24, 2019, 05:3711/24/19

Ne0deis said:

You can't prove player is not a pay 2 win because pay 2 win is not an adjective that goes for someone, but for something.

Sad you can't read all the sentence.

Then if you want i can give you the counter argument. You can't prove a player isn't a payer ...

To be more specific, if i say all tournament have payers in every bracket, you will never be able to prove the contrary.

I don't have to prove a player is not pay 2 win.

I never made any accusations.

You are the one who made accusations.

When you make accusations, The burden of proof rests on your shoulders not ours.

Nov 24, 2019, 10:1711/24/19
Nov 24, 2019, 10:18(edited)

True and that's where maths can come up. Though for the tournament i just don't really care about it. Like when someone making 750pts in less than 12 hours, which would have required at the best 30 perfect rewards (6 star legendary items) requiring 420 energy. which is statistically possible but with RSL stats very unprobable.

It means there was certainly more than 420 energy involved in that points rush. Still it won't be a proof as

1- i can't prove the +750 in the 10 hours

2 - i can't prove that player was uber lucky man

3 - it might be a player that used energy refills from weekly/monthly. I would have had to challenge him for 2nd place to see if he was able to raise higher and i didn't want to waste energy.

But you can't refute on one of thing, there is always POTENTIAL paying players in EVERY tournaments.They will just start to pay when they are challenged.

And last thing ... it's not accusation that i made, just assumption base on RSL general way of working.
Nov 24, 2019, 11:4911/24/19

The question is simple:

As a F2P, if you fail to build a team that can do ultra nightmare within 3 months time, are there any other realistic ways to get books?

I have both a budget paid account and free account, if trajectory holds, I'd probably fail to fully book a single Legendary in the span of the year unless I get really lucky and get specific champions that can probably do ultra nightmare on a budget. 

The free account, although flooded with 6 star champs and food to 6 star more is still even further ways away. Not only do I have less books, I also have less choice for end game champions because champion balance is TERRIBLE and it's getting more terrible by the day because they are flooding the loot pool with more and more garbage champs to serve as food for fusions that Free Players can't participate in anyway.

This game is the exact opposite of "customizable". Characters have no skins, can't get books to test out skills, you can't experiment with gear because it costs silver, gear is very dumbed down but yet some gear are almost exclusive or behind a paywall, you can't organize, can't sort, no smart search. It's like your champions will live and die wearing the same thing forever.

RAID is so restricted and nickel and dime-y about everything that it actually had me literally signing up for Diablo Immortal updates. That's right, i'm looking forward to Diablo Immortal and I've been a die hard Diablo PC my entire gaming life.   

Nov 24, 2019, 13:0211/24/19

I've currently started a game where it is possible for nearly free gem equivalent to reset a champion.

In that game, you level UP champion through 2 items. When you reset, you get ALL the items amount spent, the champion at level 1, and all equipement.

In that game, you can change items for free (like no silver, no gem). You level them up by sacrificing other items. It"s not some messed up RNG that make you spend 1M to go from a level to another.

And in that game, there is still challenges. You have threshold you can pass by tweaking your team, testing the composition? adjusting. You're just not blocked by some foolish restrictions.

They don't have hundreds of useless champions so i think it's quite easy to get them even though leveling and ranking them up will take some times.

The more i play it, the more i see how RSL is badly designed.