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Lost Too Much Arena Rank

Lost Too Much Arena Rank

Nov 19, 2019, 17:0311/19/19

Lost Too Much Arena Rank


Not sure if this is normal or not, but I woke up this morning, and I lost 100 points to my Arena rank.

Checking the battle log there were only four defenses, and I won one, leaving the net loss at 16 points.  Yet I was hit with a 100 point loss.

Not sure what happened.

Any insight?
Nov 19, 2019, 17:3911/19/19

mangfish said:


Not sure if this is normal or not, but I woke up this morning, and I lost 100 points to my Arena rank.

Checking the battle log there were only four defenses, and I won one, leaving the net loss at 16 points.  Yet I was hit with a 100 point loss.

Not sure what happened.

Any insight?

Hello mangfish,

after a few defeated match the log is restarted and you saw only the last match. 

Remember we have got the Arena Event so it's normal situation in this period.

If you will have some other problem write to us

Have a nice dayaa

Nov 19, 2019, 18:3411/19/19

Ah, still seems not right.

I meant on the log there was only four battles during the time I was sleeping.  I still see all the battles before that as well.

The only explanation would be that the majority of battles are not showing up on the log at all.

Thanks for your answer though.
Nov 19, 2019, 20:4511/19/19
Nov 19, 2019, 20:46(edited)

I thought I was imagining things until I saw this post.

I experienced the exact same thing. I was in Gold IV at the conclusion of the last arena cycle (and was awarded a Gold IV Box). The cycle usually ends when I'm asleep in bed due to where I live in the world. I woke up and found myself plunged to Gold II, with a medal count of 2583. That would mean I lost over 300 medals in a few hours, which has just never happened.

This needs to be looked into, as I imagine it has happened to lots of people. I just thought nothing of it until I saw this post.

Nov 19, 2019, 21:2211/19/19
Nov 19, 2019, 21:23(edited)

Another clan member of mine reported dropping from the top of G3 to the bottom of G1 last night.

Just to add another example.
Nov 20, 2019, 16:0111/20/19
Nov 20, 2019, 16:02(edited)
WOW the same thing happened to me. My arena team is absolutely insane so nobody attacks me, Last arena cycle I finished at 3199 points and woke up in the morning with 2600, with an empty defense log as it always is empty. I was wondering WTF happened!
Nov 20, 2019, 20:4711/20/19

Hi guys,

i don't know what's happend but if you wanna help us to understand better you can send me your Id in Pm and we will check this issues.

I hope this will not happen again and it's so fast to turn back in Gold 4 so you will do ti soon and you are best i know this.

Have a nice day!