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How is Alice for the experienced players?How is Alice for the experienced players?

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How is Alice for the experienced players?

Mar 23, 2025, 14:443 days

How is Alice for the experienced players?

I joined up about a week ago and just got Alice. After only several hours of building her up, she's amazing already. So, as my first legendary, should I focus on using the Legendary tomes to upgrade her skills? Or should I save them for another (more deserving?) Legendary?

Mar 23, 2025, 16:313 days

Alice is very good. Unless you randomly pull someone amazing, I'd say she's worth putting books into right away. And even if you do pull someone, you'll want to book Alice eventually anyway, she's still useful even in endagme.

Mar 23, 2025, 19:393 days
Mar 23, 2025, 19:40(edited)

Uh...I actually did randomly pull a Mythical character....I wouldn't have expected that for at least a month of playing and random pulls with the right shards.

But since Legendary tomes are useless for him, your advice still stands. Thanks, I'll still focus on her. Looking forward to getting that one Epic character, Rector   in a day or so. He has been SUPER annoying in arena matches (with his abilities to revive teammates and hide himself).

Mar 23, 2025, 20:403 days
Mar 23, 2025, 20:41(edited)

Some people in my clan have been playing for years and havent pulled a mythical yet

I lucked out and got one ( love my Siegfrund) just shortly after they were introduced, haven't pulled one since, though I think I'm getting close on primal mercy by now.

Mar 23, 2025, 21:543 days

Just pulled my first one recently (relatively useless one outside arena - Mezomel). Might still build them up if I can get the soul.

That said - the nice thing about Mythical champs, especially for newer players, is that they tend to be perfectly usable even unbooked.