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Alice and relics Help Please!Alice and relics Help Please!

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Alice and relics Help Please!

Mar 23, 2025, 04:284 days

Alice and relics Help Please!

Hello, will something like the sanguinis relic be better or the malefic for her.

Will the 30% turn meter benefit enough from the 15% increase from sanguinis to use it or would the malefic be better. Also I'm assuming it's an 15% increase of the 30% not a flat increase from 30% to 45%.

Also even with that I noticed the sanguinis even at lvl 3 has a good hp bonus. Could anyone tell me how much it benefits hp at later lvls? Even if the effect isn't good enough should I use sanguinis givin the hp as well or stick with Maleific.

Mar 23, 2025, 08:443 days

It's a 15% increase OF the 30% I believe, so 30% becomes 34.5%

I wouldn't really focus too much on the HP of Relics BUT if you want to see their full stats, go to the Forge and then Relics and Relic Index.

Malefic becomes 50% chance fully leveled/ranked but still 20% dmg.

Anywho here's what it looks like when you go to the index:


Mar 24, 2025, 10:012 days
Mar 25, 2025, 10:18(edited)
2 days

Give her an accuracy banner and speed boots then you're good. She's a decent nuker but she needs to have a turn. Even if she doesn't wipe the team, most of their skills are on cooldown and sets up for your second nuker will finish the job. She's soft counter to wukong bc when he comes back, his skills are on cd