There's void leggos the top Content Creators still don't have and have been chasing for years unfortunately.
I would again like to ask that Primals have a chance to summon Void champions. However, what you gotta ask yourself is "Will Plarium end up selling less shards if they implement this" and if the answer is yes, it's not happening.
That being said, I could see some folk being willing to buy Voids with real money if the odds were better BUT I can see why people wouldn't spend as much too. Look at your situation, if you had gotten Marichka, you might not be as focused on getting Void shards now, right?
Oh and lastly: Progressive Chance needs better odds OR at the very least, Epics should partially count toward increasing the Leggo chances. Something better is needed, even with a 50x chance on a specific void, would you even have a 10% chance of getting it if you pulled 1000 void shards (for example)?