1. The rate for Accept/Refuse is irrelevant. It is relevant to the team developing the matching system. A great deal of Refusals means the system is not working. Most people will Accept a battle they deem fair or interesting or one the feel they can win. They will Refuse battles that seem unwinnable. Both Accept and the battle moves forward. One person Refuses and the battle is canceled and another match is made. Seems like a veery simple and strait forward way for folks to decide rather than being impelled.
2. If my 250k team is matched against one with 400k to over 1 million+ then team power certainly does become relevant. I can decide if I want to go up against that team or not. We should be able to see the team power of the team we are matched against In order to help make an informed decision about Accepting or Refusing a match. Once both teams have been decided the Team powers can be calculated and displayed.
3. We see the team power in Arena & Tag Team Arena and we make choices about attacking or not partially based on that. It should be the same in Live Arena. If I simply close the window it counts as a loss. This is bogus imho. We would not need accept & refuse buttons if we could choose not to join a battle. As is, I am forced to enter the battle and watch myself be soundly defeated or close the window and be counted as defeated.
4. The matching system simply has no way of creating fairly matched teams other than random. Having the algorithm based on account lvl instead of Live Arena pnts (or however it is currently being done) would give a better chance of creating evenly matched teams.
4. The idea behind the Accept/Refuse button is to give us a choice Instead of being forced into a battle we already know we have no chance of winning. There have been many times where I was completely overwhelmed and my next battle I was matched against the very same team.
Keep In mind that if we do not join Arena and Live Arena we cannot advance our Great Hall. This makes PvP a requirement to advancing in the game.