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Mad Hatter progress fusion

Mad Hatter progress fusion

Jan 8, 2025, 14:5601/08/25

Mad Hatter progress fusion

at you  PG H8ers  out there = this is my blog  :P

artifact enhancement and champ training done  -  50 frags  in the bag

waiting till tomorrow to do Fire Knight tourney with Dungeon divers . I caculated 100 auto runs to complete Fire Knight  and  pretty much decided that will not be enough to complete Dungeon Divers.  So going to run the Event Dungeon to round out  the  required  pts for Dungeon Divers  tomorrow

and that will be my first void epic and 100 frags.  25% done in 2 days

Jan 8, 2025, 15:0501/08/25

Should probably grind event dungeon for pinpoint gear anyway. I regret having not done more farming when it was Odin, gonna make up for it this time.

Jan 8, 2025, 15:5801/08/25

Should probably grind event dungeon for pinpoint gear anyway. I regret having not done more farming when it was Odin, gonna make up for it this time.

I as  well express this same feeling

But to the OP   ,  want to say I invite anyones  progression report on this thread and/or  if your even  doing-passing this fusion

Jan 8, 2025, 18:3101/08/25

Dd1 and dd3 both overlap with two dungeon tourneys, so they're easy completes. You need roughly 60 super raids on the h10 dungeons to clear the tourneys, and then another 10 or so to get the dd completed.

Jan 8, 2025, 19:2101/08/25

Should probably grind event dungeon for pinpoint gear anyway. I regret having not done more farming when it was Odin, gonna make up for it this time.

Will definitely be my drug of choice for the next few months.

Jan 9, 2025, 02:1401/09/25

Will definitely be my drug of choice for the next few months.

That, but also quaaludes

Jan 9, 2025, 14:2201/09/25

Day 2 and 25% completed  with 100 frags 

Just finished FireKnight Dungeon  and switched to the Event Dungeon stage 20 to auto run and complete my Dungeon Divers

Tomorrow makes  me nervous because  its the one area  I am lacking in for this fusion - shards to pull

Jan 9, 2025, 15:4201/09/25

Can we just make hateful PG comments instead of progress reports in your blog? Asking for a friend 😆 

I have a promo code for your shard problem:


Jan 9, 2025, 16:4701/09/25
Jan 9, 2025, 16:48(edited)

Can we just make hateful PG comments instead of progress reports in your blog? Asking for a friend 😆 

I have a promo code for your shard problem:


your certainly welcome to try and get me   going  with a comment ;)   and appreciate  the free  sacred shard  promo  = nice :)

Jan 10, 2025, 09:2001/10/25

Day 2 and 25% completed  with 100 frags 

Just finished FireKnight Dungeon  and switched to the Event Dungeon stage 20 to auto run and complete my Dungeon Divers

Tomorrow makes  me nervous because  its the one area  I am lacking in for this fusion - shards to pull

You can fuse Broadmaw for a lot of points, you don't have to only use Shards. In fact you can remnant summon AND you get points for any champs you get running campaign. Broadmaw is the best way to go though if you can

Jan 11, 2025, 14:3701/11/25

Up to date with 100% completion on  current fusion content  175 fragments so far. Waiting on Artifact enhancement tomorrow now (sitting on 200+ mil silver so going to be no problem ;)

I will note that I have not pushed  in any tourney for  the  Event Relics for the simple reason it does  not  guarantee a event relic  when crafting .  the 50% chance  is not good enough for me to push for any of that temptation

Stay the course and  complete the fusion ;)

Jan 11, 2025, 20:4901/11/25

You can fuse Broadmaw for a lot of points, you don't have to only use Shards. In fact you can remnant summon AND you get points for any champs you get running campaign. Broadmaw is the best way to go though if you can

I save rares for both Broadmaw & Relickeeper.  Broadmaw is void so he is 100 more poitns, but Relickeeper costs 700K less silver to fuse and his component rares are a lot easier to come by. 

Jan 11, 2025, 21:2901/11/25

I save rares for both Broadmaw & Relickeeper.  Broadmaw is void so he is 100 more poitns, but Relickeeper costs 700K less silver to fuse and his component rares are a lot easier to come by. 

Yes but Relickeeper's Rares have to be leveled to 40, not 30, which is a big waste of pots or time since you can't rank them to 5 before you use them (I don't think) so you lose a lot for Champion Training resources.

If Relickeeper's Rares only needed to be level 30, then maybe he's in contention. Also Relickeeper does need a Void and if you don't pull that void, you need to sacrifice 4 more rares to get him.

Lastly 700k Silver in savings isn't really a factor. 

TLDR: If you can do Broadmaw, always do Broadmaw over Relickeeper

Jan 11, 2025, 22:2501/11/25

Yes but Relickeeper's Rares have to be leveled to 40, not 30, which is a big waste of pots or time since you can't rank them to 5 before you use them (I don't think) so you lose a lot for Champion Training resources.

If Relickeeper's Rares only needed to be level 30, then maybe he's in contention. Also Relickeeper does need a Void and if you don't pull that void, you need to sacrifice 4 more rares to get him.

Lastly 700k Silver in savings isn't really a factor. 

TLDR: If you can do Broadmaw, always do Broadmaw over Relickeeper

Of course Broadmaw is easier to do.  I did not say otherwise.  But two of the rares must be pulled from void shards and don't drop nearly often enough to count on. I fuse every Broadmaw possible on my account, but I fuse more Relickeepers, and yes, you can rank those rares to L5 if you want to, but IMO, that is a waste of resources.  

I will do 3k for the first lego book in this tounrey with nothing but greens, fusions, remnant summons and one pull from the summon pull.

Jan 12, 2025, 00:2501/12/25
Jan 12, 2025, 00:27(edited)

Of course Broadmaw is easier to do.  I did not say otherwise.  But two of the rares must be pulled from void shards and don't drop nearly often enough to count on. I fuse every Broadmaw possible on my account, but I fuse more Relickeepers, and yes, you can rank those rares to L5 if you want to, but IMO, that is a waste of resources.  

I will do 3k for the first lego book in this tounrey with nothing but greens, fusions, remnant summons and one pull from the summon pull.

It's not a waste of resources to rank up the 4 rares to rank 5 before you fuse Relickeeper if Champion Training is going on (which it current is overlapping with Champ Chase). 

I'm not sure what the point of this is? I never said not to fuse Relickeeper, I just said Broadmaw was the best way to go and it seems like you agree. He's easier and worth more points.

I never said to use Void Shards to get the rares you needed so... what exactly is the discussion here? I should have also told Priest to Summon the Voids for Hatter immediately too since they're also void epics. 

I think all these posts and apparent one-sided argument(?) could have been avoided if you just said "Oh btw also Fuse Relickeeper if you can for points too" and lots of time would have been saved. 

Since I have no clue what we're even discussing at this point, let's just move on to other posts.

Jan 12, 2025, 06:0301/12/25

It's not a waste of resources to rank up the 4 rares to rank 5 before you fuse Relickeeper if Champion Training is going on (which it current is overlapping with Champ Chase). 

I'm not sure what the point of this is? I never said not to fuse Relickeeper, I just said Broadmaw was the best way to go and it seems like you agree. He's easier and worth more points.

I never said to use Void Shards to get the rares you needed so... what exactly is the discussion here? I should have also told Priest to Summon the Voids for Hatter immediately too since they're also void epics. 

I think all these posts and apparent one-sided argument(?) could have been avoided if you just said "Oh btw also Fuse Relickeeper if you can for points too" and lots of time would have been saved. 

Since I have no clue what we're even discussing at this point, let's just move on to other posts.

😂 That is basically what I said when I posted this:  "I save rares for both Broadmaw & Relickeeper. Broadmaw is void so he is 100 more poitns, but Relickeeper costs 700K less silver to fuse and his component rares are a lot easier to come by."

Jan 14, 2025, 02:5501/14/25
Jan 14, 2025, 02:57(edited)

My update report.  I have 175 frags with Arti and DD almost done.  Have I missed anything?

We normally have a fusion graphic with a schedule of the events.  Where is it this time?

EDIT: I do Broadmaw and Relickeeper as often as I can.  

Jan 14, 2025, 03:4801/14/25

My update report.  I have 175 frags with Arti and DD almost done.  Have I missed anything?

We normally have a fusion graphic with a schedule of the events.  Where is it this time?

EDIT: I do Broadmaw and Relickeeper as often as I can.  


Jan 18, 2025, 17:3901/18/25

DONE!   I did  not wait today when I finished this fusion. I summoned  my Mad Hatter 

Also will say with in 2 hrs  of   completing the fusion on my account that my wife also  completed her fusion  :)

Now we  are getting back to playing some normal Raid .   Chimera / Doom Tower / Cursed City

Jan 18, 2025, 20:2601/18/25

DONE!   I did  not wait today when I finished this fusion. I summoned  my Mad Hatter 

Also will say with in 2 hrs  of   completing the fusion on my account that my wife also  completed her fusion  :)

Now we  are getting back to playing some normal Raid .   Chimera / Doom Tower / Cursed City

I thought a lot of people were skipping the Summon Rush fragments from the current SR because of the 2nd SR which will likely overlap with another event?

Jan 18, 2025, 21:1001/18/25

Personally, I skipped DD2 and art enhance 3.