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Which kind of artifacts do you use most?

Which kind of artifacts do you use most?

Nov 13, 2019, 18:1511/13/19

Which kind of artifacts do you use most?

I'm asking this because I wonder whether 'daze' or for example 'frost' really adds something to a champion, since I find the chance still small that this lands, where the ones where there is an increase of what is already there (hp, atk, def, spd, etc), seems to me more effective

What do you think?


Nov 13, 2019, 19:1611/13/19

As I understood, you're talking about sets right?

So, here is the thing:

1. Sets like Daze and Frost are much worse than stun. If you want to unable your opponent to make a move, than use stun debuf set. Becouse "Sleep" can be canceled when enemy takes dmg, so when there is his turn and for example he is poisoned, than the poison dmg cancels sleep debuf and he is able to move.

Frost debuf is ok, but it reduces taken dmg while champ is in ice.

Stun has no negatives.

2. You have to know (maybe you do, but I'm just saying), that sets like HP, ATK, DEF, and SPD gives % from basic stats of champions. It means that If you have champ with 1000 ATK basic and 3000 ATK additional, you'll receive only 150 ATK, instead of 600 ATK.

3. And not always you have to gear your champions with sets, sometimes it is better to equip for example boots with primary stat speed, and gauntlets with primary C. DMG % from different sets, and it will be better for specific champion than gearing him with sets but with useless primary stats for him.
Nov 14, 2019, 01:3611/14/19
Nov 14, 2019, 01:43(edited)

thanks Rughes, I learned a few things, and yes I am talking about sets

Can you give an example of your last comment, the number 3? I can imagine it gives the right boosts to a champ even though it doesn't take the advantage of the set. Is that about right?

The fact that I see some of those debuffs not lingering as long as I expect was one of the reasons to ask the question. As for that you gave a clear answer

Nov 14, 2019, 04:2411/14/19

Early in the game you try to match gear to get the most of set bonuses. That's also when you usually prefer main stat bonus sets, like ATK, DEF, HP.

Mid-game set bonus renders secondary, as you can get more from just getting the right main/sub stats. For example, you have ATK gloves and chest with %DEF main stat. They give +15% ATK as set bonus, and +100% DEF from main stats.

Late game, you rely on specific sets like lifesteal, accuracy, speed, crit chance/damage. 

Most of the sets, aside from aforementioned, are somewhat exotic that you may use for fun in arena or some dungeons i.e. using toxic set on clan boss. They may work well for some champions i.e. using stun on aoe support, or retaliation on Reinbeast. But they are somewhat always inferior overall.

Nov 14, 2019, 05:1311/14/19
Lifesteal,  Speed, Accuracy, Crit Damage, Crit Rate in that order.  The other ones including "relentless" are not worth using.  Polarium really needs to change all the 4x sets to 2x.  That would make the other sets more viable.  As of now the other sets are pretty much junk.
Nov 14, 2019, 23:0211/14/19

The gear I try to use the most are the gear which come from the Dragon Dungeon.

I don't like the other dungeons very much so I try to void using gear from them.
Nov 14, 2019, 23:5811/14/19
thanks guys, those are clear answers and makes it more clear to me. Not all unexpected, but learned a few things
Nov 20, 2019, 05:5311/20/19
Nov 20, 2019, 05:54(edited)

Taureck said:

I'm asking this because I wonder whether 'daze' or for example 'frost' really adds something to a champion, since I find the chance still small that this lands, where the ones where there is an increase of what is already there (hp, atk, def, spd, etc), seems to me more effective

What do you think?


I use Lifesteal on my Attackers, ( only ones sith AOEs) And Immortal on my Support, And Sometimes i use frost on champs with provoke or like Hellfang, Also I’ll put it on high defense, low hp champs so they get attacked more! 

I use Retaliation on AOE Auto attackers Like Banshee Or Fellhound, And once i have a decent set, Stun on Auto A1 Attackers

BTW, Daze isn’t good unless ur solo
Nov 20, 2019, 07:1111/20/19
Nov 20, 2019, 07:14(edited)
  • Retaliation

It is very good on Damage Dealing heroes - who have an A1 AOE skill.

  • Reflex

It is very good on A2 Only heroes - who have a POWERFUL COOLDOWN skill.

  • Provoke

It is very good on Defensive heroes - who have DECREASE ATTACK AOE skill.

  • Lifesteal

It is very good on Damage Dealing heroes - who don't have SELF HEALING skills.

  • Destroy

It is very good on Single Target heroes - who have BLOCK REVIVE skills.

  • Toxic

It is very good on Defensive heroes - who have AOE skills.

  • Frost

It is very good on Defensive heroes - who have PROVOKE skills.

  • Fury

It is very good on HP heroes - who have PROVOKE skills.

  • Stalwart

It is very good on Resurrection heroes - who have HERO REVIVING skills.

  • Curing

It is very good for HP heroes - who have TEAM HEALING skills.

  • Regeneration

It is very good for Self Healing heroes - who have SELF HEALING skills.

  • Frenzy

It is very good for Disruption heroes - who have SELF HEALING ALONG WITH BUFFS/DEBUFFS skills.

  • Immunity 

It is very good for Support heroes - who have TEAM CLEANSING skills.

  • Savage

It is very good for Damage Dealing heroes - who have IGNORE SHIELD & BLOCK DAMAGE skills.

  • Stun & Daze

It is very good on Low Damage Dealing heroes - who have AOE skills.

  •  Cursed

It is very good for increasing your Silver

  • Avenging

It is very good for increasing your Silver

Do you see?

There is no such thing as bad gear!

It is all very good!
Nov 20, 2019, 18:5011/20/19
wow, thanks for the detailed list Player J!
Nov 21, 2019, 09:2211/21/19

Hey Hey

Nice work Payer J, lol at the last two.

Honestly I generally only use a few sets now but it's subjective to my style of playing and the champs I have.

I generally Collect and use, Speed, Lifesteal, Stalwarts, Relentless, immortal, cruel, Retaliation, reflex, stun and frost. (that said I don't consider the other basic sets except for speed to be major like the rest to focus on. but I do collect them because I personally use them to finish off builts so to me it's a given that I collect but I don't focus on them.)

many thanks and good luck

Nov 22, 2019, 04:5011/22/19

@Taureck - Your Welcome

@Kiwi Mcsheep - I have been collecting all the gears I can to be honest.

Most of the gears I get from drops have horrible stats which force me to sell them.

I have been trying to experiment with gears that other players might not want to use or test out.

I like testing out offbeat gear sets.

A lot of people say certain gears are very bad - But the question is are they really bad?

Maybe, The Raid Community has misjudged certain gears.

Maybe, The reason people think certain gears are bad is because they haven't found the right hero!

Yeah, I try to find uses for some gears which might not get used a lot.

Nov 22, 2019, 19:0611/22/19

Experimenting would be fine, IF THERE IS NO COST FOR EQUIPPING.

IF we have to pay so much to level up artifacts and THEN equip/unequip  to just experiment to find things out, THAT IS DUMB. We need to keep pounding the DEVs to get rid of this stupid cost. 

Nov 22, 2019, 20:2811/22/19
Nov 22, 2019, 20:29(edited)

madfox said:

Experimenting would be fine, IF THERE IS NO COST FOR EQUIPPING.

IF we have to pay so much to level up artifacts and THEN equip/unequip  to just experiment to find things out, THAT IS DUMB. We need to keep pounding the DEVs to get rid of this stupid cost. 

I don't have the problem you are having.

I don't Un-Equip Gear.

I just destroy it and start over.

Sometimes, I Unequip my gear for some silver.

I am completely ok with it.