Spent 200 dollars for HarvestJ DIDNT get him
Over the past week I spent around $200 just to get Harvest Jack. A combination of ascendancy pots, energy and silver. For the past 5 days I've had everything required for Jack, but had to buy over 3000 energy alone JUST to get Rune Warder (who's drop rate is criminally low). In the past 24 hours I've spent probably another $50 on gems and other energy ect. to complete ascending and leveling for final requirements; including early-unlock of force keep for additional force ascend pots, a pack of white pots, ect.
With about 2 1/2 hours til Jack's cutoff time I had only 1 ascendancy potion and 2 more lvls remaining for Lady Atessa, and I'd be done. Easily do-able within the next 30 mins... then the servers went down for maintenance...
Over the last couple hours I repeatedly tried connecting, to no avail. Upon finally getting into the game I only had 12 mins remaining. I quickly purchased $20 worth of gems to try and make up lost time, but it was useless. Unless I decided to sink ANOTHER 50 goddamn dollars to get a ton of ascend pots I DIDNT need, for the ONE I did need, I was screwed.
I assumed Plarium would extend the fusion time for harvest Jack, given the server maintenance interruption, but they haven't.
I'm dead-serious when I ask Plarium to please consider re-opening Harvest Jack fusion for the accumulative time that people couldn't connect to servers. I know I'm not the only one who encountered this issue as there's a post on the technical forums as well.