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Power rating

Power rating

Nov 10, 2019, 15:5611/10/19

Power rating

can anyone explain how power rating works this literally makes no sense I'll be in the arena with power rating of around 70,000 and I'll be getting virtually one shot at by teams with 38000 40,000. but then I'll be teams with over a hundred thousand power rate it doesn't make any sense.  They will be champions that are five star that I'll be hitting with my strongest 6-star champ we normally does 20K and he won't even be able to do three or four K to a 5-star champ.  Then I'll be fighting teams it'll have like a five-star level 40 truhit my maxed out six star Pro 38000 diamond. And their team power rating will be like 35 it's making playing the arena impossible
Nov 10, 2019, 16:1511/10/19

Power rating is orientative. I had the same experience.

Even now I avoid nuke teams that are half my power because they will always kill my dmg dealers and leave the supports alive, with which I cannot win.

Also, power is mostly influenced, as far as I've seen, by Acc and Res and not by Speed, Def and not nearlt as much by Atk. So a team with 200+ Speed and +150% Atk will be much stronger while appearing much weaker.

I remember adding a maxed Res Banner to my Harvest Jack and he jumped from 22k to 31k. Meanwhile equipping a banner with literally the same substats by HP primary only put him at 26k-ish.

The most concerning thing is tho, how does pretty much every lvl40-50 team have all champs with over 200 speed? I barely got my Cupidus to 197 after dozens of attempts and a ton of farming.

Apr 2, 2020, 03:3504/02/20

I can't believe how many people can't figure out these obvious things:

If you build a team of AE nukers with a ton of attack and crit, you can leave HP, DEF, and resist ad a minimum, which will (duh) reduce your apparent power.

What's more, strategy obviously matters more than power. Power can't include the enemy's synergy, or whether your team is vulnerable to it.

Gah, what kind of genius doesn't find this stuff self-evident?

Apr 2, 2020, 06:3004/02/20
It depends on resistance, crit rate/dmg and main stat (the one you read in the skills description).
Apr 2, 2020, 18:2204/02/20
Thx valdyes very informative. I wondered about this myself. Couldt figure out why Maulie (nice picture btw) was my champ with highest power when alot  of her gear were level 8-12.
Apr 25, 2020, 16:3704/25/20
kazymandias said:

I can't believe how many people can't figure out these obvious things:

If you build a team of AE nukers with a ton of attack and crit, you can leave HP, DEF, and resist ad a minimum, which will (duh) reduce your apparent power.

What's more, strategy obviously matters more than power. Power can't include the enemy's synergy, or whether your team is vulnerable to it.

Gah, what kind of genius doesn't find this stuff self-evident?

That must be the most obnoxious, hateful, self-important reply I've read on any forum. Ever. And I've been around a long time. What kind of person replies in such a manner to someone asking for help understanding something? Well, I know, but I won't say here. I wonder if you talk to people like that in person. I'd wager not. But since you have to behave like that to strangers on the internet, I pity you. Something must be very wrong. I'm sorry for you. 
Apr 25, 2020, 19:1204/25/20
Its obnoxious but true and more helpful than no reply at all. Which is what happens to most posts on here.
May 11, 2020, 12:5205/11/20
May 11, 2020, 12:57(edited)

Actually it isnt helpful at all. (I know this thread is old btw). The poster adds no relevant information but more importantly assumes the reason op is asking to be about something completely different. Then procedes to be arrogant and insulting based on his/her subjective and faulty interpretation of why the question is asked. Unfortunately a very common occurrence on message boards all over the internet. As well as ”support” staff/mods on discord.

I am also curious as to how the power rating is calculated. Just curious (though if understood it can definitely be useful in assessing certain arena opponents) - I find it interesting to try and understand the mechanics. For me thats partly what makes games like this fun.

Now besides being rude a lot of people mistakenly claim that all it is is [insert simplified or plain wrong explanation usually only res, def and damage base stat - sometimes others too].

This is at best part of how the calculation is done. The claims above validate false on several cases in my account. And not by a little.

Champ 1 has 47k power. Scales off attack 1070 + 1270. 30 + 67 res. 10 + 202 acc.

Champ 2 has 31k power. Scales of attack 1520 + 1462. 30 + 73 res. 10 + 306 acc.

The rarity and levels of the artifacts are very similar. 

Champ 1 has 5 epic and the rest rare. All 16 but 2 at level 14. 4 are 6 star and the rest 5 star.

Champ 2 has 2 legendary, 2 epic and the rest rare. All level 16. 3 are 6 star the rest 5 star.

So I am curious. Eventually I might swap around a bunch of gear and make notes - just because I’m curious. But wasting silver isnt that fun.

And this is why it is still a valid and to some very interesting question. And perhaps someone has already done this and feels like sharing their findings. 

And I’m guessing that is approximately what the op was looking for.

If anyone has a well informed opinion on this or a theory that isnt the circulated and apparently wrong/incomplete claim that its all res pretty much etc - I for one would be very interested to hear it.

Have a great day all!

Edit - additional info:

Both champs are Legendary and have full masteries - only champ 2 has any books (3 I think). 

May 11, 2020, 13:0705/11/20

power its just overall number to give you an idea of how strong your opponent is. 

All you need to understand that some champs overpowered and with same gear and stats they just overrun your team in some cases could be 4 < 1. 

use power just as a guide. for example my arena team power 160k I'm avoiding teams with 200k and more coz its good indication they have good resistance to defend against my debuffs. But what's been said you need to really look what champs they have. 
May 11, 2020, 14:2705/11/20
May 11, 2020, 14:28(edited)

Haddock101 said:

If anyone has a well informed opinion on this or a theory that isnt the circulated and apparently wrong/incomplete claim that its all res pretty much etc - I for one would be very interested to hear it.

Well, since there is no official statement involving data and numbers of how exactly power rating is calculated, you can't get that "well informed" part. All we have is based on opinions and theory, so that's all we can offer. 

I personally find Power Rating, or should i say - the mechanic behind Power Rating, as one of the less interesting mechanics in the game.There are far more interesting and impactful mechanics that affect directly the outcome of the game and not knowing how they work, or their exact value or something else important about them affects our game way more that some numbers with questionable meaning.

Power Rating is just some sort of "guideline", that you quickly learn to ignore most of the time, unless there aren't some really strange numbers involved :)

But even if someone wants to find more precise info about Power Rating, he can't get it from that forum as Plarium didn't share any meaningful info about that.

*Ok, at least there is no such info that I am aware of.

May 11, 2020, 15:0105/11/20
May 11, 2020, 15:07(edited)

Of course there are other interesting mechanics. Lets just say I’m already savvy to those and that’s why I’m asking a question. I’m less interested in opinions of what game mechanics are most/least interesting to random players. I clearly stated that it was interesting ”to me”. Subjectively. I also know plarium does not share this info. It is however possible to work it out by experimentation. 

But it appears I was naive thinking anyone would actually try to answer ops question. Despite my attempt at being clear and thorough in what my interest is.

I’ll just assume you are trolling and leave this alone. 

Have a nice day.

Edit - removed unnecessary insult.

May 11, 2020, 16:3305/11/20
May 11, 2020, 23:32(edited)

Haddock101 said:

Of course there are other interesting mechanics. Lets just say I’m already savvy to those and that’s why I’m asking a question. I’m less interested in opinions of what game mechanics are most/least interesting to random players. I clearly stated that it was interesting ”to me”. Subjectively.

Now, that's interesting. You find it pretty OK when you share your opinion of that interested you, but seems like you can be insulted by someone  who does not share your interest on the subject? And it's not because that guy wrote something offensive, but only because he do not share your opinion? Is that what bothers you - different opinion?

Subjectively. I also know plarium does not share this info. It is however possible to work it out by experimentation.

Wait, you just say in your previous post that you are not interested in just some experiments and theory that circles around, you want well informed opinion (well, we already know what you think about other peoples opinion, so that's cute). And that's right after the line when you presented to us some calculations with no back up, basically doing exactly what you don't want to be presented as answer. So, you want clear and accurate answer backed up with data or you ask does anyone have any theory based on test and experiments?

But it appears I was naive thinking anyone would actually try to answer ops question. Despite my attempt at being clear and thorough in what my interest is.

It is clear that my post wasn't attempt to answer OP's question. The reason i didn't answer his question in first place is that i don't know exactly how Power Rating is calculated. I don't have any meaningful knowledge neither from any official source nor from any respectful unofficial one.That's the reason for my "radio silence" in this thread. 

My answer and comment wasn't even on your comment as a whole, but only to that specific part that i quoted, You know, i skipped that part when you inform us that you are interested in something, then proceed to give us some calculations and such. I find it pretty OK that someone can share his interest, run some test even that he don't know 2 s#ts about how things work. Look, i really don't have any problem everyone to have and to share their opinion of this and that. I know it's hard to you to grasp the idea, but i realy do.

So i didn't comment anything but that specific question "does anyone have something more than theory or speculations about how PR works" So my answer was correct and polite to the extend of my best abilities: "no one can offer something better than approximate calculations and opinion because there is no official info". I can stretch my imagination to the limit and still can't see how can this may triggers you. Really.

I’ll just assume you are trolling and leave this alone.

Honestly, any classy troll should be offended if you labeled my answer as trolling. Don't devalue the real trolling like that, they deserve better recognition. Don't use this term so lightly.

Jul 30, 2020, 05:3407/30/20
kazymandias said:

I can't believe how many people can't figure out these obvious things:

If you build a team of AE nukers with a ton of attack and crit, you can leave HP, DEF, and resist ad a minimum, which will (duh) reduce your apparent power.

What's more, strategy obviously matters more than power. Power can't include the enemy's synergy, or whether your team is vulnerable to it.

Gah, what kind of genius doesn't find this stuff self-evident?

Jul 30, 2020, 05:4707/30/20
This game design is broken. End of story. 
Jul 30, 2020, 08:2207/30/20

I also would like to know how power rating is computed.  I could change something on my team to make it seem weaker and win more games. 

I also know to actually look at the opposing team.  There are some champs that will either destroy my team with one shot or resurrect the dead forever.  I avoid teams with champs like that. 

My rule of thumb is to avoid teams with the usual champs all at 6/60 but their power rating is half of mine.  Its a trap. 
May 6, 2022, 01:2405/06/22

Yeah, I know this is an old thresd, but just in case someone is researching player power, as I am, I want to add this link to a video by Hell Hades (RAID content creator) that shows the precise stats that are used to calculate one's player power.  So, first click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the game screen.  This brings up a page that shows, among other things, a button that reads "Player Info".  

Clicking on the Player Info buttos brings a a screen with the following 6 stats for your account:   "Total Champions, Champion Power, Artifact Power, Classica Arena Power, Mastery Power, Great Hall Bonus Power."  

Hell Hades does not tell us the actual formulae used to combine these stats into a number for Player Power.  He does do some experiments, like creating a champion with as much Resistance as possible - over 799.  He used a new Skullcrown to do this and she ended up with 105,000 player power.  Great champ?  Nope, just a champ with a ton of resistance and very little else.  

Anyway, interesting video that came out after this thread, so some of you have probably already seen it.  HTH regardless.

May 6, 2022, 08:0305/06/22
May 6, 2022, 11:47(edited)

Every stat and every time you increase or decrease any stat listed in the total stats page will reflect that champion's Power rating. 

Certain stats have a higher influence on the power rating though, and depending on the champion's DMG stat (atk, def or hp) will determine a higher influence on power rating as this stat changes also.

The individual champion's kit plays a role at the same time. I believe debuffers benefit from a higher ratio of ACC to champion power... ive tested this and found my support champ gained over twice as much power rating from the same increase in ACC than my ATK champion gained. Champions with base values greater than +0 in the respective stat also benefit more from an increase in said stat. I.e. Tomb lord base ACC=20, whereas Stag knight base ACC=0. Therefore, T.L. should receive a greater increase in power rating from the same amount of added ACC as S.K.

Generally crit rate, crit dmg and RES would impact power rating the most when you consider theamount of resources it takes to increase each individual stat and see that a +5 in RES adds more power than adding +5,000 HP for example.

Player power should only be used to estimate the quality of gear the player has on their champions. 

Both teams with very little power and teams with very high power, compared to your own team, should be considered equally. Lower power team could be very fast and have a high DPS nuker with no defensive stats, and wipe your team. A team with higher power could be slow, still have a high DPS nuker as well, and be designed to resist debuffs and wear the other team  out.