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Siege Chest and Feral Gear Rewards for non-participants?

Siege Chest and Feral Gear Rewards for non-participants?

Sep 19, 2024, 04:2918 hours

Siege Chest and Feral Gear Rewards for non-participants?

Using my Clan as an example, I have 5 players who don't use any attack scrolls and the only team that gets set is their reserve team. I'm trying to keep the Casual Friendly vibe going, but for CvC I'm able to set a minimum of 10k Points to make sure people participate but I'm not a fan of some members getting fragments and gear despite not helping at all.

Hydra Clash is another good example, no chests for you if you don't use keys. I'm not sure if non-key members still get the Clash Chest but if so, I think that also needs to change OR clan leaders should be able to set a 1 Key Minimum to receive rewards.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, I don't want to kick people. I want to incentivize them because yeah, I can understand why people are fine to sit back and collect free rewards from others' work. 

Sep 19, 2024, 04:3318 hours

Also for Elite Clan Quests, I'd like Leaders to be able to set requirements for them. I'd say 2 CB Keys as a Daily Average and 1 Hydra Key minimum to be able to take/select any Elite quest