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Freya: Important questions about the Active effect in her Passive

Freya: Important questions about the Active effect in her Passive

Sep 17, 2024, 06:092 days

Freya: Important questions about the Active effect in her Passive

Ok, the fact that this happens when it's not your turn is gonna lead to some very interesting situations.

First, let's take Whisper as an example. Her A3 says "Grants an extra turn if the target is under Decrease Def and Weaken" and her passive says 10% chance of extra turn on Crits...

Then what happens if her A3 is a fatal hit? She does or does not get her extra turn? I'm guessing NO since Instant Turn probably takes priority? Does that mean she gets her Extra Turn after that target's turn?

How about Nekret? His A3 says "Grants an extra turn if no enemies were killed" and Freya's passive specificly would prevent a champ from being killed, so if that's the only champ that WAS going to be killed then no one dies... but he does or does not get his extra turn?

What about Valkanen's A3? You target your highest crit damage champ, does she prevent the death? Does that also mean his A3's effect doesn't happen since they didn't die??

Heck, what about Relentless set? 

I feel like this skill creates a few Paradox situations, it reminds me of MTG when you Forked a Time Walk

EDIT: I know there's a lot of other abilities that grant extra turns or have a chance to, any other shoutouts would be appreciated

Sep 17, 2024, 10:432 days

the answer to pretty much all of these is that the champion will get their extra turn, but freyja's passive grants priority so the opponent will get their turn first, after which whisper/nekhret/relentless/etc. will go.

in valkenan's case, i expect he will simply ignore freyja's passive. i'm not entirely certain whether he'll even trigger it in the first place (from what i've seen, similar effects seem to be handled on a case by case basis), but even if it does, his a3 seems to be able to get around any and all effects that would ordinarily prevent the targeted champion from dying. i doubt this will be any different.

Sep 17, 2024, 19:412 days

the answer to pretty much all of these is that the champion will get their extra turn, but freyja's passive grants priority so the opponent will get their turn first, after which whisper/nekhret/relentless/etc. will go.

in valkenan's case, i expect he will simply ignore freyja's passive. i'm not entirely certain whether he'll even trigger it in the first place (from what i've seen, similar effects seem to be handled on a case by case basis), but even if it does, his a3 seems to be able to get around any and all effects that would ordinarily prevent the targeted champion from dying. i doubt this will be any different.

Ok but we're not sure then about that first part? Because what if the Champ who gets the Instant Turn uses an ability that grants Extra Turn? Or is wearing Relentless themselves? Then what?

See how this can get really interesting/complicated?

Sep 17, 2024, 21:082 days

Ok but we're not sure then about that first part? Because what if the Champ who gets the Instant Turn uses an ability that grants Extra Turn? Or is wearing Relentless themselves? Then what?

See how this can get really interesting/complicated?

extra turns act in the order that they were recieved, so priority would return to the opponent. the reason freyja interrupts the order is that due to the way the game functions, the extra turn she grants is considered to happen before the ability of her opponent.

we'll use whisper as an example. her a3 consists of 2 steps; first she attacks, then she gets an extra turn (technically 3 steps including the check for def down and weaken debuffs, but that's not relevant to this situation). freyja's passive activates in response to an attack, which means the effect takes place in between the two steps of whisper's a3, granting the first extra turn to whomever her passive affects.

full disclosure, i don't actually have freyja and this is all based primarily off my experience with rotos and how his passive functions. i would assume that freyja's ability works similarly, but it would hardly be the first time encountering inconsistencies in plarium obscura.