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Clan Boss stun target confusion

Clan Boss stun target confusion

Jul 22, 2024, 19:1807/22/24

Clan Boss stun target confusion

Hi there,

though i read and followed the guides building the right stun target, i'm having trouble with the unm clan boss targeting the right one. As you can see in the picture clan boss targeted maneater though he has much more health than geomancer who should have been targeted. Any ideas?


Jul 22, 2024, 19:2807/22/24

This is part of the trouble around Unkillable in general for stun-targeting. There's some special mechanics around that, but the tl;dr is - he needs "some" HP, for the boss to "think" it can kill him. If he's too low on HP the boss will ignore him.

Jul 22, 2024, 21:1207/22/24

Thx for the fast answer but for me the question is how to fix this. Should i Increase painkeepers health to Increase his healings ? The stun calculator says that the stats of the champs should be ok

Jul 22, 2024, 21:1407/22/24

Thx for the fast answer but for me the question is how to fix this. Should i Increase painkeepers health to Increase his healings ? The stun calculator says that the stats of the champs should be ok

Looks like a speed issue, pk needs to use the a2 b4 the 

Jul 22, 2024, 23:0207/22/24

Yup.  Stun Target needs to have at least 16% HP.  Also Trips is correct you've got a timing issue.  PK should be healing after the AOE2 but before the stun everytime.

Jul 23, 2024, 20:2107/23/24

Well painkeeper does his healing before the stun ... so timing should be right. Crazy thing is that sometimes it works, and then i can activate autoplay

Jul 23, 2024, 21:3107/23/24

Does someone have an item or mastery that boosts their speed, turn meter, or reduce cooldown? That'll throw off a speed tune

Jul 24, 2024, 05:1607/24/24

Hm ... painkeepers turnmeter boost could explain the irregularities. I'll inspect and report ...

Jul 24, 2024, 05:5507/24/24
Jul 24, 2024, 05:55(edited)

Hm ... painkeepers turnmeter boost could explain the irregularities. I'll inspect and report ...

as long as the boost is 100% consistent, always the same amount, always in the same order, it can be accounted for. Does she have anything that sometimes gives her a counterattack? that'll throw things out of tune

Aug 4, 2024, 18:1608/04/24

adjusted speed, HP and DEF according to the known tools - works most of the time fine, just from time to time Vizier or in rare cases at the beginning maneater gets the stun. Unfortunately still about 5 Million below 1 key but i guess with progressing Great Hall bonuses in ATK in CDMG it will fit.

Thanks for your help! 

Aug 4, 2024, 21:1908/04/24

also I'd put Geo in a different position. Position does matter, not a lot but enough to be a tie-breaker when choosing the target

Aug 4, 2024, 21:2108/04/24
Aug 4, 2024, 21:23(edited)

Hm ... painkeepers turnmeter boost could explain the irregularities. I'll inspect and report ...

PK's A1 TM fill is factored into the required speed for her in Tunes. However, it also means you can't bring AOE Counterattack buffs. You also can't use the Masteries that counterattack when a massive amount of HP is lost OR a stun is placed. Same for the blue masteries that boost TM for buffs/debuffs falling off. That last one doesn't apply to PK but can apply to your other champs.

Lastly, beware of certain set bonuses that fill turn meter or affect your skill cooldowns.

PS: It took a lot of tries to get my Budget Unkillable down, luckily if the game "crashes" during the fight you keep your key and can try again

Aug 5, 2024, 02:4108/05/24

PK's A1 TM fill is factored into the required speed for her in Tunes. However, it also means you can't bring AOE Counterattack buffs. You also can't use the Masteries that counterattack when a massive amount of HP is lost OR a stun is placed. Same for the blue masteries that boost TM for buffs/debuffs falling off. That last one doesn't apply to PK but can apply to your other champs.

Lastly, beware of certain set bonuses that fill turn meter or affect your skill cooldowns.

PS: It took a lot of tries to get my Budget Unkillable down, luckily if the game "crashes" during the fight you keep your key and can try again

Yeah, I force close the game a lot when checking/testing tunes for folks. And it does refund your key, yes. :D

Aug 5, 2024, 04:2308/05/24

Yeah, I force close the game a lot when checking/testing tunes for folks. And it does refund your key, yes. :D

They really should just legitimize it and give the same "free regroup" option hydra has

Aug 5, 2024, 07:4308/05/24

Yeah, I force close the game a lot when checking/testing tunes for folks. And it does refund your key, yes. :D

Wasn't sure what I was allowed to say, especially since the spam-bot has been relentless lately, but I'm glad you said it so people know lol

Aug 5, 2024, 07:4508/05/24

They really should just legitimize it and give the same "free regroup" option hydra has

Yes and when they do that, hopefully Hydra will get a Quick Battle option. Still not sure how that will work but I think like 3 'tries' per key would be ok and you have to take the 3rd result if you don't accept the first two

Aug 5, 2024, 09:4508/05/24

also I'd put Geo in a different position. Position does matter, not a lot but enough to be a tie-breaker when choosing the target

oh ... did not know - concret better position or just try?

Aug 5, 2024, 16:5108/05/24

oh ... did not know - concret better position or just try?

I always swapped Geo's position with where your Maneater is. Again, it doesn't matter much but it can make a small difference

Aug 5, 2024, 23:1208/05/24
Aug 5, 2024, 23:30(edited)

Yeah, I force close the game a lot when checking/testing tunes for folks. And it does refund your key, yes. :D

Sorry to quote you here again but I'm afraid to make a thread and risk getting auto-banned. Something is wrong in my Hydra run with the Fear Head.

Not only is he not placing Fear but he's also not triggering Shamael. No one has Veil. I made a short 9 second video for you to see what I'm talking about with Eostrid hitting it and nothing happening

Ok made another one in the same fight. Doesn't trigger from Shamael's A2, then it does for Yumeko and Trunda... then it doesn't for Uugo... Also you'll notice that Yumeko only gets her regular TM fill from her A1's built in ability. Normally she'd get 2 TM fills from Shamael removing the 2 fears THEN another 2 TM fills from Shamael's counterattacks since each of those attempt to place fear... or did that get fixed/changed recently?

Aug 6, 2024, 00:3308/06/24

Sorry to quote you here again but I'm afraid to make a thread and risk getting auto-banned. Something is wrong in my Hydra run with the Fear Head.

Not only is he not placing Fear but he's also not triggering Shamael. No one has Veil. I made a short 9 second video for you to see what I'm talking about with Eostrid hitting it and nothing happening

Ok made another one in the same fight. Doesn't trigger from Shamael's A2, then it does for Yumeko and Trunda... then it doesn't for Uugo... Also you'll notice that Yumeko only gets her regular TM fill from her A1's built in ability. Normally she'd get 2 TM fills from Shamael removing the 2 fears THEN another 2 TM fills from Shamael's counterattacks since each of those attempt to place fear... or did that get fixed/changed recently?

Your fear isn't being applied because you have Yumeko's Hex out. She is redirecting the fears back towards the Hydra head with the hex. You can see how it specifically says Target Changed over the attacking champs in both your videos, three times even for Shamael's triple attack.

Ofc Hydra ignores fears, so Yumeko redirects it to Hydra and then Hydra ignores it. 

So no, nothing wrong nor changed. You'll just only see Shammy CA and cleanse when Yumeko misses her redirect and a fear is actually applied

Aug 6, 2024, 00:3408/06/24

Additionally next time please do start a new thread, if you get got, just message. :)