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According to HH Gaming this how long it willtake to get seige rewards and the new champ

According to HH Gaming this how long it willtake to get seige rewards and the new champ

Jul 11, 2024, 17:3907/11/24

According to HH Gaming this how long it willtake to get seige rewards and the new champ

 According to HH Gaming, 2 months minimum for a primal shard, 7.5 months minimum for the
demonspawn void Lego. Plarium rly needs to reevaluate these rewards otherwiseSiege will be DOA.  

I am going to trusrt their calculation

wow really 

Jul 11, 2024, 17:4007/11/24
Jul 11, 2024, 17:41(edited)

2 mnths for a primal shard, what a joke

Everyone is saying the win % will be under 50 because a lot there will be no winner

This sounds like a dud

what di yall think

Jul 11, 2024, 18:0307/11/24

2 mnths for a primal shard, what a joke

Everyone is saying the win % will be under 50 because a lot there will be no winner

This sounds like a dud

what di yall think

I think congrats to you on starting the 1st bitch thread that rewards take to long and aren't good enough. 

Same shit about every new content release. 

Free stuff that's not good enough...

Jul 11, 2024, 18:0507/11/24

I have no problem with this.... I mean the ultimate reward for the content should take a while. 

Jul 11, 2024, 18:1107/11/24

I can't even really do this.  I and only one of my clan deputies are even at lvl 45.  Earning ANY primal anywhere sounds great to me. 😄😂🤣

Jul 11, 2024, 18:3507/11/24

If you dont agree that is fine but I think HH gaming knows a hell of a lot more then you or I and maybe even the MODS

I respect thier analysis and agree

I think unless they make changes I agree with HH gaming it will BE DOA.

7-12 months for a champion is to long people will losse interest

Jul 11, 2024, 19:0507/11/24

If you dont agree that is fine but I think HH gaming knows a hell of a lot more then you or I and maybe even the MODS

I respect thier analysis and agree

I think unless they make changes I agree with HH gaming it will BE DOA.

7-12 months for a champion is to long people will losse interest

You know you can just edit your original post right? I mean this thing is less than 2 hours old and you've bumped it 3 times.

Just want to point a few things out:

If the leggo reward was available in a month or two, people would lose interest fast. This event is only double *roughly* twice per month. Its the same as CvC.

As someone who's been around for almost 5 years, I'd think you'd be used to this by now? I mean Maud wasn't something people could get right away either.

Mithrala took what? 3-5 Months for new players to get? Possibly longer? Same for Arbiter, lord knows how long Marius is taking newer players to get. Lydia is another good example... noticing a trend here with Void Leggos? Same for the ones in the clan shop, those took 20 weeks MINIMUM.

Lastly, if people want to contribute they'll post. You don't have to keep spamming your own thread for visibility. Going back to my original point, just add this stuff to the first comment.  No one is even disagreeing with you yet and no one is saying your info is inacccurate so I'm not sure who you're arguing with?

Jul 11, 2024, 19:0707/11/24

You know you can just edit your original post right? I mean this thing is less than 2 hours old and you've bumped it 3 times.

Just want to point a few things out:

If the leggo reward was available in a month or two, people would lose interest fast. This event is only double *roughly* twice per month. Its the same as CvC.

As someone who's been around for almost 5 years, I'd think you'd be used to this by now? I mean Maud wasn't something people could get right away either.

Mithrala took what? 3-5 Months for new players to get? Possibly longer? Same for Arbiter, lord knows how long Marius is taking newer players to get. Lydia is another good example... noticing a trend here with Void Leggos? Same for the ones in the clan shop, those took 20 weeks MINIMUM.

Lastly, if people want to contribute they'll post. You don't have to keep spamming your own thread for visibility. Going back to my original point, just add this stuff to the first comment.  No one is even disagreeing with you yet and no one is saying your info is inacccurate so I'm not sure who you're arguing with?

I concur. You are much nicer than me though. 😆 

Jul 11, 2024, 20:1207/11/24
Jul 11, 2024, 20:13(edited)

actually mith only took maybe 2 months, ramatu took maybe 2 months, i only have 30 missions (i think ive completed 150) left the i get the new horse. arbit took maybe 3, the longest was lydia because just didnt have champs

I think 3-4 is in line with all the others

2 months for a primal shard, you dont think that is exterme?

Hell I get one a week from live arena by just doing the 10 fights a day, unless ive hit 400 per month cap

Jul 11, 2024, 21:3307/11/24

actually mith only took maybe 2 months, ramatu took maybe 2 months, i only have 30 missions (i think ive completed 150) left the i get the new horse. arbit took maybe 3, the longest was lydia because just didnt have champs

I think 3-4 is in line with all the others

2 months for a primal shard, you dont think that is exterme?

Hell I get one a week from live arena by just doing the 10 fights a day, unless ive hit 400 per month cap

It's an extra Primal Shard on top of the ones we're already getting mostly consistently, so yeah I don't have that much of a problem with it. I am noticing two things here tho, one is you don't have a good concept of how in-game time passes and two is you seem to play constantly for 8+ hours every day, so those two things are whats making this feel like such a long time and causing all the distress.

Ramatu took 2 months from the time you got Arbiter? I'm not even going to break that nonsense down. Here's what I can tell you about Mithrala. IF you were getting 2 chests from all 3 difficulties every week, that's 9 Fragments per week on average (3 per 2 chests, 3x3=9). I'll round it to 10 to assume you had lots of luck. Now 100 Fragments at 10 per week is 10 weeks, so its not a "maybe 2 months" its statistically *almost* guaranteed to be at least 2 months. Now I said NEW PLAYERS and that means people who are NOT clearing all 3 difficulties on Hydra and likely are only killing Normal and maybe Hard, doubtful Brutal is even something they can attempt.

I'll help you calm down tho. You're already getting 1 Primal per week from Live Arena apparently. You're also getting 1 per month from Daily Logins. ALSO you're getting 1-3 per month from Hydra Clash rewards (potentially). Now you're getting a BONUS Primal on top of all that and you're complaining? Imagine if your job told you "Hey we're gonna give you a bonus paycheck every 2 months that's the same as your weekly paycheck" would you throw a fit and demand more? OR would you be like "Awesome, more money woot!"