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Kicking Clan Boss up a notch

Kicking Clan Boss up a notch

Jul 6, 2024, 23:2407/06/24

Kicking Clan Boss up a notch

Hi.  My clan is developing, and as clan leader I'm the highest at roughly 500K account power.  Most are still under 100K.  I can do about 20-30 million damage on easy CB per key, 10-15 on normal.  Which is great for me personally at this time, but I will quickly outstrip the current rewards with a growing need for better performance.  I have the following screenshot, and it features Kael because he is currently the best poisoner on the roster.  I currently run Elhain, Hierophant Lazarius, Chronicler Adelyn, Deacon Armstrong, and Coldheart.  Elhain and Deacon have Warmaster, Adelyn has Brimstone, Lazarius has Helmsmasher, and Coldheart has Giant Slayer as ways of pushing damage.

By adding Kael to try and push as much poison as I can, I have the following in mind with goal of defeating CB  normal in two keys to help my clan push their own rewards development.  With Adelyn as the team lead to up the ACC of everyone and heal them, and Kael as poisoner, I will also include Elhain as the consistenly highest damage output among the Warmaster folks.  Kael will also have Warmaster.  Deacon and Lazarius are the other two in mind.

I have just read Ayumilove's CB guide, and I think my ACC for Kael is high enough to land a ton of poison, but given the roster here, is there other toons I'd want to consider in lieu of the ones mentioned above?  I do have Gorlos and Selinia for HP Burn, but I'd have to 6* them, so that's probably not something I'll pull off by tomorrow.  I'm running Minotaur 15 and almost have Kael fully mastered, just Warmaster remaining, so by tomorrow, my team will be trying new members.  Any suggestions are welcome!  Thank you.


Jul 7, 2024, 00:3307/07/24

I think you're too early to be worrying about this. What I'd do is just use your 5 best-geared champs, and keep an eye open for someone with Leech, or any of the various unkillable/blockdmg champs.

Jul 9, 2024, 02:4207/09/24

I'd swap Coldheart out for Kael, Coldheart's damage is limited on Clan Boss and poison/hp burn will produce more overall damage. 

Jul 10, 2024, 13:1107/10/24
Jul 10, 2024, 13:14(edited)

Thank you for the feedback.  I did swap in Kael, with Elhain, Lazarius, Adelyn, and Deacon holding their spots.  It was - by itself - only a modest increase, but that tells me I just now need to focus on more gear.  Cheers.

Jul 27, 2024, 00:2207/27/24

Checking in since last post, I've picked up some new toons.

A CB team may now look like:

-Hierophant Lazarius (toolbox support)

-Ninja (HP burn)

-Uugo (Leech, heal, dec def) or Deacon Armstrong (dec def, tmc, leech)

-Chronicler Adelyn (heal, steady brimstone at 5* soul)

-A poisoner - this would either be Kael or Frozen Banshee, not sure which one.  Banshee in Relentless/Retaliation seems like she would be more consistent than Kael in the same gear but leave more room for other debuffs.  Leaning toward Banshee.

I'll post current roster in case I'm missing a toon that should otherwise go in.

Jul 27, 2024, 00:2807/27/24
Jul 27, 2024, 00:35(edited)



Any suggestions?  Thanks!

Jul 27, 2024, 02:0007/27/24

You're still missing the key parts to make a functional team. And while you can scrape things together using some very expensive lego champs, my guess is that you don't really have the books to make it work.

Any good CB team requires one of two things - either some major defensive capabilities, often with things like double ally-protect, DEF up, strengthen, etc - or block damage / unkillable. You don't have anything to make the latter work, and all of the champs you have for the former are lego champs that are extremely costly to use for that purpose.

Your best bet, for now, is probably something like. You'll want to run between 170 and 190 SPD so that you can use the team on NM as well as eventually UNM. My goal in making the team is to try as much as possible to avoid needing lego books. The only one who really needs it is Ninja. If Adelyn is unbooked, just replace her with any epic or even rare champ that has a guaranteed ATK down.

1) Hakkorhn Smashlord - I could swear I saw him reworked, so the skillset might be off (maybe it's a pending rework?), but as it stands he has a 3-turn CD 2-turn duration block debuff unbooked, so he's perfect to handle the debuffs and stun. You'll want him slowest.

2) Deacon - you need the leech for healing, combined with Warmaster or Giantslayer on everyone else. You'll want to turn off the A3 and A2, and just use him for the leech, since it's essential that the debuff stays active.

3) Black Knight - pretty much the only champ in the game with an unbooked 3-turn CD 2-turn duration DEF up, so, he's definitely going to be here. Even if you do end up having him fully booked on the A2, it's okay - the buff will vary in terms of when it is used, but it'll be permanently active.

4) Adelyn - not really the most useful champ in the game, but she does have a guaranteed ATK down on the A3, and her passive is not bad.

5) Ninja - of course, he needs to be fully booked to be truly effective, and you need to make sure you pay close attention when tuning the team to ensure his A1 doesn't mess up your rotations, but - he's almost certainly your highest damage output, so you need to find a way to fit him in.

Jul 27, 2024, 02:1607/27/24

Fenax hits *really* hard if the target has at least 1 debuff: 2 hits each at att*4 on his a1

Jul 27, 2024, 02:3507/27/24

Fenax is indeed one of the hardest-hitting face damage champs in the game - but, I highly doubt OP has the gear to make face damage very effective right now. So I'm almost positive Ninja will outdamage Fenax by a mile. And OP likely also doesn't have the gear to afford to run two DPS champs. More likely is to just run a more defense-heavy team and try to run a Toxic set or two to add more debuffs.

PS - does Adelyn's passive work with poisons placed by Toxic? If so, she's definitely the one you'd want to put it on.

Jul 27, 2024, 02:4407/27/24
Jul 27, 2024, 02:45(edited)

Fair assessment

Edit: oh right, I forgot ninja also activates his burns. Just pulled mine, scrolling him as i type.