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Undead 21

Undead 21

Jun 27, 2024, 06:2206/27/24

Undead 21

Undead 21 is my last step to finish FW and get Lydia.  These are my best champs.  

    Gorgorab   Morrigaine   Rotos   Ultimate Deathknight   Vogoth   Crypt-King Graal   Husk III  

The Boss always manages to kill 1 champ.  UDK is the 1st to die.  If I have Gorgorab on the team he can never revive a champ in time before the battle ends.  I just geared Graal as an option.  

Is there a secret way to kill the Boss and all my champs survive?  

We have 4 days to discuss this before Undead is on the schedule again.  

Jun 27, 2024, 06:3506/27/24

couple of questions.

  1. is udk in stoneskin?
  2. can you post all of your undead champs?
  3. how much time/effort can you spare for this? worst case scenario, you can always manual the boss fight and bail out before the end if gorgorab can't get his revive timed properly.
Jun 27, 2024, 07:0806/27/24

That boss ignores defense.

Also has a stun that can't be resisted, but it can be blocked. Do you have mausoleoum mage?

Poisons and burns won't boost it's tm.

Jun 27, 2024, 10:0406/27/24

That boss ignores defense.

Also has a stun that can't be resisted, but it can be blocked. Do you have mausoleoum mage?

Poisons and burns won't boost it's tm.

I have Mausoleoum Mage.  

Jun 27, 2024, 10:0506/27/24
Jun 27, 2024, 10:06(edited)

couple of questions.

  1. is udk in stoneskin?
  2. can you post all of your undead champs?
  3. how much time/effort can you spare for this? worst case scenario, you can always manual the boss fight and bail out before the end if gorgorab can't get his revive timed properly.

I have 3 years invested in this so far to get Lydia.  I will do what has to be done.  

UDK is not in Stoneskin.  My Stoneskin gear is not that great.  

Jun 27, 2024, 10:4306/27/24

I have 3 years invested in this so far to get Lydia.  I will do what has to be done.  

UDK is not in Stoneskin.  My Stoneskin gear is not that great.  

it might be worth doing anyway. udk really just needs to tank as many hits as possible and a stoneskin buff will most likely improve his ability to do that. you probably would only need 4 pieces since if you build him without speed the boss will get several turns before his first one and destroy the buff.

for an overall team, i'm thinking gorgorab, udk, rotos, maybe graal for his aura, but im not seeing a great fifth option from the ones you listed here.

Jun 27, 2024, 11:3206/27/24

it might be worth doing anyway. udk really just needs to tank as many hits as possible and a stoneskin buff will most likely improve his ability to do that. you probably would only need 4 pieces since if you build him without speed the boss will get several turns before his first one and destroy the buff.

for an overall team, i'm thinking gorgorab, udk, rotos, maybe graal for his aura, but im not seeing a great fifth option from the ones you listed here.

MM for block debuffs