July 10/2024 and Beyond ?
Very excited for this date and content update for clans in the game....this just adds to my experience with a game I once played for a summer which has the EXACT same clanboss as we have but was a World Boss and the clan fights were very similar to this new clan battle (that game being TYNON)
Very excited for this game update ;)
Beyond in Raid = maybe this?????
10 stages to FactionWars where upon completion you get a Mythical champion and gain Mythical books etc along the way with star completions
UNM Campaign where you get similar rewards like Primal shards and mythical books
Rare champion empowerment
The game has a lot to grow on and lets not forget THE GREAT VOID..
I certainly look forward to the next 2 years in Raid Shadow Legends as my primary video game habit ;)