HELP-Event : Is it too late for me?
What do you think of the newest fusion event?
Is Brakus the Shifter worth it?
Is the limited time too short? (I honestly can't see how you could manage to get the Epics and then Ascent them.. if you're new?)
Is there any of the Epics any good/worth?
So there's 2 days (48H) left to get Suwai Firstborn via the event. She's the last one left for me for the fusion.
Now, I'm at 12546 points. She's at 19400.
So, do you think it's possible to get 6854 points in 2 days? 3427 pts "per day" ?
I've recently done some purchases in hope to get plenty of energy to do the event. So I might be able to get enough energies for it.
But ... I'm kinda new player (2nd month of playing). And I'm short on Mystery Shards (23 atm) and I might run out of food before I get the points.
So I'm not sure if I've got enough time or the ressources.
It's extremely boring but today and yesterday, I've spent all day trying to level up champs, I've done only 4000 points. So 2k pts/day. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do 1,5k more points per day.
If I don't get Suwai and by extention Harvest Jack... well this might as well been my very last purchase on this game. They're pretty much predatory in their marketing. Maybe I should stop before I become homeless...