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Who do I move up the chain?

Who do I move up the chain?

Jun 6, 2024, 14:0906/06/24

Who do I move up the chain?

Hey all, I have been playing for a while now and seem to have gathered a bunch of toons but now I'm stuck trying to figure out who to prioritize for taking up the chain. I am attaching my list for your objective points of view. I will try to get the levels I am at for those interested, but for the time being I want to ask for your suggestions as to who I need to move up the chain. As always, your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated. Cheers!

I have a lots of food in the roster too which is why the list is so long. Been doing a lot of prepping.






Jun 10, 2024, 13:4606/10/24

If I want to focus on UNM CB, who are the best toons to focus on and build out. HH, Ayumilove, and Ash have had some good ideas, but there seems to be some missing meta characters to my list. Thanks.

Jun 10, 2024, 15:3806/10/24

Helicath + Tower is full-unkillable. I think you'll essentially want to follow a tune like this one:

You'll need a 3-turn cooldown block debuffs champ in the 186 speed slot, specifically to go last on the 2nd attack to block the speed down. For the stun, you can probably just go with a weak-affinity DPS in the lead slot. You'll probably want something like Ronda + Fayne as your two DPS - on red affinity, Ronda lead, on blue/green, Fayne lead, and on green, just make sure that your block debuffs champ isn't red-affinity.

Jun 12, 2024, 00:1706/12/24
11 Thanks as always for the insights. I'll get Tower to 6 starred next and build him out better. Right now kind of weak gear. I'll work on getting Fayne and Ronda up to 6 star too. 

Also, I check Jedi site for more details. I keep forgetting to check his site too. Thanks again. If any other suggestions for any other upgrades feel free to point them out as I have a lot of food and ready to move up a little bit more, finally. Cheers.

Jun 12, 2024, 01:0206/12/24

The important things are to verify if you can meet the speed requirements. The beauty of teams like these is that you can ignore all other stats - only speed matters. Once you get those, you can work on the rest of the stats.

Jun 12, 2024, 08:0806/12/24

Hephraak  Demonspawn is  a great nuker for classic arena

I wonder what area of the game  you need  most account development  in?

Jun 15, 2024, 03:5506/15/24
Jun 15, 2024, 03:56(edited)
11 and @PriestGuardian  Thanks for the input

I'm currently working on UNM CB, but not real strong runs, only 20M per key at the moment. Here are the current stages:

All Potions maxed / Mino 15 / IceG 24 / Spider Hard 6 / Dragon Hard 3 / FireK 25 / NMCB 1 key most of the time / UNMCB 2 key 2nd level / Arena G 3-4

FacWars Mixed bag with most still sitting at stage 13 and working on boss 14. I have a few at 18/19 and one 20. Doom Tower I generally make it to Hard but stall there.

I'm constanly running short on resources. I use books where suggested by content creators and my gear is questionable due to rolls, not many triple rolls so hard to build out strong artifacts.

When pulling shards, well you can see what there is in the list above. That is everything.

Jun 15, 2024, 04:1206/15/24

I wouldn't necessarily put much faith in what the CC's are saying. You really shouldn't be using books on anything other than stuff that will help you progress in an area you are struggling in, and you should only be doing so after being sure that you have picked the right champ.

Forget the dungeons. You have D20 on farm, that's all you need. Don't bother with the other ones unless you are 100% consistent and also fairly fast. Otherwise just stick with 20.

UNM needs to be your focus. You need top chest. Focus on the team I suggested. Use resources only on that.

Don't worry about triple rolls. It's very much *not* important. Getting three rolls on useful substats is just as good as getting three rolls on one.

Jun 15, 2024, 08:0206/15/24

Thanks again for the advice  I'll work to focus more on the UNM and go from there. I'll check back in later. I have been reading yours and others forums about Hydra teams, interesting. Cheers.