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Going off the Path

Going off the Path

Jun 4, 2024, 17:5806/04/24

Going off the Path

With a new account not even a month in, I have limited leggos, and one stupidly lucky Mythical Pull.  Now that I reached lvl 42, I have upgraded some of my champions, and am looking at getting some steam going in Arena to beef up my Hall on the way to getting Arbiter missions done by having more options on matches to take.

My team is currently led by Deacon Armstrong at 5* for TMC/speed.  He is ascended enough to get the extra turn off his A3.

-Chronicler Adelyn at 5*, just got her fully awakened to 5*.  She does have Brimstone.

-Hierophant Lazarius is fully mastered with Helmsmasher.  He’s almost always last toon standing even without ascension.

-Elhain at 6*, fully booked, ascended, mastered with WarMaster, one * awakened with Phantom Touch.

I’m looking to shake up how I use Lazarius and change Arena team to something more cohesive.  Currently promoting Uugo to probably be a 6* soon, maybe next 6*.  Was thinking:

Ascend Lazarius to 3 to get his leader ally Speed boost of 25%.  Use him mostly as TMC/buffer/debuffer in default mode with either Savage Set or just keep Lifesteal and speed.  Promote Uugo to 6 and use her for DEC DEF first, healer second.

Keep Deacon as second TMC but upgrade to 6*.

Have a nuker, probably Elhain.

Idea is Laz A3 TMC/buff and Deacon A3/A2 TMC/AoE, Uugo A2 debuff/AoE, setting up nuker.  When it comes back around to Lazarius, then A2 AoE/debuff/revive any losses.  I only go alternate form if second AoE is needed due to too many losses to recover from as last ditch (doesn't always work, but often does).

That was plan last night.  Then I pulled Malkir Bloodflock.  Now, instead of Elhain, maybe use him as second reviver with first use AoE and then A3 to revive losses to make team more recoverable to enemy nukes and rely more on the waves of AoE until it swings back around to Lazarius.  As I was farming last night, I noticed him reviving food tagalongs right along with Lazarius, and that's what sparked this idea.  Too complicated to work?

Jun 4, 2024, 18:1006/04/24

Honestly - and don't take this the wrong way - you seem like you're having fun exploring the game and trying stuff out, so I'd just continue down that path. All the advice that people like us will give you is "you're doing everything wrong" - but if you're enjoying yourself, then just keep at it.

Jun 4, 2024, 18:1406/04/24

I can appreciate that, thanks.  Leaving out some ridiculous leggo combinations, I've been impressed (and often overcome) by revival teams.  Until I get more roster depth, looking to be as cohesive as I can.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback this last week.

Jun 4, 2024, 18:2006/04/24

The best advice I can give you for now is - stop trying to make stuff work with level 50 champs. The difference between someone 5* and someone 6* at 60 is night and day. the LV60 champ is going to be at least 3x stronger in every way.

Jun 4, 2024, 18:3606/04/24

One 6* at a time...😁

Jun 4, 2024, 18:3806/04/24

One 6* at a time...😁

Precisely so. 

The difference between a 5 star and 6 star really is night and day

Jun 4, 2024, 21:0206/04/24
Jun 4, 2024, 21:08(edited)

The thing I noticed is teams with less overall rating that are tuned have juggled me pretty badly, and the match plays out the same literally every time.  Once I get over the frustration, it gets me analyzing.  It's fun...most of the time.  Lol.

And I'm coming around to the benefits of Hierophant Lazarius's first mode and not all power all the time.  Anyway, shutting up now.  I still have to figure out beating the various UDK teams and those champions that set you on fire reactively and heal as you burn.  Ugh.

One mystery at a time, too.

Jun 4, 2024, 21:1006/04/24

Honestly it's less a question of them being tuned properly, and more likely they are simply *much* faster than you. Like, sure, saying 300+ speed might seem crazy to you, but you can easily get 250+ speed without anything fancy - simply rolling items to level 8 and hitting 2x speed substat will get you there, and you can do that easily with perception gear from faction wars. Those champs will get, quite literally, 2-3 turns for every turn you get, with the speeds you have.

Jun 4, 2024, 22:1006/04/24

Is it Gold tier where 300 matters?  Or is that present in Silver, too?

Jun 4, 2024, 22:1606/04/24

I'd argue it's probably *more* present in Silver than it is in Gold, since once you reach Gold you can just farm 1-man defense teams all day and still climb, as you're loss-capped in terms of points per day lost from defense.

Jun 5, 2024, 00:4906/05/24

why six star uugo next when you have deacon already at five stars?

You need go farm 12-3 brutal for a few weeks making food and stop worrying about trying to win arena fights with five star champions.

Jun 5, 2024, 05:0006/05/24
Jun 5, 2024, 05:01(edited)

I understand that, I'm just doing both at the same time.  Tonight, I created 3x 4* food, and a bunch of 3* and 2* food.  But I also bought 300 energy from tag team bars, and upgraded main hall to a lvl 4 affinity, getting me closer to not being held up in Arbiter progress missions.

Jun 5, 2024, 15:3406/05/24

I would definitely echo the comments about getting your Arena toons to L60, but at your level of the game, I would not take a toon to 6S just for Arena.  

Pick toons with wide useability that includes Arena.      

Jun 5, 2024, 16:4506/05/24

Just gonna add this here. I usually suggest to new players to watch hellhades f2p series, as every new player makes a lot of mistakes and this series will teach you the fastest way to get a account off the ground and even into wining arena easily at the same time. Its very worth the watch for any new player and even some veteran players.

Jun 5, 2024, 18:0306/05/24
Jun 5, 2024, 18:03(edited)

Just gonna add this here. I usually suggest to new players to watch hellhades f2p series, as every new player makes a lot of mistakes and this series will teach you the fastest way to get a account off the ground and even into wining arena easily at the same time. Its very worth the watch for any new player and even some veteran players.

Haha, you can laugh at me.  I do all the time.  I re-read Deacon's stats during lunch, never saw that his DEC DEF debuff is so good.  Just never saw it.  Anyway, point made.  Thanks for the feedback.