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Mezomel:  What in the world was Plarium thinking??

Mezomel: What in the world was Plarium thinking??

Jun 1, 2024, 16:2406/01/24

Mezomel: What in the world was Plarium thinking??

Mezomel is a mythical champ with deceivingly great potential, but there is a catch:  Plarium made her damage multiplier pathetically low.  My question is this:  What was going through their minds when deciding her damagd multiplier?  I mean seriously now....she hits like a feather.  

I think they made Mezomel weak so as to dilute the mythical pool with a crappy champ.  Also, some folks get upset from pulling her and spend more to get a better champ.  $$$

Here is what i think was going on when they decided to releade 

Jun 1, 2024, 17:4506/01/24

Erm, 2.6 attack x2 hits, ignores stoenskin, strengthen, shields, and blocks revive.

AND she can give herself an attack, crit rate, and crit dam buff and then get an extra turn first,

If she can't hit, that's a gear problem.

Jun 1, 2024, 17:5706/01/24

I'll pass on your thoughts

As a side note, at least you didn't save all those primals for an Aphidus

Jun 1, 2024, 18:0906/01/24

I'll pass on your thoughts

As a side note, at least you didn't save all those primals for an Aphidus

and here I thought Androc was gross

Jun 1, 2024, 18:2906/01/24

I'm confused - Androc looks very good? And Aphidus doesn't look bad either, though probably less impressive than most of the other mythicals.

Jun 1, 2024, 18:4806/01/24

Erm, 2.6 attack x2 hits, ignores stoenskin, strengthen, shields, and blocks revive.

AND she can give herself an attack, crit rate, and crit dam buff and then get an extra turn first,

If she can't hit, that's a gear problem.

Not a gear problem...🤣

7.9k atk, 301 crit dmg 101% crit rate.  Incredibly ubderwhelming performance from a mythical. 

 2.6 x 2x...exactly.  that's why she sucks.  All you did was reinforce my point which wasn't your intention which i must thank you for.

Jun 1, 2024, 19:1506/01/24

I'm confused - Androc looks very good? And Aphidus doesn't look bad either, though probably less impressive than most of the other mythicals.

Androc is pretty mid for a mythical. The Enfeeble to bosses nerf really killed his upside. I could see him being good in some Hydra teams in base form but I've got a tough time seeing him being viable in arena. Maybe a 14th-16th champ in Tag but I can't slot him in Live. 

Aphidus is straight up terrible. Great Spider 25 champ, I guess.

Jun 1, 2024, 19:1906/01/24

I'm confused - Androc looks very good? And Aphidus doesn't look bad either, though probably less impressive than most of the other mythicals.

I do not believe he does look very good actually

I have zero need for a Spider 25 burn activator. All I can do is hope for a huge buff one day.

Jun 1, 2024, 19:2306/01/24

Androc is pretty mid for a mythical. The Enfeeble to bosses nerf really killed his upside. I could see him being good in some Hydra teams in base form but I've got a tough time seeing him being viable in arena. Maybe a 14th-16th champ in Tag but I can't slot him in Live. 

Aphidus is straight up terrible. Great Spider 25 champ, I guess.

Beat me to it!!! Maybe now I can finally beat Spider 25......

Jun 1, 2024, 23:5506/01/24

I mean, Nutcracker's a3 only does 5.7x attack, and he doesnt self buff, he doesnt self heal from it, and it doesn't block revive

Jun 3, 2024, 16:3506/03/24

if any of you are saying mezamel is not garbage then you dont have her.

I have her and she is one of the worst mythicals in the game

Watch all the vids on her and everyone says the samething, she built to destory people but her multipers are pethedically low. Every single cc has said the same thing shes garbage because of multipers

Those you saying she is not bad, do you have her? have you used her?

I bet you NO, you are just looking at paper

please someone that has tell she is not garbage

if the raised the multipers then she would be good.

Jun 3, 2024, 16:3706/03/24

Erm, 2.6 attack x2 hits, ignores stoenskin, strengthen, shields, and blocks revive.

AND she can give herself an attack, crit rate, and crit dam buff and then get an extra turn first,

If she can't hit, that's a gear problem.

do you have her? if you dont how can youmake this comment

also if you do post a vid of her doing good because i have not seen any.

Every CC you can think of video says garbage c or d class

Jun 5, 2024, 05:0406/05/24
Jun 5, 2024, 05:05(edited)

do you have her? if you dont how can youmake this comment

also if you do post a vid of her doing good because i have not seen any.

Every CC you can think of video says garbage c or d class

Exactly.  Some folks disagree simply for the sake of trolling.  Use her first and post a video of her whooping a$$ like she's supposed to before assuming she's good.

Any champion can be decent with great gear.  Mezomel is a MYTHICAL.  She has to hit harder than she does.  If her multiplier was higher, it would match her great skillsets.  Just can't understand the logic of plarium creating a champ that can counter stone skin,shield, and block dmg but makes her multipliers pathetically low. Why???  She's supposed to be the bane of stone skin users and Siegfrunds if you look at her skillset.

Jun 5, 2024, 10:2306/05/24

I think maybe people expect too much from the mythicals?

As with legos, it seems there are a few really good ones and lots of mediocre ones.

I have had poor results with my only mythic as well despite putting some of my best gear on the champ.

Jun 5, 2024, 11:1506/05/24
Trevor Wilson

I think maybe people expect too much from the mythicals?

As with legos, it seems there are a few really good ones and lots of mediocre ones.

I have had poor results with my only mythic as well despite putting some of my best gear on the champ.

Who is it? 

Jun 5, 2024, 11:5606/05/24
Jun 5, 2024, 11:57(edited)

Who is it? 

Alaz, i could maybe get hydra use out of him if i built a high resist team around him (but i am not gonna rebuild an entire team to try!)

Testing as a nuker, he fell behind baron for damage and harima for overall annoyingness. 

The only tiny benefit i have got off him is i have shaved a few seconds off my fk hard 10 times with him.

I dont mind, they shouldnt be complete game changers at the end of the day, but i do think people who expect an automatic improvement to their account when they get a mythic may be disappointed.

Jun 5, 2024, 13:1906/05/24
Trevor Wilson

Alaz, i could maybe get hydra use out of him if i built a high resist team around him (but i am not gonna rebuild an entire team to try!)

Testing as a nuker, he fell behind baron for damage and harima for overall annoyingness. 

The only tiny benefit i have got off him is i have shaved a few seconds off my fk hard 10 times with him.

I dont mind, they shouldnt be complete game changers at the end of the day, but i do think people who expect an automatic improvement to their account when they get a mythic may be disappointed.

I think the problem is the "tiers" of them, but then those exist for regular legos too.  Of course it sucks when you finally pull a mythical and it's Aphidius but guy over there got Galathir.

Jun 5, 2024, 14:2506/05/24

I think the problem is the "tiers" of them, but then those exist for regular legos too.  Of course it sucks when you finally pull a mythical and it's Aphidius but guy over there got Galathir.

Totally true, but that is not fundamentally different than pulling an Angar (even the buffed version) versus a Taras.

Or a Nick versus a Georgid.    

Jun 5, 2024, 14:4606/05/24

I think the problem is the "tiers" of them, but then those exist for regular legos too.  Of course it sucks when you finally pull a mythical and it's Aphidius but guy over there got Galathir.

Thats rng for you, when i finally broke my void lego mercy i got rakka (instant vault).

A few mins later, a clan mate announced they had pulled acrizia... i sent a 'gratz' but it MAY have been through gritted teeth :)

Jun 5, 2024, 17:5006/05/24
Jun 5, 2024, 17:50(edited)

Totally true, but that is not fundamentally different than pulling an Angar (even the buffed version) versus a Taras.

Or a Nick versus a Georgid.    

As a proud Georgie owner as well as a bitter Jingwon owner I get it. 

Jun 5, 2024, 17:5006/05/24
Trevor Wilson

Thats rng for you, when i finally broke my void lego mercy i got rakka (instant vault).

A few mins later, a clan mate announced they had pulled acrizia... i sent a 'gratz' but it MAY have been through gritted teeth :)

Been there more tines than I'd like to admit.  Usually with Davey.