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Why Use Rares?

Why Use Rares?

May 30, 2024, 22:1805/30/24

Why Use Rares?

I am not advocating using only Legendary or Mythical champs.  More to the point, is the emphasis to using rares come down to only supply of books for Mythical/Legendary?  In Arena, I see tons of ascended upper champions, so I know it's not a supply issue with the champions themselves, but I don't get to see how they are booked/equipped.

Or, is it that you don't need a whole toolbox on one champion if a simple hammer will do in the team it's located?

This isn't a rant at all.  In fact, I admire that I recently had my entire team taken out in separate battles recently by a single well-tuned Elhain or Templar.  Clearly, I have more to learn.

May 30, 2024, 23:1305/30/24

Early on in accounts it is far easier to book rares. Books can make a big difference in the champions performance.

Later on certain rares can be used in very specific comps and for things like speed runs. I still use renegade in many teams and for speed clearing DTH floors.

Coldheart is also an exceptional rare who Ive full built three of so far.

May 30, 2024, 23:5505/30/24

You'll almost never see one in higher tiers of arena, but many of my teams have a rare who happens to just have the right skills for the job.

Heiress for example, is used as a cleanser on a lot of demon lord teams.

Bellower in a stun set is great for cc even in the upper levels of doom tower and sin city.

I use Armigar on my Dark Fae hard 120 team, and he's an uncommon. I could probably swap him out for someone who does what he does and more, but ain't broke, don't fix.

May 31, 2024, 00:0305/31/24

It's a few things. First, Rares on average on the fewest amount of abilities like Passives, some don't even have a A3. Second, they're just not powerful with good base stats or having the best versions of buffs/debuffs.

Lastly, for Arena especially, there's not really any rares that do well in arena. Paragon is a great "Troll" rare for Arena, you may see him in Solo Defense teams. There are a couple others but usually people have a Epic or Leggo that is better overall. Outside of Arena there are a few awesome Rares.

Best is Coldheart, hands down no question. Then you've got Bellower, Apothecary, Reliquary Tender Kurzad ect. Painkeeper is another one that has a niche in Unkillable Teams