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Crazy Prism pool !

Crazy Prism pool !

May 27, 2024, 21:2905/27/24

Crazy Prism pool !

So I spent $300 (first time on this) for Prisim crystals

As the regulars  know I rage quit 2  months ago and returned 1  month ago so been back for 1  month . Sadly  I fed  my arena nuker to a rare (Hephraak / Demonspawn) when I quit back then along with many others

So when I saw  the lineup for this prisim pool and he was there with so many other  nukers I said ALL IN! (as I rebuild my account)

I pulled 2 rabbits ....then a  Wallmaster (later discovered he  is exceptional in Hydra and new to my account) ....and finally a Hephraak  :D  so happy :)  and to be  honest all those Legos for $300 is a deal in my books ;)

I was using my Mythical Dwarf as a  nuker  in classic arena since  my return (yes  he can smack too) ....but very happy to get my Hephraak back into the lineup

now  just to get the right gear for him as I also  lost that when I fed  him

Anyway....Happy time  and TY to the Raid Gods for the  much needed Luck ;)

Love this game

May 27, 2024, 21:4205/27/24

Bro you spent $300???

May 27, 2024, 22:0105/27/24

Bro you spent $300???

Absolutely :D well worth the return.....for my non FTP account

May 27, 2024, 23:0905/27/24

🐋  be 🐋ing

May 28, 2024, 00:0905/28/24

Absolutely :D well worth the return.....for my non FTP account

Ok, a couple things. First of all, I don't think you understand how you sound. Bragging about champion pulls on the forum is pretty toxic but also announcing the amount you spent is even worse. Second, I do remember you losing your mind about how "cheap" Xena was since the Pass was only $40 and that makes a lot more sense right now. 

Third, and this is THE most important part that I really hope you take as a lesson going forward: NEVER EVER admit you fed a Leggo to a Rare. That is a secret you should take with you to the grave. Especially since it was Hephraak that you fed to a Rare, that's the craziest part was you shared the name. 

In Conclusion: Please try to hold off on the details you share here. Write your post but don't hit the red "Post" button right away. Leave the writings up and give it like, a hour or so. Then post if you still feel it's appropriate. I'm trying to stay on good terms with the Mods and I promise you this is constructive criticism

May 28, 2024, 02:5005/28/24

Ok, a couple things. First of all, I don't think you understand how you sound. Bragging about champion pulls on the forum is pretty toxic but also announcing the amount you spent is even worse. Second, I do remember you losing your mind about how "cheap" Xena was since the Pass was only $40 and that makes a lot more sense right now. 

Third, and this is THE most important part that I really hope you take as a lesson going forward: NEVER EVER admit you fed a Leggo to a Rare. That is a secret you should take with you to the grave. Especially since it was Hephraak that you fed to a Rare, that's the craziest part was you shared the name. 

In Conclusion: Please try to hold off on the details you share here. Write your post but don't hit the red "Post" button right away. Leave the writings up and give it like, a hour or so. Then post if you still feel it's appropriate. I'm trying to stay on good terms with the Mods and I promise you this is constructive criticism

Not sure what was wrong with his post?

So he spent a few bucks?

So he admitted to doing some dumb stuff... feeding Heph LOL

Just confused on your criticism? and how it is constructive?

May 28, 2024, 03:2205/28/24

Yeah I have no idea what that's all about. Let the man spend his money how he wants. And if he's happy about what he got from that, why is it a problem to want to share?

May 28, 2024, 04:1005/28/24

Not sure what was wrong with his post?

So he spent a few bucks?

So he admitted to doing some dumb stuff... feeding Heph LOL

Just confused on your criticism? and how it is constructive?

Wallet watching is just weird behavior.

On top of what you said: if more people were willing to admit or talk about their mistakes the world would probably be a better place.

Anywho, it's not really constructive - just criticism. 

May 28, 2024, 04:2905/28/24
May 28, 2024, 04:31(edited)

Not sure what was wrong with his post?

So he spent a few bucks?

So he admitted to doing some dumb stuff... feeding Heph LOL

Just confused on your criticism? and how it is constructive?

I guess this forum is a lot more forgiving than most gaming forums I read. I also can't really explain what the problem is without it sounding inflammatory against OP so all I can explain is just that there's many things here that strongly invite negative replies. 

I only clicked the thread because I thought it was gonna be feedback about the current pool selection and when I saw the first reply I was like "uh oh, this isn't gonna be good". But now the negative criticism is about me instead and I've learned some insights about the active community

May 28, 2024, 04:5005/28/24

I guess this forum is a lot more forgiving than most gaming forums I read. I also can't really explain what the problem is without it sounding inflammatory against OP so all I can explain is just that there's many things here that strongly invite negative replies. 

I only clicked the thread because I thought it was gonna be feedback about the current pool selection and when I saw the first reply I was like "uh oh, this isn't gonna be good". But now the negative criticism is about me instead and I've learned some insights about the active community

I think the takeaway is you should probably take the unsolicited criticism dressed up as advice you tried to give Guardian, specifically your third paragraph/conclusion :)

not everything needs to be said, especially when it's effectively telling someone that the way they carry themselves is wrong. that's doubly true if what they're doing doesn't really affect you in the slightest. 

May 28, 2024, 08:0405/28/24

PG next time you get so mad at the game just uninstall, stop ruining your account like that. That way when the bug hits and you return you still have your champions man.

May 28, 2024, 10:3605/28/24

Ok, a couple things. First of all, I don't think you understand how you sound. Bragging about champion pulls on the forum is pretty toxic but also announcing the amount you spent is even worse. Second, I do remember you losing your mind about how "cheap" Xena was since the Pass was only $40 and that makes a lot more sense right now. 

Third, and this is THE most important part that I really hope you take as a lesson going forward: NEVER EVER admit you fed a Leggo to a Rare. That is a secret you should take with you to the grave. Especially since it was Hephraak that you fed to a Rare, that's the craziest part was you shared the name. 

In Conclusion: Please try to hold off on the details you share here. Write your post but don't hit the red "Post" button right away. Leave the writings up and give it like, a hour or so. Then post if you still feel it's appropriate. I'm trying to stay on good terms with the Mods and I promise you this is constructive criticism

This thread was  not to brag as you put it or to upset any who might  be ftp

I wanted to share in the  luck I had pulling my prisim shards which I have  never  done before (pull those shards that is)

I have watch Skratck pull prisim shards  on anothers account that spent over $1500 on them for that pull and made it clear for that YouTube video. Unfortunately they did not get as good a return

I have  watched  many  CCs  for raid including HH pull Prisims with 0 luck and spend much more than me. So its this reason I never  spent on these  in the  past

I wanted to give some insight as to what brought  me to the conclusion that now is the time for me  to pull. That being how I lost my nuker and  managed to get him back

I have  no shame  in my rage quitting this game or telling anyone that I did (I hope they learn from my lesson) I only have regret I never learn by my own mistakes

I mentioned  how much I spent to give context in just how lucky I was with that kind of pull because  you will need to watch  and search many YouTube  videos to find a pull secession that lucky with such a small purchase  (compared)

I suspect you do not enjoy alot of the top CCs  for this game on YT for Raid based on they often explain just how much they spend.. If I did  not say I only spent $300 with those  odds then some might suspect I spent  much / much more and pulled many many more shards to get the champions I did

Lastly I will say that I only did 10 pulls  and  had 4 shards  left which I pulled before  posting this and  believe it or not I pulled a Kavalax from those 4 single pulls today

Sorry my post upset you, but I carry no personal shame in feeding a lego to a rare ;)

May 28, 2024, 10:4805/28/24

I guess this forum is a lot more forgiving than most gaming forums I read. I also can't really explain what the problem is without it sounding inflammatory against OP so all I can explain is just that there's many things here that strongly invite negative replies. 

I only clicked the thread because I thought it was gonna be feedback about the current pool selection and when I saw the first reply I was like "uh oh, this isn't gonna be good". But now the negative criticism is about me instead and I've learned some insights about the active community

I wouldnt stress over it, we all have different views.

My personal view? if i blew thousands of dollars on a mobile game my wife would have me sleeping in the garage and i dont really have any desire to do so anyway. It would take away the feeling of achievment for me.

However there is nothing wrong with people spending lots, or wrong with people sharing their luck. Without spenders there would be no game for the ftp players to complain about.

May 28, 2024, 10:5505/28/24
May 28, 2024, 10:57(edited)

This thread was  not to brag as you put it or to upset any who might  be ftp

I wanted to share in the  luck I had pulling my prisim shards which I have  never  done before (pull those shards that is)

I have watch Skratck pull prisim shards  on anothers account that spent over $1500 on them for that pull and made it clear for that YouTube video. Unfortunately they did not get as good a return

I have  watched  many  CCs  for raid including HH pull Prisims with 0 luck and spend much more than me. So its this reason I never  spent on these  in the  past

I wanted to give some insight as to what brought  me to the conclusion that now is the time for me  to pull. That being how I lost my nuker and  managed to get him back

I have  no shame  in my rage quitting this game or telling anyone that I did (I hope they learn from my lesson) I only have regret I never learn by my own mistakes

I mentioned  how much I spent to give context in just how lucky I was with that kind of pull because  you will need to watch  and search many YouTube  videos to find a pull secession that lucky with such a small purchase  (compared)

I suspect you do not enjoy alot of the top CCs  for this game on YT for Raid based on they often explain just how much they spend.. If I did  not say I only spent $300 with those  odds then some might suspect I spent  much / much more and pulled many many more shards to get the champions I did

Lastly I will say that I only did 10 pulls  and  had 4 shards  left which I pulled before  posting this and  believe it or not I pulled a Kavalax from those 4 single pulls today

Sorry my post upset you, but I carry no personal shame in feeding a lego to a rare ;)

Congratz on the pulls i believe wallmaster is top tier

I did the champ training to get my single shard so that i could have a try for him but predictably got an epic :)

May 28, 2024, 11:0205/28/24
Trevor Wilson

I wouldnt stress over it, we all have different views.

My personal view? if i blew thousands of dollars on a mobile game my wife would have me sleeping in the garage and i dont really have any desire to do so anyway. It would take away the feeling of achievment for me.

However there is nothing wrong with people spending lots, or wrong with people sharing their luck. Without spenders there would be no game for the ftp players to complain about.

Well my wife plays Raid with me  on her PC beside my desk so in the scenario you mentioned. When my wife watches  me spend I often get the hints I should  help her account as well. 

Which I do ;)

May 28, 2024, 11:1705/28/24

Well my wife plays Raid with me  on her PC beside my desk so in the scenario you mentioned. When my wife watches  me spend I often get the hints I should  help her account as well. 

Which I do ;)

So you're saying if I setup shop on the other side of your desk I can get account help too?

May 28, 2024, 11:2205/28/24
May 28, 2024, 11:26(edited)

So you're saying if I setup shop on the other side of your desk I can get account help too?

well my brother  moved  into the apartment  below  me 2  months ago and I got him into Raid and in a manner  of speaking suggested I might  want to help his account out in the future

so likely yes, good chance

EDIT  kind of off topic me its no different  than taking a co-worker to lunch and buying lunch for both of you(which I do)...just you gonna  get longer  enjoyment  out  of a couple bucks spent on your account

May 28, 2024, 12:3605/28/24

well my brother  moved  into the apartment  below  me 2  months ago and I got him into Raid and in a manner  of speaking suggested I might  want to help his account out in the future

so likely yes, good chance

EDIT  kind of off topic me its no different  than taking a co-worker to lunch and buying lunch for both of you(which I do)...just you gonna  get longer  enjoyment  out  of a couple bucks spent on your account

I look at you as more of a shitty weekend golfer, you spend a couple hundred a round twice a week.  Have all the latest equipment, still can't break 90 lol.
Rage quit and snap your driver in half after your famous hacker slice into the woods. But you buy a new one and get back on the horse soon enough! 

You enjoy your hobby your way, and that's what matters. Keep having fun.

May 28, 2024, 13:4005/28/24
May 28, 2024, 13:41(edited)

Big congrats on the pulls @PriestGuardian!! Wallmaster + 2 Bunnies + Hephraak is a really good set. 

Also don't let it get lost in how good Heph and Wallmaster are that Bunny is also stupid good in both Hydra and Hard Fire Knight, so he's also two great pulls.

Here's my Hard Fire Knight team for example.


And Skillz uses him in NM Hydra I believe. :)

May 28, 2024, 13:4005/28/24

So you're saying if I setup shop on the other side of your desk I can get account help too?

Are we all moving next door to PG??? Haha

May 28, 2024, 13:5805/28/24

I look at you as more of a shitty weekend golfer, you spend a couple hundred a round twice a week.  Have all the latest equipment, still can't break 90 lol.
Rage quit and snap your driver in half after your famous hacker slice into the woods. But you buy a new one and get back on the horse soon enough! 

You enjoy your hobby your way, and that's what matters. Keep having fun.

sounds about right...