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Trunda hydra teams ?

Trunda hydra teams ?

May 26, 2024, 20:0005/26/24
May 26, 2024, 20:01(edited)

legit question: did you actually watch the video (he said the complete opposite)

he did however take away from the convo with devs that they're looking at how difficulty scales for scoring as a way of balancing clash

May 26, 2024, 20:1105/26/24

I guess the majority of  players with Trunda  (mine  is +1 empowered)  just do not get the formula required to reach these billions  of damage

There fore we continue to do our 80 mil damage runs with our Tundra's

Now if they nerf her  then not  only does  it do nothing to stop the Krakens from continueing to do billions of damage but more so hurts the legit non scientific  players  like  me and  then all of a sudden my hydra score looks  like 40 million instead of 80

who wins at the end of the day?

May 26, 2024, 20:3105/26/24

I guess the majority of  players with Trunda  (mine  is +1 empowered)  just do not get the formula required to reach these billions  of damage

There fore we continue to do our 80 mil damage runs with our Tundra's

Now if they nerf her  then not  only does  it do nothing to stop the Krakens from continueing to do billions of damage but more so hurts the legit non scientific  players  like  me and  then all of a sudden my hydra score looks  like 40 million instead of 80

who wins at the end of the day?

I guess its a wait and see what they will do lots of peeps are building teams including me doing billions of damage with trunda 

May 26, 2024, 21:1605/26/24
May 27, 2024, 17:22(edited)

I guess the majority of  players with Trunda  (mine  is +1 empowered)  just do not get the formula required to reach these billions  of damage

There fore we continue to do our 80 mil damage runs with our Tundra's

Now if they nerf her  then not  only does  it do nothing to stop the Krakens from continueing to do billions of damage but more so hurts the legit non scientific  players  like  me and  then all of a sudden my hydra score looks  like 40 million instead of 80

who wins at the end of the day?

Not if they put in a per-hit cap.  Your team will still be hitting well under the cap, so your team would not be "nerfed" at all, but the super-mega-crazy teams would be brought more into line with what other teams can do.

However, teams with lots of reset will still be able to use more Trunda A2s and therefore deal more hits at the cap and score higher than other teams.  It would still allow a team like that to outperform, but not by a factor of 25X. 

Totally unbalanced right now.  

May 27, 2024, 01:4205/27/24

This is why something needs to be done.  The Non-Trunda record is like 5B.  


May 27, 2024, 02:1805/27/24

legit question: did you actually watch the video (he said the complete opposite)

he did however take away from the convo with devs that they're looking at how difficulty scales for scoring as a way of balancing clash

I think at this point a mod needs to make a pinned topic that just says "The following Champions will not be nerfed in the near future" and list Trunda, Yumeko, Wixwell and all the others that people keep creating threads about.

Just a list thread really, change it as needed but leave it up there. Sometimes I wonder if the Hydra complaint threads are worse than the CBD Gummies lol

May 27, 2024, 02:2205/27/24
May 27, 2024, 02:24(edited)

This is why something needs to be done.  The Non-Trunda record is like 5B.  


Just a single hit damage cap or a "overflow damage" cap. If any champ can one-shot a Nightmare head that has the 50% reducation from just spawning, that's a huge problem.

To be fair regarding the total damage of this run in the video, this is a fully ascended team and extremely rare to be THAT powerful. I'm guessing the total power of that team is at least 1.3 million. I know Trunda can oneshot the Nightmare Heads without full ascension, but context for the team-to-damage comparison is important

May 27, 2024, 09:2705/27/24

Not if they put in a per-hit cap.  Your team will still be hitting well under the cap, so your team would not be "nerfed" at all, but the super-mega-crazy teams would be brought more into line with what other teams can do.

However, teams with lots of reset will still be able to use more Trunda A2s and therefore deal more hits at the cap and score higher than other teams.  It would still allow a team like that to outperform, but not by a factor of 25X. 

Totally unbalanced right now.  

I always felt a CAP on a individual champions damage was  OK .  If that were 1 billion say PER champion then the max damage would  be 6 Billion

Can all 6 champions reach that on a Hydra team?  I am asking those  in the  know . Because  if  not then it would come down to getting your support champs to do 1  billion  to have the  highest score as all the damage dealers would do 1  billion Capped damage

Jun 4, 2024, 09:1306/04/24
Jun 13, 2024, 11:28(edited)

You could make a team with Trunda, but I dont know how strong it would be, and it would really only work on normal. My Trunda has double the attack yours does, the other stats are similar, and I can't make her work on hard or brutal even with a double Yumeko team where she is using her a2 basically every turn  .

Jun 4, 2024, 13:3406/04/24

previous poster is reddit