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How far have I set myself back?

How far have I set myself back?

May 25, 2024, 09:0705/25/24

How far have I set myself back?

So, about three weeks into the game, I’ve made some bad missteps.  1. Didn’t know about 24 hour free codes that could have gotten Sun Wukong or UDK.  2. Fooded out Warpriest to promote someone else after getting Chronicler Adelyn, didn’t understand Tag Team and how useful Warpriest would remain.  3. Fooded Soulbond Bowyer, but felt she could be let go, but Tag Team has me wishing I’d kept.  4. Fooded out Akemtum, had no idea yet how good the cat would have served me in Clan Boss, didn’t really grasp how powerful poison is until I started Demon Lording.  That one stings most, though losing out on UDK is probably worse! 🤣

On the plus side, I did whale a couple shard packs.  In one, I got two Primal Shards and popped Hierophant Lazarius on just the second primal (!), which is reason enough not to start over.  I also pulled Ruel the Huntmaster and Tallia.  That mythic champion is stupid fun and I was super-lucky.  I also used the gems wisely to open the mine and sparring grounds for longterm growth.  I’ll get High Khatun shortly, and am earning Adelyn’s perfect soul.

I have Ruel 6*, Hierophant Lazarius 6* (full masteries), Elhain 5*, Chronicler Adelyn 5*, Tallia 5*, and 2 Deacons 5* and 4*as a core, Warmaiden at 4*, just pulled Apothecary and Coldheart from in-game award shards, so slowly getting an okay starting roster leveled to recover, given the big missteps.  Also getting fusion pieces in place to eventually get Arbiter.

My question, how difficult is it to come across a good poisoner; how much will fooding Akemtum haunt me?

May 25, 2024, 10:2205/25/24

Well OP .......Been playing this game a few yrs now and Rage quit 2 times (reasons I will not get into here)

Fed  roughly 40 Legos to Rare champs total....So I wouls say to you . Look on the bright side ;)

I think your ahead of the game as a new account  and should continue especially if you plan to do some spending on this game down the road

Thankfully I never fed any of  my Mythicals during my drunkin rages.

Try and learn from me and NEVER feed  legos during and rage  of this game because you will come back to the King of games  in this genera :D  

Good  luck with your account and that amazing Mythical you got (I have him also) going forward. Cheers :)

May 25, 2024, 13:3405/25/24

You're fine. Warpriest and Soulbond are trash. Akem is good, sure, but easily replaceable by any number of other champs.

May 25, 2024, 15:2505/25/24

I do concur that you are fine.  If you hadn't already pulled a lego (Ruel) & a Mythical (Lazarius), you might want to consider starting over to get WuKong or UDK, but as it is, you have a solid start to the game.  

Poisoners for Clan Boss are not too hard to come by.  Akemtum's real strength is as an AoE Hexer, and he is an S-tier epic.  If you pull him again, you should definitely hang onto him.   

Soulbond is definitely not trash, and is actually a very highly rated rare.  However, she is a Rare, and will totally pull her many more times.  She will prove very useful in a few key spots of the Doom Tower when you get there.

Since you are new to the game, there are some excellent resources to help you evaluate toons before you decide who to feed:   

May 25, 2024, 15:5805/25/24

Just to echo the others that you are fine. More than fine in fact, that is one of the best mythics in the game.

Definitely do not not restart.

May 25, 2024, 17:1305/25/24
Trevor Wilson

Just to echo the others that you are fine. More than fine in fact, that is one of the best mythics in the game.

Definitely do not not restart.

Thanks, everyone.  I do read Ayumilove and HellHades, but blockhead-me just didn't quite get how HH rated Akemtum so high, but was "meh" in individual skills.  The poison being % of max health part is what I realized too late.  Oh well.  Interesting learning point.  Adelyn transferred 1 poison debuff back to Demon Lord last night, and just one hit did 50k.  <sigh> 😂 Point learned.

As to Lazarius, I do get his crazy power, pretty much does most everything you'd want and is single-handedly the reason I can hang in some of the battles of Arena silver tier 3/4.  However, I do see some really good synergies in other champions that can take him down.  Definitely good impetus to keep spreading my tools in the toolbox.  Anyway, thanks again for chipping in, everyone.  Cheers.

May 26, 2024, 07:5405/26/24


Attact charactor go with offense pick 2 and deffense pick 1 each rank some attact charactor need to go with support but rare it defends what kind of buffs have.

Deffense and support charactors are go with Deffense and Support mostly but also it defends what kind of buffes have.

And if you think  you need to reset then you can be reset only for once for free reset.

After you need to give some dias to pay to reset. so it can be reset anytime just like that.

All here are defends on what buffes your charactor's got. its not too hard to pick anyway.