I'll just touch on a few champs/areas:
Gnut: bosses, hard FK + Spider (though less of a big deal). Still, for what he does he could very well be the best fusion ever. He's capable of being in speed run Shogun/Sand Devil on the right accounts too.
Duchess: arena, dungons, doom tower, iron twins, bosses in general. Though she's been power crept in Arena, I still think she's one of the best champs an account can start with.
Rotos: arena, not much else to say. I use him in Shogun as well
Graazur: completely changed my account in Hydra, though Trunda team is currently carrying my account there. Great for me in Shogun, too.
Cardiel: used to rely on him a lot in Arena but still do quite a bit in Hydra and Shogun.
Wukong: heavily, heavily rely on him in arena. tough to imagine we'll see a better free champion than him.