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Arena Team for Falmond Mournsword

Arena Team for Falmond Mournsword

May 20, 2024, 03:3905/20/24

Arena Team for Falmond Mournsword

Hello all,

I pulled Mournsword a few weeks ago and have slowly been building him up while working on other content. He's nearly ready to use, but I'm still working on building a team around him for arena. I've watched some videos on the topic, but a few of the champs (such as Cardiel and Venus), I lack. In my roaster, I have thefollowing.

1. Cardinal - She's just needs masteries, but she's ready to go with a two levels worth of stoneskin, mid speed and high resist. This seems like an automatic inclusion.

2. Deacon Armstrong - Finally pulled this epic and have a 5 star soul stone for him. It seems like a good pairing with his aoe decrease down, but the turn meter boost could affect Mournsword's bigger nuke.

3. Mordecai - Similiar to Deacon, but he has the ally increase attach buff.

4. The Tower - Fast speed and a block damage could give mournsword some extra protection.

5. Fenax - Needs to be built, but could be helpful with his block revive.

6. Astralon - AOE Stun could be helpful, but may not be affective against some teams. He is also unbooked.

7. Godseeker - She's speed tuned for Devil 25, but she's could be another shield until mournsword get's his turn.

I have others, but these are the ones worth mentioning at the moment. Any additional insight would be appreciated. 

Thank you :)


May 20, 2024, 05:5105/20/24
May 20, 2024, 05:52(edited)

Cardinal is great for a go 2nd team. You can get a lot of mileage out of that if you pick your battles wisely in classic and tag.

I <3 Fenax. Slept on him for a long time, but now he's one of my favorites. I use him constantly in all 3 arenas. He's just about the perfect counter for Monkey; puts him down and and keeps him down.

Jealous of your Falmond. Great pull!