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I wish I knew

I wish I knew

May 18, 2024, 11:3905/18/24

I wish I knew

So to my understanding some champions  in the game do things that do not need accuracy and most do need accuracy

Like my Mythical Dwarf that can strip all buffs  off a enemy and apply them to himself..  Pretty much this  champion does not need accuracy in my view as  I see  no  straight up RED debuffuffs he can land on the enemy

But to the common folk like myself I am unsure if he needs accuracy to be able to strip off the Buffs from enemies and  apply to himself as  not very clear for me in any description

My question to all you forum experts is .......Is there a easy way to know  if I need accuracy or not on a champion like this  in the game?  where to look for such information? and  is it safe to say if a champion does  not apply debuffs to an enemy they do not need accuracy?

HELP  in understanding this  is appreciated

May 18, 2024, 11:5705/18/24

My understanding is that every negative effect needs accuracy if not stated otherwise, stripping buffs falls under negative side

May 18, 2024, 12:5105/18/24

My understanding is that every negative effect needs accuracy if not stated otherwise, stripping buffs falls under negative side

so to that  I guess I am getting at why  there is  not a more specific way to know this when looking at a champion.

or is it  ONLY when written in the description of a champion plain as  daylight  100% chance / we must assume evry negative effect as you state it  will need accuracy?

Thankyou for the comment as I try and   figure out the truth to this and know/understand whenI need to apply accuracy to a champion who has  no Red debuffs displayed  on their skill list

May 18, 2024, 13:1805/18/24

so to that  I guess I am getting at why  there is  not a more specific way to know this when looking at a champion.

or is it  ONLY when written in the description of a champion plain as  daylight  100% chance / we must assume evry negative effect as you state it  will need accuracy?

Thankyou for the comment as I try and   figure out the truth to this and know/understand whenI need to apply accuracy to a champion who has  no Red debuffs displayed  on their skill list

Things that need accuracy:

Applying any Debuff to enemies

Buff Steal or Removal from enemies

Turn Meter Drain from enemies

The only time these things don't need accuracy are when it specifically states so in the description of the skill.

The notable exceptions to needing accuracy on negative effects are the Block Revive debuff and Activating an HP Burn that has already been placed, such as Dreng or Cronham's abilities.

May 18, 2024, 13:2005/18/24

Things that need accuracy:

Applying any Debuff to enemies

Buff Steal or Removal from enemies

Turn Meter Drain from enemies

The only time these things don't need accuracy are when it specifically states so in the description of the skill.

The notable exceptions to needing accuracy on negative effects are the Block Revive debuff and Activating an HP Burn that has already been placed, such as Dreng or Cronham's abilities.

very helpful Thankyou for this clarification..helps me  a lot to better understand this application and  how it works

May 18, 2024, 14:1805/18/24

note that cc effects from gear sets like stun, provoke or freeze do not need acc.