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Help building a team! 🙏

Help building a team! 🙏

May 15, 2024, 20:3505/15/24

Help building a team! 🙏

I´m on my 38th login day these are my champs but i don´t know who to build or to leave for later, any piece of advice is welcome, thanks in advance!! 


May 15, 2024, 20:5905/15/24

First thing's first - stop leveling anyone else at all other than food. You've already wasted too many resources on sub-par champs.

Second - stop using resources on non-level 60 champs, period. Doesn't matter how good they may seem. Don't do it. Only ascend/book/mastery level 60 champs.

Lastly - for now your priority is to build a Dragon team. Dhukk is a solid choice for a debuffer, and Skullcrusher is also a good choice for the team - but things fall off pretty sharply from there. Get Fayne to 60, she'll be your boss killer. You're sorely lacking on support champs though, which means, for now, DO NOTHING ELSE but level food! Stop wasting time doing anything else, and wait until you get some better support champs.

May 17, 2024, 07:4905/17/24

karam only told you to do one thing: lvl up fayne. thats it.

i can give you some real tipp: take 100 USD in your hand. buy a good shard pack. and watch guides for the champs you got from it.

if you just only farm food and nothing else like krama. you will end with 1 ancient all 4 days. 

May 17, 2024, 14:2205/17/24

That's terrible advice for multiple reasons. First, no, you do not need to spend any money at all on the game. You can progress just fine without ever spending a dime. Second, if you are going to spend money, using those shards at any random time like right now, is a terrible idea - you should absolutely only use them when you are able to complete a fusion with them. And lastly, wasting resources on useless champs instead of on food is a great way to put yourself into a self-defeating cycle that ends in trolling the forums with bad advice.