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Just fought a 30 minute battle in arena and it feels bad.

Just fought a 30 minute battle in arena and it feels bad.

May 14, 2024, 10:2005/14/24

Just fought a 30 minute battle in arena and it feels bad.

Enemy Team had Scyl, Kael, Boragar the Elder and Criodan the Blue.....

My righteous squad of heroes featured Godseek Anri, Martyr, Romero and Juliana.

And good golly, has anyone in Plarium actually looked at what they did with Criodan? The character is ridiculous. It was my first time coming across him but he was so annoying. Just freezing my team again and again. And looking at his stats I was shocked just how much freezing abilities he has. A1 has three chances for a 35% freeze? A2 has an AOE attack that has two chances of freezing the whole enemy team at up to 65% on a three round cooldown? And he's going to get a lot of round considering how many speed and turn meter gaining he has just on his own package. Combined with Scyl's AOE stun it was so difficult to actually take my turns.

And Juliana kept dying. My other dudes were frozen too often to use their heals and shields to keep her up. 

It took 30 minutes to finally kill Scyl. Once she died, I gleefully killed Cridan and then the game was lost for my opponent. But good god that game was stupid. Criodan is broken as hell and he's not even a Legendary....

May 14, 2024, 12:1205/14/24

And if you'd had a block debuffs cleanser with high resist you'd have won in under a minute.

May 14, 2024, 13:2005/14/24

And if you'd had a block debuffs cleanser with high resist you'd have won in under a minute.

Made me lol 😁

May 14, 2024, 13:2205/14/24

You actually don't see him that much because he isn't that great in arena once you get higher because people can cleanse their team or block his skills. Have you faced Blizzar yet? If you go up against him fully booked with your team, he will be able to survive your team by himself. 

You have a team that relies on counterattack. In the game of paper, rock, scissors.... certain teams will be the paper to your rock. 

Actually I think your team may struggle against a single well built Paragon with lifesteal. 

May 14, 2024, 16:0505/14/24

And if you'd had a block debuffs cleanser with high resist you'd have won in under a minute.

I have Gilsea Soulwarden and Sanguinia but I haven't managed to get either one to 60 yet.

May 14, 2024, 16:0705/14/24
Sir Kyle

I have Gilsea Soulwarden and Sanguinia but I haven't managed to get either one to 60 yet.

Things will change as you build and upgrade champs, and get gear. 

Just keep at it and you'll have enough built champs to counter defenses soon. :)

May 14, 2024, 16:0905/14/24

@Sir Kyle 

This is a game and you will play it how you like to play it, but if you continue to try to push forward in arena using only the righteous heroes of the Sacred Order, you will type many more messages just like this one.   

May 14, 2024, 16:1705/14/24

You actually don't see him that much because he isn't that great in arena once you get higher because people can cleanse their team or block his skills. Have you faced Blizzar yet? If you go up against him fully booked with your team, he will be able to survive your team by himself. 

You have a team that relies on counterattack. In the game of paper, rock, scissors.... certain teams will be the paper to your rock. 

Actually I think your team may struggle against a single well built Paragon with lifesteal. 

Yeah, think I've gone up agains Blizzar once or twixe before. Seems pretty comparable to Criodan....

Not sure what Paragon is.

May 14, 2024, 16:3505/14/24
Sir Kyle

Yeah, think I've gone up agains Blizzar once or twixe before. Seems pretty comparable to Criodan....

Not sure what Paragon is. 

Blizaar is like Croidan, but lego, with a higher % chance to freeze, and a double self-revive.

Paragon is a void rare who can keep unkillable on himself with 100% uptime. If you can't strip it or cc him, you can't win.

May 14, 2024, 17:0305/14/24
Sir Kyle

Yeah, think I've gone up agains Blizzar once or twixe before. Seems pretty comparable to Criodan....

Not sure what Paragon is.

If you get Paragon, don't get rid of him unless you have completed your campaign challenges where you have to clear all the levels with no more than two champions without dying. He can solo the whole thing. 

May 14, 2024, 17:3805/14/24

If you get Paragon, don't get rid of him unless you have completed your campaign challenges where you have to clear all the levels with no more than two champions without dying. He can solo the whole thing. 

Getting off topic, but I use him for my shogun team.

May 14, 2024, 17:4005/14/24

@Sir Kyle 

This is a game and you will play it how you like to play it, but if you continue to try to push forward in arena using only the righteous heroes of the Sacred Order, you will type many more messages just like this one.   

Are we not even using Banner Lords? Aren't they righteous enough and all knightly and such?

Ronda the Boxer is certainly a righteous hero! :P

May 15, 2024, 10:3505/15/24

OMFG just had to fight another team that was different but the exact same bullshit. Tormin, Scyl, Skullcrusher and Apothecary and really fast

They really need to nerf these sorts of teams cus fighting them is tedius as hell.

Like, at LEAST limit the amount of times a character can be stunned/frozen in a game. Or make it so they can be stunlocked twice in a row. Or make a cap speed. Or have the game set up in rounds rather than turns so the enemy can't stun you, take three turns in a row and stun you again since their ability is on cooldown so you never get to play. Anything!

It is such a toxic game when the enemy team is set up in a way that prevents you from doing anything.

May 15, 2024, 10:3905/15/24
May 15, 2024, 10:41(edited)

Blizaar is like Croidan, but lego, with a higher % chance to freeze, and a double self-revive.

Paragon is a void rare who can keep unkillable on himself with 100% uptime. If you can't strip it or cc him, you can't win.

Oh THAT guy. Yeah, I fought him in Faction crypt or whatever it was called. Set it on auto one day and came back like 10 minutes to check and see why my characters were still fighting. That guy is so stupid. Why would you make a character that can be invincible all by himself?

Anyways, why are folks saying i couldn't beat him? can't my Godseeker Anri lower his buff duration? Can't Famond steal the buff? If I am using Romero and Juliana they both have buff stealing/removal

May 15, 2024, 10:4705/15/24

@Sir Kyle 

This is a game and you will play it how you like to play it, but if you continue to try to push forward in arena using only the righteous heroes of the Sacred Order, you will type many more messages just like this one.   

Yeah, probably.

May 15, 2024, 10:5005/15/24
May 15, 2024, 13:35(edited)

Are we not even using Banner Lords? Aren't they righteous enough and all knightly and such?

Ronda the Boxer is certainly a righteous hero! :P

I do have a lot of Bannerlords and yeah, they are very cool. I just wish I could get Baron. That guy has the nicest set of armor!

My favorites are Lugan the Steadfast and Eolfrig. Those guys are real cool.

May 15, 2024, 11:0605/15/24
Sir Kyle

OMFG just had to fight another team that was different but the exact same bullshit. Tormin, Scyl, Skullcrusher and Apothecary and really fast

They really need to nerf these sorts of teams cus fighting them is tedius as hell.

Like, at LEAST limit the amount of times a character can be stunned/frozen in a game. Or make it so they can be stunlocked twice in a row. Or make a cap speed. Or have the game set up in rounds rather than turns so the enemy can't stun you, take three turns in a row and stun you again since their ability is on cooldown so you never get to play. Anything!

It is such a toxic game when the enemy team is set up in a way that prevents you from doing anything.

There is plenty of ways to fight this team, the team you listed is actually a joke free win. You ae  choosing to severely gimp yourself with your rp style. The game will not change around playing it completely suboptimal.

May 15, 2024, 12:1205/15/24
May 15, 2024, 12:16(edited)
Sir Kyle

Oh THAT guy. Yeah, I fought him in Faction crypt or whatever it was called. Set it on auto one day and came back like 10 minutes to check and see why my characters were still fighting. That guy is so stupid. Why would you make a character that can be invincible all by himself?

Anyways, why are folks saying i couldn't beat him? can't my Godseeker Anri lower his buff duration? Can't Famond steal the buff? If I am using Romero and Juliana they both have buff stealing/removal

That is why I brought up lifesteal with Paragon. From there it would just depend on your accuracy vs. their resistance and the luck of the rotation. But you are right, over time you would probably take him down. It is one of those fights that could be less than a minute or over 20 depending on the roll of the dice. 

As far as invincible all by themselves, a lot of champions can be that way if you don't have the right team to counter. Ultimate Death Knight can be that way. I fought someone's Snik once that I am not sure how the hell they had him geared but it took me forever to take him down. It was a very creative team around hoping that the other team just killed themselves. I was surprised at how well it was working. 

May 15, 2024, 13:3805/15/24

There is plenty of ways to fight this team, the team you listed is actually a joke free win. You ae  choosing to severely gimp yourself with your rp style. The game will not change around playing it completely suboptimal.

Would make the game more fun if they did though, just saying. It's a really stale way to play the game. If it works, your opponent just wasn't able to take any actions whatsoever. How is tht fun?

May 15, 2024, 13:5005/15/24

Because 95% of people don't play classic arena for fun. They autobattle it to farm great hall medals.

May 15, 2024, 14:3405/15/24

What is the one champion that heals themselves something like 20% of their defense when attacked? I hate that guy.