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RSL helper

RSL helper

May 11, 2024, 00:1605/11/24

RSL helper

If anyone can get a messsage to the RSL helper guy it would be nice to get an update.  I have a lot to grind and just a few auto battles.  

May 11, 2024, 01:0105/11/24

You could join his discord channel, but I'm pretty sure someone already asked him 😋

May 12, 2024, 01:3305/12/24

A few things:

I haven't spent much time in that server but I can tell you that asking when it'll be done, etc. will be fruitless as this is a program made independent of Plarium while also being subject to having to work with whatever releases for Raid get put out. As far as I can tell they (mods, devs, etc. for RSLHelper) aren't the biggest fans of when people ask about release timing, etc.

Kinda just going to be a case of "we'll get there when we get there" and poof, new update will appear at some point. 

May 12, 2024, 03:0505/12/24

A few things:

I haven't spent much time in that server but I can tell you that asking when it'll be done, etc. will be fruitless as this is a program made independent of Plarium while also being subject to having to work with whatever releases for Raid get put out. As far as I can tell they (mods, devs, etc. for RSLHelper) aren't the biggest fans of when people ask about release timing, etc.

Kinda just going to be a case of "we'll get there when we get there" and poof, new update will appear at some point. 

They do seem to issue updates in a pretty quick manner.

May 12, 2024, 04:1905/12/24

A few things:

I haven't spent much time in that server but I can tell you that asking when it'll be done, etc. will be fruitless as this is a program made independent of Plarium while also being subject to having to work with whatever releases for Raid get put out. As far as I can tell they (mods, devs, etc. for RSLHelper) aren't the biggest fans of when people ask about release timing, etc.

Kinda just going to be a case of "we'll get there when we get there" and poof, new update will appear at some point. 

The reason for this is that the RSL helper is developed and updated on a free-to-use base.

They do not earn anything from the RSL helper and especially in times of updates from Plarium, there is a lot of work to do, which is done in their leisure time.

Many times in the past, they have been insulted, given bad words and mocked by people who use the tool for free.

I think everybody can understand the frustration of people, who are providing something very good for free and are harassed and insulted if they do not do this in the matter of time the free users are imagining.

Fabstoff for example also has a young family with 2 little kids and needs some vacation from time to time.

And people asking for other people to inform the provider of the tool about their needs for a free least I spend from time to time and subscribed to Farbstoff's youtube channel to at least help him get back some of the ressources he uses just for testing the RSL helper. 

P.S.: And I can tell you Farbstoff was heavily insulted several times because the insulters thought the update was not quick enough. I guess everybody of us would be ' not the biggest fans of being asked for update times' if you get constantly insulted by those who nevertheless use the tool for free.

May 12, 2024, 09:0605/12/24

A few things:

I haven't spent much time in that server but I can tell you that asking when it'll be done, etc. will be fruitless as this is a program made independent of Plarium while also being subject to having to work with whatever releases for Raid get put out. As far as I can tell they (mods, devs, etc. for RSLHelper) aren't the biggest fans of when people ask about release timing, etc.

Kinda just going to be a case of "we'll get there when we get there" and poof, new update will appear at some point. 

Why cant Plarium help out?  They could give him a pre release like the content creators get.  

This is another quality of life issue that Plarium makes more difficult for no reason.  

May 12, 2024, 22:5405/12/24

Usually takes a couple of days for the new data files to be "distilled" or extracted from source. Of there is a second update or immediate patch the whole cycle starts from stratch and we wait a few more days.

Keep in mind this is his hobby and unless your helping to support the effort there isn't much to complain about from non-patrons of the service.

Have to agree with ClosedPoly here. Since much of the community is dependent on Farbstoff's freeware code, Plarium really should give us a and Faberstoff a hand with the development schedule. This is definitely a QoL the community very much enjoys having around and up to date.

- Coag

May 12, 2024, 23:3705/12/24

The last time I remember an update taking this long Farb was either on vacation or a work trip and away from home for several days. The guy has a real life too.

May 13, 2024, 15:4105/13/24

He's having issues with the update, it keeps crashing out on him. He's trying as fast as he can with a full time job and trying to do content creation as well. Cut the poor guy a little slack, eh? :D