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epic empowerment to strong

epic empowerment to strong

May 9, 2024, 14:3305/09/24

epic empowerment to strong

I know there will be a lot of people that disagree with me.

Why is epic empowerment the same level as lego? why did they not do it like the sparig pit, where you go from rare to epic to lego and each level is higher.

I think epic empoerment should be for +1 not 10% across the board and 10 acc and res, it should be 5% across the board and 5 acc and res.

Epics are to easy to get and there will be to many +4 epics way more powerful the legos.

Legos are by significantly harder to get empowerment.

Empowerment should be hard to get not easy.

I am against the strentgh of the empowerment and it should be nerfed to 5% and 5 acc and res.

May 9, 2024, 16:2405/09/24

The difference between Epic empowerment & Lego empowerment is significant by the time you get to +4.  This level of empowerment may make a certain number of Epics viable enough to make a comeback, which is a good thing.  

May 9, 2024, 17:0505/09/24

Nah not op at all.

I will make a few epics stronger and more viable in some pve content but as far as pvp nope.

May 9, 2024, 17:1005/09/24

Nah not op at all.

I will make a few epics stronger and more viable in some pve content but as far as pvp nope.

Depends on where you are at in the game but 15% more CD on Genbo? That isn't insignificant. 

May 9, 2024, 17:1505/09/24

Depends on where you are at in the game but 15% more CD on Genbo? That isn't insignificant. 

Not insignificant, but agree with those saying it doesn't really impact pvp. I think only epic I see in pvp is fenax to counter wukong.  

May 9, 2024, 17:4905/09/24
May 9, 2024, 17:57(edited)

Not insignificant, but agree with those saying it doesn't really impact pvp. I think only epic I see in pvp is fenax to counter wukong.  

Are you just including live arena? I run into some really good teams still running epics. 

Here are the ones that I see.

Serris, Seer, Genbo, Fenax, Skullcrown, Uugo, Deacon, Demytha, Seeker, and there is no better counter to Ma' Shalled in this game than Shammy. And i have to tell you that everyone underrates Ursala. Having her under stoneskin is awesome. 

Shammy I still use regularly in Live Arena when they pull out Ma' Shalled because their whole strategy is based on them fearlocking me. Take that away and they got nothin unless they put out Mythrala and then he will petrify himself. And he hits like a truck. Add more crit and attack onto that... fully awakened? I donno, I think that you could have some pretty devistating epics. I still say Genbo and Seer are the ones that if you have them fully empowered and awakened will take down teams. 

May 9, 2024, 19:0205/09/24

It seems ok to me, however i have been eating my excess epics for a very long time so i have only been able to +4 godseeker, anax and husk.

Hoarders must be loving it :)

May 9, 2024, 19:3905/09/24

I can't see a realistic scenario in which epic empowerment is too strong. In what way(s) does this break the game? If it's affecting anyone negatively, who are they? If it's affecting content adversely, where is it even?

That's not to mention that they aren't the same level as legos given that they only match in attack/def/hp while having worse base stats on average. I really don't understand this take, tbh.

May 9, 2024, 20:0105/09/24

Are you just including live arena? I run into some really good teams still running epics. 

Here are the ones that I see.

Serris, Seer, Genbo, Fenax, Skullcrown, Uugo, Deacon, Demytha, Seeker, and there is no better counter to Ma' Shalled in this game than Shammy. And i have to tell you that everyone underrates Ursala. Having her under stoneskin is awesome. 

Shammy I still use regularly in Live Arena when they pull out Ma' Shalled because their whole strategy is based on them fearlocking me. Take that away and they got nothin unless they put out Mythrala and then he will petrify himself. And he hits like a truck. Add more crit and attack onto that... fully awakened? I donno, I think that you could have some pretty devistating epics. I still say Genbo and Seer are the ones that if you have them fully empowered and awakened will take down teams. 

Live, 3v3, or "real classic defense" has ZERO of these epics

If I saw any of those epics in 3v3 it would be an automatic pick for one of my 5 battles that day.  Maybe silver is a bit different. 

I concede at lower levels epics will be more prevalent, but you will replace epics monthly if not quicker.  Plus4 or not.

May 9, 2024, 23:1405/09/24

I'm in gold 3 live, and I use Fenax and Alika a lot. Tbf, they both have 6* crushing rend.

May 9, 2024, 23:2705/09/24

I'm in gold 3 live, and I use Fenax and Alika a lot. Tbf, they both have 6* crushing rend.

Alika got a huge buff at some point. I do see her very rarely. Maybe it was you 😆 

May 9, 2024, 23:3005/09/24

Alika got a huge buff at some point. I do see her very rarely. Maybe it was you 😆 

Could very well be.

I actually got her 6* soul in the first week they were introduced. It was months before I pulled the champ, and I initially only built her cause it was the only 6* soul i had.

Her a3 is amazing though. It's won me a lot of battles.

She's like a store-brand Warlord. And she almost never gets banned 'cause no one knows what her kit is 😁

May 9, 2024, 23:5405/09/24
May 10, 2024, 05:41(edited)

Could very well be.

I actually got her 6* soul in the first week they were introduced. It was months before I pulled the champ, and I initially only built her cause it was the only 6* soul i had.

Her a3 is amazing though. It's won me a lot of battles.

She's like a store-brand Warlord. And she almost never gets banned 'cause no one knows what her kit is 😁

Yeah.  She is like Basher, except her skill can weak-hit due to affinity issues.  I pulled a 3 star awakening for both Alika & her sister Sikara recently.  I have never held onto a Sikara, but went ahead and took Alika to 6s. Now she is waiting on Minotaur. I figured,  if nothing else, she will be useful in Sintranos.    

May 10, 2024, 12:5505/10/24

I am probably making an assumption also. Are these percentages additive or multiplicitive? 

May 10, 2024, 20:5105/10/24

I am probably making an assumption also. Are these percentages additive or multiplicitive? 

Are you asking about the 40% on HP, Def & Atk?

Those will be mulitplicative against the base stats, and will be calculated independent of gear, great hall, masteries...

So a +4 Epic with 1000 Def will gain and extra 400 Def and you will see that added to their total on the Empowerment column of the Total Stats page.