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Idea Discussion

Idea Discussion

May 2, 2024, 15:3705/02/24

Idea Discussion

So I am extremely creative to things I enjoy playing and watching Tremors, Eyes the horror, but one gets to me alot Raid Shadow legends. This list is every idea I had. Note: Some aren't fully detailed as would make list far too long.

1. New gameplay- Choose through now which would be dubbed 3PRP-3rd perspective roleplay- and new 3PA- 3rd perspective Arcade looking like Mortal Kombat style game side to side against waves available 3PA mode to Doom Tower, Arena, Cursed City/
2. Actual high quality and details into level design
3. More free to play ability of course this brings to No 4.
4. Weekend character sale- 12hr Saturday character sales bringing back limited edition and even primal and legendary to better common and uncommon characters for purchase for price of $2.00 to $5.00 depending on how the stats and character skills and skins.
5. better bundle- get an actual deal in the Saturday sale having a rare or legendary champion with 2 armor/weapon sets and 25K silver including 15 energy for $12.00 or 3 armor/weapon full sets, 15K silver, 15 energy/lightning bolt 2 common shards, 1 rare shard for $11.00
6. Game ports- Switch or Xbox honestly I don't see it taking on playstation and alot of mobile phone games make success as small or big game on switch and most from xbox get ported to mobile so why not put mobile on xbox with Raid.
7. Call of Arbiter animated Season 2- A new story perhaps with new and old characters story could be lore of Cursed City or Doom Tower.
8. New button mechanic- Add faster 3x speed and add effect to auto button when switching auto to manual the word changes when in auto button will say manual and when in manual button will say auto.
9. New Raid game- play like pokemon and collect cards or with random character mini-figures and training/setting board play with card or figures against players or have two players face another as one plays as the boss. Players by choice use cards or mini-figure they colllected and use different gear cards armor chest has knockack shield builds buff and defense boots deal 2+ damage weapon 5+ damage guantlet/gloves brings 2+ plus to user and 2- debuff to opponent.
10. Another Raid video game idea- raid comes to the fighting genre with 4 different factions holding 5 characters making 20 characters to choose from players go up against each other or cpu's immerse in cursed city, campaign, doom towers, and faction wars in all new way in MK style battle arenas have mechanics Dragons lair interact with torch or reach opponent to dragon for awesome interaction battle moments seeing them damaged by dragon or torch or battle in spiders den, orc sewer, Banner lord castle, outlands of Teleria, Hydra's lair, Ice Golem's peak each with different atmospheric scenery and ambience play with friends online or offline or in solo in Doom Tower reaching to highest strongest enemy, Raid exploring dungeons for new materials for upgrades or silver for shards to summon characters, Campaign exploring the story in a new way. Cursed City a side-story mode exploring the lore of the city.
11. Live Action Movie adaptation- Raid if done right can be more than animated series and new games if the first game this one gets better and more free to play ability a live action movie could bring more of an audience and show Raid to audience it can do right instead of being mocked for annoying sponsor ads. We could see lore and characters in all new way never before seen.
12. Comic adaptation-
Raid has potential if done right if so we could at least see comics of the world seeing origins of our favorite main four beginning characters and next well known character of each faction making 16 comics and including the main four making 20 comics.

May 2, 2024, 22:2605/02/24


May 3, 2024, 11:0805/03/24


Thanks.  I suspected as such.

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