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Need some help adjusting my FK Hard 10 team.

Need some help adjusting my FK Hard 10 team.

Apr 5, 2024, 21:0004/05/24

Need some help adjusting my FK Hard 10 team.

Just built this team today. I am using Counterattack + 2 Ally attackers for this run. 

The run at the boss goes like this: 

  • Martyr at 251 places A2 just before boss. Boss slams (puts on Dec Def and Dec Speed) 
  • Everyone counterattacks (drops stacks from 21 down to 12)
  • Padraig at 249 uses A3 (cleanses the slows, applies inc speed) 
  • Longbeard at used A3, drops stacks to 3
  • Gnut uses A3 to open (shield down)
  • Neldor uses A3 (Dec speed) 
  • Martyr uses A1
  • Padraig gets second turn, uses A2.

Then the run kinda goes just okay. Neldor seems strong, but I can't full rely on his freezes. I also basically cannot use Blessed Bash again on Gnut it seems like. 

Just looking to see if anyone's familiar with the Counterattack / Double ALly Attack comps and might have some better thoughts or options for me. 

Apr 5, 2024, 21:0404/05/24

Not to mention the second wave is really annoying with my team as well. Matryr opens with A2 to provoke everyone, but Riho doesn't give a shit. Then I usually just manually target her for the most part. If I take too much damage on this section the run will fail at boss. 

Apr 5, 2024, 22:0104/05/24

Do you have a blessing for Martyr?  Faultless defense would help a ton.  Maybe to the point you could drop Longbeard for someone like Yakarl for a bit more help thru the waves and on the boss.  Assuming no Mikage as well?

Apr 5, 2024, 23:3104/05/24

Personally, I tried the CA version with Valk, and just wasn't happy with the reliability. I'm running double AA instead. The stat reqs though are. .. kinda high.

IMPORTANT - make sure Yakarl is in position 4 and Gnut is in position 5.

Razel: 332 SPD, 273 ACC  - A3 opener + disabled on waves
Fatman1: 342 SPD, 335 ACC - A3 opener + disabled on waves, A2 disabled on boss
Fatman2: 335 SPD, 192 ACC - A3 opener + disabled on waves, A2 disabled on boss
Yakarl: 299 SPD, 348 ACC - A3 opener + disabled on wave 1, A3 opener on wave 2, A2 disabled on wave 2, A2 opener on boss
Gnut: 304 SPD, 382 ACC - A2 and A3 disabled on boss 

Apr 5, 2024, 23:3404/05/24

Not to mention the second wave is really annoying with my team as well. Matryr opens with A2 to provoke everyone, but Riho doesn't give a shit. Then I usually just manually target her for the most part. If I take too much damage on this section the run will fail at boss. 


My first try. Full auto speed run 😆 

I'll try with gnut a3 back on after dinner. 

My alt of course, no mikage yet on main 

Apr 6, 2024, 06:3804/06/24

My Padraig is not geared yet, so I may make some changes to this team when he is, but I was also not happy with trying CA on FK H10.  IMO, The boss just hits too hard to let him have a turn at all. 

I am using a double Ally Attack and the runs take about 4 min:

Razelvarg:  Lead for Aura, 311 sp, opens boss stage w/A3 

Fahrakin:  297 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, A2 must be disabled on boss or you will fill the debuff bar and Gnut freezes will fail to land. 

Gnut 1: 292 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, then only uses A1

Longbeard:  290 sp, opens boss stage w/A3.   

Gnut 2:  269 sp, opens boss stage w/A1 and only uses A1 the whole fight.  

These speeds include GH bonuses from Live Arena.

On manual, I can use the Gnut A3s after the Ally Attackers cycle a second Ally Attack.  On Auto, you have to turn off the A3s.  This team will win on auto as long as there are no more than one or two 3% Res of A1 Gnut's freezes.  If there are more, things crash & burn.  I would need more speed (maybe Kram's speeds) to win the run if the Gnut freezes are gonna fail.   

Note: While typing this out, I realized that I should get Longbeard faster than Gnut #1 and then have Gnut #1 open with his A1 and only use the A1.  That will give me three more freezes after the shield is down, which may make the run 100% stable.  I will sort that out tomorrow.         


Apr 6, 2024, 06:4204/06/24

Do you have a blessing for Martyr?  Faultless defense would help a ton.  Maybe to the point you could drop Longbeard for someone like Yakarl for a bit more help thru the waves and on the boss.  Assuming no Mikage as well?

Does Faultless Defense proc hits to Fyro Shield just like an RD Buff?

Apr 6, 2024, 14:3104/06/24

My Padraig is not geared yet, so I may make some changes to this team when he is, but I was also not happy with trying CA on FK H10.  IMO, The boss just hits too hard to let him have a turn at all. 

I am using a double Ally Attack and the runs take about 4 min:

Razelvarg:  Lead for Aura, 311 sp, opens boss stage w/A3 

Fahrakin:  297 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, A2 must be disabled on boss or you will fill the debuff bar and Gnut freezes will fail to land. 

Gnut 1: 292 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, then only uses A1

Longbeard:  290 sp, opens boss stage w/A3.   

Gnut 2:  269 sp, opens boss stage w/A1 and only uses A1 the whole fight.  

These speeds include GH bonuses from Live Arena.

On manual, I can use the Gnut A3s after the Ally Attackers cycle a second Ally Attack.  On Auto, you have to turn off the A3s.  This team will win on auto as long as there are no more than one or two 3% Res of A1 Gnut's freezes.  If there are more, things crash & burn.  I would need more speed (maybe Kram's speeds) to win the run if the Gnut freezes are gonna fail.   

Note: While typing this out, I realized that I should get Longbeard faster than Gnut #1 and then have Gnut #1 open with his A1 and only use the A1.  That will give me three more freezes after the shield is down, which may make the run 100% stable.  I will sort that out tomorrow.         


Just a note on this team - the reason Wiley is able to get significantly slower speeds than mine, is due to the double Gnut. Yakarl is *significantly* worse than Gnut, so don't expect to be able to make this team work using him and those speeds.

Apr 6, 2024, 17:4904/06/24

Does Faultless Defense proc hits to Fyro Shield just like an RD Buff?

Sure does.  Note that it has to actually damage your team to proc though, so if you're running a shield Fyro needs to break it.

Apr 6, 2024, 22:4804/06/24

Sure does.  Note that it has to actually damage your team to proc though, so if you're running a shield Fyro needs to break it.

Yeah, I learned that when I tried to run a Reflect Damage Team to climb Hard FK when it first came out.    

Apr 28, 2024, 22:4704/28/24
Apr 28, 2024, 22:51(edited)

My Padraig is not geared yet, so I may make some changes to this team when he is, but I was also not happy with trying CA on FK H10.  IMO, The boss just hits too hard to let him have a turn at all. 

I am using a double Ally Attack and the runs take about 4 min:

Razelvarg:  Lead for Aura, 311 sp, opens boss stage w/A3 

Fahrakin:  297 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, A2 must be disabled on boss or you will fill the debuff bar and Gnut freezes will fail to land. 

Gnut 1: 292 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, then only uses A1

Longbeard:  290 sp, opens boss stage w/A3.   

Gnut 2:  269 sp, opens boss stage w/A1 and only uses A1 the whole fight.  

These speeds include GH bonuses from Live Arena.

On manual, I can use the Gnut A3s after the Ally Attackers cycle a second Ally Attack.  On Auto, you have to turn off the A3s.  This team will win on auto as long as there are no more than one or two 3% Res of A1 Gnut's freezes.  If there are more, things crash & burn.  I would need more speed (maybe Kram's speeds) to win the run if the Gnut freezes are gonna fail.   

Note: While typing this out, I realized that I should get Longbeard faster than Gnut #1 and then have Gnut #1 open with his A1 and only use the A1.  That will give me three more freezes after the shield is down, which may make the run 100% stable.  I will sort that out tomorrow.         


I spent some time over the recent FK Turn Attack to fine-tune my FK H10 team since I recently finished my Padraig build.  I went through multiple variation of a double ally attack and even tried a triple ally attack to land on this one as the best option for me.  It has all the important debuffs covered, and even allows me to use the A3 for one of the Gnuts.  Runs are consistently 3 min on auto, which is a minute faster than the team it replaced:

Padraig:  370 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, with A2 set to 1st priority.  He is fast enough to cycle back to his A2 and do the ally attack to open the shield before the boss takes a turn.

Longbeard:  295 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, w/A3 set to 1st priority    

Gnut 1: 294 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, A2 is turned off, A3 set to default.  He will hit a second A3 when it comes off cooldown.  With shield down. the A3 hits for almost 600M per hit.

Stag Knight: 274 sp, opens boss stage w/A1 in case the Dec Speed did not land from the Second Ally Attack, A2 set to 1st priority.  

Gnut 2:  271 sp, opens boss stage w/A1 and only uses A1 the whole fight.  

These speeds include GH bonuses from Live Arena, which I maxed out to L10 (20 speed).  I also boosted Accuracy to L5 (+40 Acc).

Debuffs up: Dec Sp, Dec Atk, Dec Def, Wkn

In this variation of the team, I have not yet lost a single run.  Seems like the only way a loss could happen with this setup is if SK gets RNGed too many times in a row and can't land the Dec Speed fast enough.  

If the Fyro takes a turn, Longbeard can't survive the hit, so the run would fall apart.  If that starts to happen, I may have to book Lonatharil.  He could take the hit, and he puts up fat shields to help everyone else take the hit as well.     

Apr 29, 2024, 19:4304/29/24

I spent some time over the recent FK Turn Attack to fine-tune my FK H10 team since I recently finished my Padraig build.  I went through multiple variation of a double ally attack and even tried a triple ally attack to land on this one as the best option for me.  It has all the important debuffs covered, and even allows me to use the A3 for one of the Gnuts.  Runs are consistently 3 min on auto, which is a minute faster than the team it replaced:

Padraig:  370 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, with A2 set to 1st priority.  He is fast enough to cycle back to his A2 and do the ally attack to open the shield before the boss takes a turn.

Longbeard:  295 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, w/A3 set to 1st priority    

Gnut 1: 294 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, A2 is turned off, A3 set to default.  He will hit a second A3 when it comes off cooldown.  With shield down. the A3 hits for almost 600M per hit.

Stag Knight: 274 sp, opens boss stage w/A1 in case the Dec Speed did not land from the Second Ally Attack, A2 set to 1st priority.  

Gnut 2:  271 sp, opens boss stage w/A1 and only uses A1 the whole fight.  

These speeds include GH bonuses from Live Arena, which I maxed out to L10 (20 speed).  I also boosted Accuracy to L5 (+40 Acc).

Debuffs up: Dec Sp, Dec Atk, Dec Def, Wkn

In this variation of the team, I have not yet lost a single run.  Seems like the only way a loss could happen with this setup is if SK gets RNGed too many times in a row and can't land the Dec Speed fast enough.  

If the Fyro takes a turn, Longbeard can't survive the hit, so the run would fall apart.  If that starts to happen, I may have to book Lonatharil.  He could take the hit, and he puts up fat shields to help everyone else take the hit as well.     

What's the speed on these per run look like?

Apr 29, 2024, 20:5204/29/24

What's the speed on these per run look like?

This team runs 3 minutes per run.

Apr 29, 2024, 21:3704/29/24

This team runs 3 minutes per run.

The waves or the boss the big time suck?

Apr 30, 2024, 02:4004/30/24

The waves or the boss the big time suck?

It is probbaly about 50/50 or maybe 40/60, with 60 for the boss.  

Most of the time on the waves, the mobs don't even get a turn.  Once in a while, Riho manages one turn.  It just takes a bit of time to kill them cuz this team is lighter on AoE damage even w/Gnut using the A2 freely.  Then, it is on to the boss with the skill order I laid out above.  

With the previous team, Rabbit annihilated the waves, but the Boss was a slower grind because I couldn't use Gnut's A3. 

For FK10, I thought 3 minutes was pretty fast.  Not really sure how I could get it much faster?  No one in my clan is any faster.  I am certainly open to tips.

Apr 30, 2024, 08:4704/30/24

It is probbaly about 50/50 or maybe 40/60, with 60 for the boss.  

Most of the time on the waves, the mobs don't even get a turn.  Once in a while, Riho manages one turn.  It just takes a bit of time to kill them cuz this team is lighter on AoE damage even w/Gnut using the A2 freely.  Then, it is on to the boss with the skill order I laid out above.  

With the previous team, Rabbit annihilated the waves, but the Boss was a slower grind because I couldn't use Gnut's A3. 

For FK10, I thought 3 minutes was pretty fast.  Not really sure how I could get it much faster?  No one in my clan is any faster.  I am certainly open to tips.

I'm surprised you need a Dec speed for the boss with 2 Gnuts.  I use a similar team with slower speeds and don't use one.  I use Quintus for the wave clear + multi hits on the boss.

Apr 30, 2024, 16:2804/30/24
May 1, 2024, 06:46(edited)

I'm surprised you need a Dec speed for the boss with 2 Gnuts.  I use a similar team with slower speeds and don't use one.  I use Quintus for the wave clear + multi hits on the boss.

I don't have a Quintus yet.  Still in G2 for Live Arena cuz I still only do live a few days per week.  Here is another vote for some variation to the Live Arena Time Blocks.  

Maybe I don't need a Dec Speed.  With the Razelvarg lead Team that I posted about three weeks ago, I did not use a Dec Speed Toon at all, but found that I could not use Gnut's A3 after the opening shot into the shield.  I did make the slight change to turn order with Longbeard and Gnut that I menioned above, and that cleaned the Razelvarg team up to 100% win rate at 4 minutes per run.

I just ran two runs with the Padraig team for a reference point.  The waves take 1:15.  The first run took 3:10 total and the second took 2:43 total.  I watched both runs and may actually be able to turn on the A3 for the second Gnut, which would definitely speed it up further.  

Anyway, I just posted my updated team & speeds in case the OP or anyone else who read this thread tried to use my original comp & speeds to build a team.

Apr 30, 2024, 17:3204/30/24

I don't have a Quintus yet.  Still in G2 for Live Arena cuz I still only do live a few days per week.  Here is another vote for some variation to the Live Arena Time Blocks.  

Maybe I don't need a Dec Speed.  With the Razelvarg lead Team that I posted about three weeks ago, I did not use a Dec Speed Toon at all, but found that I could not use Gnut's A3 after the opening shot into the shield.  I did make the slight change to turn order with Longbeard and Gnut that I menioned above, and that cleaned the Razelvarg team up to 100% win rate at 4 minutes per run.

I just ran two runs with the Padraig team for a reference point.  The waves take 1:15.  The first run took 3:10 total and the second took 2:43 total.  I watched both runs and may actually be able to turn on the A3 for the second Gnut, which would definitely speed it up further.  

Anyway, I just posted my updated team & speeds in case the OP or anyone else who read this thread tried to use my original comp & speeds to build a team.

Yup yup, that's what I was wondering.  If you could sneak in the 2nd Gnut A3 to really speed it up.  

May 1, 2024, 12:5105/01/24

Yup yup, that's what I was wondering.  If you could sneak in the 2nd Gnut A3 to really speed it up.  

Thanks for asking.  I changed the auto-preset for Gnut #2 to match Gnut #1 and ran a trial.  With Both Gnuts using their A3, it dropped the run to 2:30, which shaved another 15 seconds off, so here is the final version of my team:  

Padraig:  370 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, with A2 set to 1st priority.  He is fast enough to cycle back to his A2 and do the ally attack to open the shield before the boss takes a turn.

Longbeard:  295 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, w/A3 set to 1st priority    

Gnut 1: 294 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, A2 is turned off, A3 set to default.  He will hit a second A3 when it comes off cooldown.  With shield down, the A3 hits for almost 600M per hit.

Stag Knight: 274 sp, opens boss stage w/A1 in case the Dec Speed did not land from the Second Ally Attack, A2 set to 1st priority.  

Gnut 2:  271 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, A2 is turned off, A3 set to default.  He will hit a second A3 when it comes off cooldown.  With shield down, the A3 hits for almost 600M per hit.   

These speeds include GH bonuses from Live Arena, which I maxed out to L10 (20 speed).  I also boosted Accuracy to L5 (+40 Acc).      

May 1, 2024, 13:3405/01/24

Thanks for asking.  I changed the auto-preset for Gnut #2 to match Gnut #1 and ran a trial.  With Both Gnuts using their A3, it dropped the run to 2:30, which shaved another 15 seconds off, so here is the final version of my team:  

Padraig:  370 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, with A2 set to 1st priority.  He is fast enough to cycle back to his A2 and do the ally attack to open the shield before the boss takes a turn.

Longbeard:  295 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, w/A3 set to 1st priority    

Gnut 1: 294 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, A2 is turned off, A3 set to default.  He will hit a second A3 when it comes off cooldown.  With shield down, the A3 hits for almost 600M per hit.

Stag Knight: 274 sp, opens boss stage w/A1 in case the Dec Speed did not land from the Second Ally Attack, A2 set to 1st priority.  

Gnut 2:  271 sp, opens boss stage w/A3, A2 is turned off, A3 set to default.  He will hit a second A3 when it comes off cooldown.  With shield down, the A3 hits for almost 600M per hit.   

These speeds include GH bonuses from Live Arena, which I maxed out to L10 (20 speed).  I also boosted Accuracy to L5 (+40 Acc).      

Very nice.  2:30 is definitely fast enough to be farming with.