Plarium Chill
Everyday I get on the game you're releasing new champs or theres some other extraneous event. Let me enjoy the champs I just got - which by the way I barely get from pulls as a converted moderate to low spend. Let me spend my time aimlessly working on getting 10 seconds off my FK hard 10 team. All this stuff really can't be making you that much more money. Whales are spending a ton regardless and you've made me stop spending all together. I've been playing less than 9 months - why has my grind increased 5x. I can't even go on vacation for a weekend without missing something relatively useful.
I still haven't gotten a mythical champ from a pull. Help a brother out.
Just stop being a glutton. I'm not quitting or anything, just take a breath. Let your employees leave the dungeon. Simmer.
Thanks for reading, Plarium.