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Clan chat

Clan chat

Oct 28, 2019, 21:3610/28/19

Clan chat

I just wondered , is there or has there ever been anything put forward about an area in the game when you are in a clan that you have a chat area, to post ideas , like a notice board or something, only reason i say it is the current system is awful and a lot of scrolling and i cannot leave permanent mesages for clan goals etc, i know could use discord and the likes but a lot of players do not use it, but once they are on the game it makes it easier for them to view.

the current system of clan rules etc is too short and does not get the message accross, feel free to shoot me down as a bad idea but i just think it would be a lot easier, probably a nightmare to implement..but hey
Jan 13, 2020, 14:0401/13/20
Yes its a good idea :) something like a higher character limit for the clan message shouldn’t be that hard of an upgrade I would presume... ?
Jan 14, 2020, 04:0401/14/20

I'm not a dev, but I can assure you that your suggestion is not achievable. This would make Raid too heavy and we'll meet a really big issue... like clans with chats full of pornography and something like that.

It's a good idea, but we know how the players are. 
Jan 14, 2020, 12:3901/14/20
to be honest valdys i would also settle for a few hundred more letters in message box :)
Jan 14, 2020, 12:4701/14/20
Rasputin said:

to be honest valdys i would also settle for a few hundred more letters in message box :)
Ok, this one is more accessible, I will talk about it to the devs. :)