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Oct 28, 2019, 19:4510/28/19


Is there a preferred arena set up? For example attack, attack, tank, support. I can’t seem to gain any ground without putting two supports in. That’s little damage.
Oct 28, 2019, 21:0110/28/19

90% of the fight you will know the outcome in the first 5s.

Speed is the key, but it must be coupled with powerful atk. 

You need to time your attackers, for example, I use Zargala and Kael. I always makes sure that Zargala has 1pt more in speed than Kael so Kael enjoys the debuff. 

Gorgo boost them and buff increase atk, Zargala comes second puts a debuff def. Kael comes after and clean up. 

If you do not kill at least 1 opponent, you know it will be hard to get back. 

Some people chose to have a 3rd attacker but it needs to be equally powerwull and fast to make sure you finish the job.

If you chose to have a second support, depending on his skills he needs to be either faster or a tad slower then your atk. Ex, a buff in turn meter needs to come first, a counter like skullcrusher needs to come after. 

Either way, you will find that there is no real method to make sure you win, not even the power índice of the teams... Because it doesn't tell you who is the fastest. My team power varies between 50k and 70k... Since I was 40k I could beat some 100k+ because most are slow as hell... But sometimes I run in a 40k team full speed and turn boost, then I get my ass handed to me. 

The only way to really know is to check the team leader and click on start. 

Oct 29, 2019, 09:1910/29/19

Nico Traveler said:

90% of the fight you will know the outcome in the first 5s.

Speed is the key, but it must be coupled with powerful atk. 

You need to time your attackers, for example, I use Zargala and Kael. I always makes sure that Zargala has 1pt more in speed than Kael so Kael enjoys the debuff. 

Gorgo boost them and buff increase atk, Zargala comes second puts a debuff def. Kael comes after and clean up. 

If you do not kill at least 1 opponent, you know it will be hard to get back. 

Some people chose to have a 3rd attacker but it needs to be equally powerwull and fast to make sure you finish the job.

If you chose to have a second support, depending on his skills he needs to be either faster or a tad slower then your atk. Ex, a buff in turn meter needs to come first, a counter like skullcrusher needs to come after. 

Either way, you will find that there is no real method to make sure you win, not even the power índice of the teams... Because it doesn't tell you who is the fastest. My team power varies between 50k and 70k... Since I was 40k I could beat some 100k+ because most are slow as hell... But sometimes I run in a 40k team full speed and turn boost, then I get my ass handed to me. 

The only way to really know is to check the team leader and click on start. 

Yup a great answer Nico, Ty a lot for help the community!

If you need for something else ask and don't worry we are here for help FEARDOTRUN.

Have a nice day!

Oct 29, 2019, 14:3210/29/19
Oct 29, 2019, 15:18(edited)

go fast and hit hard is the best option but full survival teams can work too.

as stated above - glass cannon setups are exactly that, they rely on winning after 1 or 2 turns, while killing at least 1 or 2 oponent champs before they react.

If you manage to have full 4 champs standing after they throw all their AOEs at you or you are faster than them  - most of the times you kill them with 1 or 2 hits as they have paper thin deffense

I run Astralith lead + BEK + Apo + Tayrel:

- Apo gives speed

- BEK does a2 for poison / regen buff (and +dmg as side effect of poisons) - unless I am facing heavy debuffer team: BEK saves a2 for cleanse on 2nd turn

- Astralith goes with a2 bombs on whoever i think might cause most troubles and if possible not blue affinity due to affinity weakness

- Tay goes with aoe def down or TM reductor depending on situation (might be going 2nd if I swap his LS gear for sth with more speed, but this setup offers survival if fight takes few more rounds than expected)

their turn goes, whoever have bombs on just dies before moving (2x 17k from bombs and already wounded by most likely crit dmg while applying those bombs)

- they either kill Astralith or if she still stands she have at least 31% hp (2x regen from BEK just before starting my turn) - A1 to boost team TM or if I think it is worth it - HP swap with whoever have most HP% and kill it off right away or with help of others.

Then it is all dependant on how it went so far - most likely 2 vs 4 after I finish my 2nd turn...