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Noob looking for advice on leveling

Noob looking for advice on leveling

Oct 19, 2019, 20:2410/19/19

Noob looking for advice on leveling

I'm exactly one week and one day into the game. Got my shiny new 4 star Shaman. Have a total of nine four stars right now, I'm getting way too many three stars piling up. I need to clean house and I'm looking for advice. 

Four stars: 

1. Galek. Started with him. I've got a few 4* chickens. I'd kinda like to take him up to 5*. 

2. Rocktooth. I've been pleasantly surprised by this guy, so when I got a second one I kept him and now both are 4*. It's surprising how many times two Rocktooths has been the perfect combination for beating a map level. 

3. Slayer. Seems like anytime you find a solid AOE'er that isn't blue/arcane, you count your blessings. Slayer has been surprisingly good, tough, versatile and useful. 

4. Mystic Hand. Another one that's surprised me with how useful he can be. 

5. Conquerer. I hesitated before bumping this guy up to 4*. No AOE. No heals. But his durability and single target damage output against red kinda made the decision for me. 

6. Metalshaper. I spammed Kaorok Castle like crazy, trying to get Valerie, but she just won't drop. Instead, I randomly found this surprisingly good lizardman, and I think he's better than Valerie would have been. He mass shields. He heals. He steals buffs. His base attack actually hits decently hard. I remember seeing a YouTube video saying there were no decent lizardmen. Well, I'm still very low level, but I think I found one. 

7. Shaman. She's a great one to have along and pairs insanely well with Metalshaper in bigger groups. Definitely a keeper. 

8. Goulish Ranger. I have a growing sense of regret for leveling this guy up. His abilities sound awesome, but his output has been pretty disappointing. Seriously considering making lemonade out of lemons and using him to bump Galek up to 5*. Anyone think he's worth keeping? 

Three stars: 

1. Ironclad. Seemed like a great one. Used to use him a lot against blues. He's leveled to 30. I don't really use him anymore though and I'm thinking about burning him to level others. 

2. Graybeard. Really like this guy! The only downside to him is that I've already got plenty of blue AOE and don't always need him. I still use him a lot though. Thinking about ranking him up to 4*

3. Judicator. Kind of a lesser version of Conquerer, so he's in a niche that I've already filled. I don't use him. He's already level 30, so thinking about bumping him up to 4* to burn on moving other characters to 5*. 

4. Warpriest. Yeah she's on my list for ranking up to 4*. Awesome healer, but there's the tradeoff between choosing her and choosing Metalshaper. She can mass heal. He can mass-shield. I've tended to go with Metalshaper more and Warpriest less. By the way, why not name her "Warpriestess?" Would seem a bit more accurate, right?

5. Skullsworn. He's leveled to 30. I've kept him around because of his Speed aura. I use him more than I'd have thought, but I'm kinda on the fence about keeping him. Is he worth hanging onto?

6. Totem. Another rare example of AOE that isn't blue/arcane, so I've used her a lot. Strongly considering leveling her to 4*, but her damage output has been kinda meh. 

7. Sniper. Oh Sniper! My first free additional champion! You have been so good to me! But are you worth keeping? Does it actually make sense to level this girl to 4*? 

8. Avenger. She's been useful in the past as an extra to kill greens. She's level 28. I'm thinking I should bump her up to 4* and then burn her. Anyone think this is a bad idea? 

9. Elder. Might be worth keeping if I wasn't already loaded to the gills with blues. He's level 25, so might do the same as Avenger - bump him up and burn him. 

10. Chopper. He's got this really nifty sounding buff for Arena and that's the only reason I can see for keeping him. 

11. Courtier. A red AOE type and decent all around. Just working on leveling him up so I can rank him up to 4*. If this is a dumb idea for any reason please let me know. 

12-15. Have a few level 1 guys, most of which I haven't had for very long: Honor Guard, Gator, Theurgist, Judge, and Crossbowman. Judge looks like a keeper, the rest look like leveling fodder to me. 

I appreciate any advice anyone might have in advance!!! 

Oct 22, 2019, 17:5010/22/19

I recommend keeping 2 copies of every hero that is Rare, Epic, or Legendary.

  • 1 copy should be set aside for any future fusions which may require them.
  • 2 copy should be kept as idiot insurance!

You are inexperienced and are not Qualified to know if a hero is good or bad.

Beginners like to use Rares, Epics, & Legendaries as fodder because they don’t want to level up Green heroes.

Beginners have a tendency of being LAZY!

Thus, Beginners fabricate an illusion in there mind that all the heroes they have pulled are trash.

They do this as a way of trying to justify sacrificing everything.

It is the worst thing to do.

Months later, they regret what they have done!

The game isn’t a sprint.

The game is a marathon!

  • Keep 1 for any future fusion.

It could be a fusion material for a Legendary hero. 

It is possible!

  • Keep 1 incase you need that hero to complete a mission, dungeons, etc.

I have thought tons of heroes where trash in this game.

I came very close to using them all as leveling fodder, but I stopped myself.

Idiot Insurance - you set a rule to keep 2 of each to prevent yourself from being an idiot!

Mystic Hand? I thought he was trash.

All I could think about at the time was getting my Kael to 5 star.

I came so close to using him as fodder, but a teammates said just level up green hero.

Mystic Hand might be useful!

I listened to my teammate.

1 week later - my Kael was level 50.

I went to get more Magic Potions to get his Asscension to 5 

I wanted to do the higher level ones.

I got absolutely destroyed!

The Shield the Magic Boss does was so insane!

I couldn’t get thru to win.

Guess what hero I used to beat it?

Mystic Hand!

1 week earlier Mystic Hand was Trash to me because I was only thinking about leveling my Kael

1 week later Mystic Hand was a God to me because the Magic Potion Boss Shield is insane!

Mystic Hand steals the Shield - His Health becomes insane!

He never dies!

You don’t know, until you know!