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Make the game playable

Make the game playable

Oct 19, 2019, 13:0610/19/19

Make the game playable

Let me start this thread by saying this game has potential.  I wouldn't be making a post if I didn't play it and enjoy it.  However it is now becoming evident after 4 months of gameplay as well as a mid level spender that the game is broken.

Good characters are practically impossible to attain yet they keep releasing new ones.  I have opened up 5 legendary shards no legendary.  I am constantly getting the same weak unusable characters over and over which is essentially food.  When I do get a new character the amount of time and resources to upgrade and improve them is ridiculous.  I am not going to go over the total amount of time, energy, tomes and gear to make a toon viable as I am sure all the players know exactly what I am talking about.

Upgrading equipment is insanely expensive.  I've spent over 3 million in silver to upgrade 1 piece to level 16.  With so many characters in the game and the high costs to upgrade, equip etc.  I will never get to enjoy the content the creators made.  It is a total shame.

Events are completely unachievable.  The current summon rush takes 10,000 points to make it to Gala Longbraids.    That is the equivalent of 20 Legendary Shards!!!  Think about that.  How insane is that.  What is the point of even putting these events on.  You guys should take a look at the game "Dungeon Boss".  They know how to create events that are enjoyable and achievable for their player base.

I have some friends who buy the Raid Passes however they are all unsubscribing end of this month due to the fact that they cant use the passes for lack of Energy.  Not only that the cost for the raid passes is not justified.  Look at world of warcraft, they would charge players $10-15 a month which would give you unlimited play and new content.  Here people are playing $10 a month for an extra 20% exp and additional campaign auto runs that can barley be used because of lack of energy.....  It's absolutely insane.

I am not sure what the developers are thinking.  If this game was simply made for a handful of whales who have a gambling addiction which they mask in the form of video games.  Either way if the masses don't stick around due to the reasons mentioned the whales will eventually stop playing and move on to the next fix for their addiction.  

It is expected that some moderator will jump to the defense of Plarium for their doggy treat.  Please don't take what I am writing lightly.  Feedback is extremely important and not enough people give it.  I took the time to write this because I want to see this game improve and become a success.

There are more issues but I don't feel like writing a 10 page essay.


Oct 19, 2019, 17:1610/19/19

Tbh, other than the fact that most Events and Tournaments are made for whales (most, because I actually managed to complete some without spending) and more energy being needed, I don't agree at all, here's why:

Good characters are not hard to obtain and If you've spent some money on the game, it should be all the easier. Thing is, you need to make do and tune your characters well until you get higher and higher tiered champions.

Upgrading equipment is, yes, expensive. And that is what makes the whole game balanced. It costing to replace gear is what keeps things from getting out of control and chaos breaking loose. About spending 3 mil on getiing a gear to 16, c'mon man, you did math in class. In the end it's all 50-50. I spent as much as 1.5 mil from 15 to 16 and also managed to get from 12 to 16 on first tries.

It's also pretty rude to call whales addicts. If I spent money on the game, I did it because I really enjoyed it. The community is nice, the content is nice AND the fact that it's not some game that anyone can finish/ complete overnight is what makes it all the more appealing.

From my POV, you're just salty and childish since there's no justification for using phrases like "It is expected that some moderator will jump to the defense of Plarium for their doggy treat. Please don't take what I am writing lightly." as a description for what a mod's duty is, in the end. Also, what are you, some kind of a gang boss? Don't take it lightly?

C'mon man, I agree that feedback is important and A LOT of people give it, but what you're saying is basically "MAKE THIS GAME FOR ME!".

Oct 20, 2019, 04:2310/20/19

Hey Hey

someone say doggy treat? 

first off, ill pass this post onto review to the CM's/Devs, they appreciate the feedback.

If I may, I would like to clarify a few things

There is no such thing as "legendary shards", what you mean .. I think are the sacred shards which basically give you an epic champion, with a slightly improved chance of a legendary than an ancient shard(blue one), I point this out as its something I also got confused with when I first started.

Regarding the current event, yea 10k points are massive, and I don't think they actually expect anyone to complete it, though if I had saved my shards, I would of try to at least get those legendary tomes, those are incredibly valuable, I think their point to this event is that they want players to plan their resources and go for the events they want and get out of the events what you can, an example is I used some shards to get the energy in the basic first 5 rewards of the event but will pass off the rest of it.  

Please also note to be respectful, though im happy to take some things on the chin, it is greatly appreciated that you are.

many thanks 

Oct 20, 2019, 05:1410/20/19

KiwiMcSheep said:

Regarding the current event, yea 10k points are massive, and I don't think they actually expect anyone to complete it, though if I had saved my shards, I would of try to at least get those legendary tomes, those are incredibly valuable, I think their point to this event is that they want players to plan their resources and go for the events they want and get out of the events what you can, an example is I used some shards to get the energy in the basic first 5 rewards of the event but will pass off the rest of it.  


Thanks for the clear up, but I have a question. Why did they put an event in with a reward people would want but make it with the intention of not being obtained? For me I saw the event and thought this would be my one and only shot to get her, and had saved for such a chance. But it was a pretty big kick in the face to realize there was no chance for me to obtain her. 

I dont mind if you guys make tons of hard events. Just is a massive disappointment when after saving up the prize is out of reach. 
Jun 1, 2020, 08:2306/01/20
Remove silver cost on changing gear, that way we can experiment with setting up our guys while out of energy.  It would make the game 1000% more fun
Jun 2, 2020, 11:2006/02/20

Spyder73 said:

Remove silver cost on changing gear, that way we can experiment with setting up our guys while out of energy.  It would make the game 1000% more fun


Thank you for your suggestion, but devs have already clarified that they won't remove silver cost on changing gear.
Jun 8, 2020, 06:4306/08/20

KiwiMcSheep said:

Hey Hey

someone say doggy treat? 

first off, ill pass this post onto review to the CM's/Devs, they appreciate the feedback.

If I may, I would like to clarify a few things

There is no such thing as "legendary shards", what you mean .. I think are the sacred shards which basically give you an epic champion, with a slightly improved chance of a legendary than an ancient shard(blue one), I point this out as its something I also got confused with when I first started.

Regarding the current event, yea 10k points are massive, and I don't think they actually expect anyone to complete it, though if I had saved my shards, I would of try to at least get those legendary tomes, those are incredibly valuable, I think their point to this event is that they want players to plan their resources and go for the events they want and get out of the events what you can, an example is I used some shards to get the energy in the basic first 5 rewards of the event but will pass off the rest of it.  

Please also note to be respectful, though im happy to take some things on the chin, it is greatly appreciated that you are.

many thanks 


First of all we as a customer don't feel good complaining about the game. It is just that we love the game so much that we want to stay in the game much longer and there are some features about the game that we would appreciate that you would change for us. So, don't be offended saying "please be respectful" cause i think that Mr. Donkey including many of us are just very frustrated.

    You guys don't wants to give us more sacred shards? fine... charge money while exchanging artifacts? fine.... make epic tomes like a pot of gold? Fine...Make it extremely hard to 6star? fine.... but at least give us a way to give more energy so that we can play the game more. i mean despite all that we want to play the game cause we love it and You don't give us sufficient energy too? 

    i Mean i get it that u want to earn money.. so u charge every thing on everything and the price is so much more... But because of that customers only play the game for 6 months and drop it.. why?? cause even if we pay u guys.. we may still not get better results on legendary and the frustration have a multiplier effect cause u charge us much more compared to other games

   Games like WOW and other online game charge much less than u and they are MUCH RICHER than u.. Turn based game like epic seven.. people play these games for more than 2 years but on an average for 6 months for raid shadow legends (This Data may not be completely right.. just on personal experience)

And Finally for F2P players.. U guys have made the game almost unplayable for F2P. If U guys donot want free customers in your game just ban them from playing and make it mandatory to charge them for playing. Cause as a F2P myself we are very frustrated. U have the responsibility to look from the prospective of F2P as well cause we also have the right to give reviews and comment

Your customers are so frustrated that even the youtubers (Doing it free or receiving money from you, donot know) Thrash you and your game. They love the game like many of us but just donot want to play it now... Just think about it.. How bad is it going to be for you.. 

I mean You guys may earn a decent amount for many be 2 years from now, but after that.. from all the negative comments and frustration from players.. no one may play your game (Take it from a experience business man) .. So change your strategy and just try for ONCE to make your customer happy.. AND NOT be arrogant like the comment above 

Jun 8, 2020, 07:2806/08/20
Well you may be right about the other things, but seeing @Valdys comment as arrogant is just stupid.