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Open Letter to Plarium

Open Letter to Plarium

Oct 18, 2019, 22:1010/18/19

Open Letter to Plarium

I  want to preface this letter by saying I have enjoyed my time with this game for the most part. I love the art style, I love the design, I love the mechanics and challenges but I thought I would list what most people like/dislike about your game. To be positive, I will start with the likes.

1. I think the art style is fantastic as is the animation. For the most part the characters feels unique and bold. I enjoy almost every visual aspect of this game and I think that goes for most people.

2. I love the variety of content for a variety of champions. Its really cool to have certain champions be good in specific areas. For example I love my Cupidus in dungeons and Arena, but he is limited in clan boss, forcing me to look into developing other champions. Coldheart is another example who helps out specifically with fire knight and spiders but isn't great in arena or CB. Occult Brawler is the opposite, a champ who thrives in CB but is weak in other areas. It forces experimentation and diversity and I think it is great for the game.

3. I appreciate the fact that legendary champions are actually incredibly rare and hard to obtain. It makes that moment of completing a long fusion or opening a lucky shard that much more exciting. I also appreciate that for the most part, legendaries aren't required until the absolute endgame and can be replaced with champions like steelskull, gorgorab, skull crusher, Kael, apothecary, etc.....

4. I like the variety of mechanics that force you to make champions interact with each other to truly be powerful. For example, clan boss counter attack teams or arena nuke teams only work because of champion synergy. No champion is powerful enough on their own and people are always finding new ways to improve.

5. Content creators are helpful and passionate and the community is actually pretty vibrant for the most part. I enjoy learning from others and working with clans to improve at the game

Now to the negative stuff

1. Most events don't aren't completable without spending money. Spending money doesn't make a game fun, challenges do. I will spend money if it helps me enjoy new challenges, but I don't want the challenge to be spending money. I'm not an idiot and understand you make your money off whales but I think you could make more if you made challenging content and the occasional event more accessible. For example the most recent event to get an EPIC is 600$.....and the game doesn't hand out enough resources to make it attainable other ways.

2. Different activities aren't rewarding enough. Arena is awesome but why would I invest in an arena team when I get mediocre rewards once a week when I can simply progress CB (the only lucrative activity in the game) which has daily rewards. You would make more money if I had to actually invest in my arena team to get rewards and complete hard challenges. Similarly, Faction Wars is simply  not worth my hard earned resources. Pay attention to these areas and you will actually make MORE money.

3. Don't say you are listening if you aren't. People aren't stupid and catch on eventually if you aren't going in the direction the community wants. I know that if the game doesn't t progress and develop, I as a mid tier spender will walk away out of boredom or frustration and you will lose all the people like me's money, which I'm guessing is a decent amount. Whales can only carry a dead game so far.

4. Reward players for their time. I would spend hours on this game tinkering if I could to overcome challenges and would spend more if that felt rewarding, but without spending money there feels like very little progress is being made. This does NOT make me want to spend money. I want to spend to continue progression, not start it. 

Others can feel free to add to this list and I doubt anyone from Plarium will read this but I just wanted to at least express my opinion and what I feel is some other people's opinions as well. You have a great game Plarium, but don't lose the forest through the trees. People will pay money for a great game, and will pay long term. Even as a spender, I wan't to see things that free players can compete with so they stick around. To anyone who actually got to this point have a fantastic day and thank you for your time.

Oct 18, 2019, 23:1910/18/19

very nicely put, agree completely.

Spending money shouldnt buy power it shoudl buy comfort
Oct 19, 2019, 14:0410/19/19

Something to also note is whales like to be in the crowds too. If the lower tier people leave they will too. To the players population matters. If you can keep that large group by providing content for the 95% you will keep the 5% big spenders. Currently you are only thinking of the 5. If you sized the event down or made the epic hero on a level that was easier to get you would get more people going for it because it is either more affordable or she is not at the top and people might be more willing to go for her when they see they dont have to break their wallet in the event. 

This suggestion is manipulating to players but you dont face backlash like what the majority is giving you for what I believe is a massive screw up. 
Oct 19, 2019, 16:1710/19/19
angelknight127 said:

Something to also note is whales like to be in the crowds too. If the lower tier people leave they will too. To the players population matters. If you can keep that large group by providing content for the 95% you will keep the 5% big spenders. Currently you are only thinking of the 5. If you sized the event down or made the epic hero on a level that was easier to get you would get more people going for it because it is either more affordable or she is not at the top and people might be more willing to go for her when they see they dont have to break their wallet in the event. 

This suggestion is manipulating to players but you dont face backlash like what the majority is giving you for what I believe is a massive screw up. 
I certainly agree but we need to convince Plarium that its worth their while to target a larger section base, hence why I tried to detail what I feel is on the communities mind. The odds that they care is low but I hope they want to make money long term by developing a quality game
Oct 19, 2019, 16:5710/19/19

Cupidus and Coldheart not good in CB? Wth man, did you not tune them properly? And about Arena, I'm sitting in Gold IV with both in my team.

Cupidus does very well in literally ALL game modes, at least in my case.

Oct 19, 2019, 17:4210/19/19
I have both and cupidus performs less well on CB than Occult Brawler and Skullcrusher by a long shot. He provides nice crits and some hp burn but no speed buff, attack down, poison, defense down, counter attack etc...Coldheart has the same issue as Cupidus for CB. Cupidus is also  stupendous in Arena, the one shot to start is unreal or crazy are counterattack with skullcrusher and Venus.
Oct 19, 2019, 18:4410/19/19

You can't compare an Attack champion like Cupidus or Coldheart to a Support like Skullcrusher. Skullcrusher gives a lot more utility, but again, he's a support, not meant to do that much damage. As for Venus, she's nigh-unobtainable since she's Void and she is generally much better than a lot of champs. Occult Brawler is great, but I don't have him and use Kael instead. Also, can't compare him to Coldheart or Cupidus since he does completely different things.

As it is:

Cupidus - HP Burn, massive lifesteal and sustain. Can easily survive with no support help.

Coldheart - Enemy Max HP based dmg

Kael or Occult Brawler (wich is, yes, better) - Poison.

And then there's the Support Class, which is a completely different thing. Try comparing Apoth or Romero to Skullcrusher.

As for Arena, Cupidus is a decent carry, at least in my case. Couldn't have made it this far without him. If you gear them properly, both these champs can be good. Not End-Game good, but hey, I don't have a lot of S or SS Tier champs.

I never said they were the best, but calling them not good for a role in which they have utility just means you haven't tested them out enough. Anyhows, gg on pulling Venus and also having Cupidus.

Oct 19, 2019, 19:1910/19/19

Agut said:

You can't compare an Attack champion like Cupidus or Coldheart to a Support like Skullcrusher. Skullcrusher gives a lot more utility, but again, he's a support, not meant to do that much damage. As for Venus, she's nigh-unobtainable since she's Void and she is generally much better than a lot of champs. Occult Brawler is great, but I don't have him and use Kael instead. Also, can't compare him to Coldheart or Cupidus since he does completely different things.

As it is:

Cupidus - HP Burn, massive lifesteal and sustain. Can easily survive with no support help.

Coldheart - Enemy Max HP based dmg

Kael or Occult Brawler (wich is, yes, better) - Poison.

And then there's the Support Class, which is a completely different thing. Try comparing Apoth or Romero to Skullcrusher.

As for Arena, Cupidus is a decent carry, at least in my case. Couldn't have made it this far without him. If you gear them properly, both these champs can be good. Not End-Game good, but hey, I don't have a lot of S or SS Tier champs.

I never said they were the best, but calling them not good for a role in which they have utility just means you haven't tested them out enough. Anyhows, gg on pulling Venus and also having Cupidus.

Haha thanks, I didn't mean bad, I just meant suboptimal. While Cupidus is 3rd on my CB team in damage, I will replace him with an attack down champion or Rhazin when fully masteried. I do agree though, he still is good (especially with his passive with Venus ;))
Oct 19, 2019, 20:3410/19/19

No offense to NBAKKER, but I can imagine Plarium printing this open letter on nice soft paper and using as toilet tissues. They don't care. Read latest "answers from game designers" and then players' comments - nothing truly important has been addressed in a year. However they consider screwing whales and veterans now.

Oct 19, 2019, 20:5410/19/19

The thing to realize is this: I can spend $5 on the absolute cheapest of micro-transaction packages in this game, or I can spend $5 to go buy Diablo III right now. Never did play that one and I've been meaning to. That's a much more complete and interactive game than this silly little cellphone game. There are literally thousands of brand new titles that I can pick up for $50 instead of buying one of your really spendy packages. The reason for a cellphone game is to be able to play anywhere just to pass the time, so how does it make sense to have an asking price of $50+ for your silly little micro-transactions? 

I could easily spend a few hundred bucks per day being competitive here, OR I could keep my money, buy the latest of every gaming console, buy a few dozen games for each, buy a top-notch gaming computer and buy a bunch of games for that too. Truth is, I'd come out cheaper doing the second one. Now with that in mind, please justify $50 for in-game loot to me. 

I like this game. It's fun. But the most idiotic mechanic I've ever seen in any game has got to be the, "You're out of energy! Pay us money or you can't play our game anymore!" At the minimum, you should x10 the energy every has, but removing it entirely would keep more people playing and addicted to your silly little game, instead of rage-quitting and never coming back. If people are playing the game, they'll spend some coin here or there. If you make better stuff available for $5 or less, then you'll make more money, especially if there is no limit on how much you can play the game. A few hundred thousand $5 transactions is a seriously huge chunk of change, so make it worthwhile for people to spend the $5. 

Oct 19, 2019, 21:2510/19/19
MrChuckles said:

At the minimum, you should x10 the energy every has, but removing it entirely would keep more people playing and addicted to your silly little game, instead of rage-quitting and never coming back. 

Unlimited energy will turn this game into a battle of autoclickers and will ruin it. The only thing I wish about energy is a twice bigger pool with the same regeneration rate. 
Oct 20, 2019, 03:4410/20/19

Hey Hey

First off thanks for taking the time and providing this feedback, I will pass it on for a CM/Dev to review.

I would also like to note to you, that they do listen to people and feedback, though I understand it is hard to see from a players point of view, I see a lot because of being a mod, I see the information come in and then see the changes come through, one example I will give though is the double packs where you are provided 2 options... one being cheap and the other being more expensive, this was from direct feedback, another is the 35 day rewards being extended out to the 90 day rewards, among many other things, please also note the suggestions list

Regarding the events, my understanding is that the events aren't meant to only be completed every time and are designed to encourage more strategies around which ones you will spend your resources on, for example, the current summoning event, I used my 3 voids and 1 sacred to get the base rewards, it was like 350 energy(plus other things) just for opening my shards, which lets be honest i was hoping for a skull crusher :).

Good luck and have fun
Oct 20, 2019, 09:0610/20/19
Barrent said:

MrChuckles said:

At the minimum, you should x10 the energy every has, but removing it entirely would keep more people playing and addicted to your silly little game, instead of rage-quitting and never coming back. 

Unlimited energy will turn this game into a battle of autoclickers and will ruin it. The only thing I wish about energy is a twice bigger pool with the same regeneration rate. 
I secons this, energy should be in the range of 1.5-2x times of what it is now
Oct 20, 2019, 16:2510/20/19

how about the void and ancient shards having the EXACT same roll rates, yet they charge much more for the ancients. Clever little trick to rip people off who may have over looked the small details in the summoning portal.

Moreover, their latest special offer pack that you can buy... Standard pack (20.99$)- 4 void shards, 700,000 coin and 700 gems OR premium pack (27.99$) - 4 ancient shards, 300,000 coin and 300 gems. YOU ARE PAYING 7$ MORE FOR LESS! you get the same roll rate, less coin and less gems. Really hope noone bought into this crumby trick. 

Oct 20, 2019, 16:2910/20/19

Krames said:

how about the void and ancient shards having the EXACT same roll rates, yet they charge much more for the ancients. Clever little trick to rip people off who may have over looked the small details in the summoning portal.

Moreover, their latest special offer pack that you can buy... Standard pack (20.99$)- 4 void shards, 700,000 coin and 700 gems OR premium pack (27.99$) - 4 ancient shards, 300,000 coin and 300 gems. YOU ARE PAYING 7$ MORE FOR LESS! you get the same roll rate, less coin and less gems. Really hope noone bought into this crumby trick. 


yo mate, check your own thread, I explained everything there, but I'll paste my reply here just in case:

"Nah mate, this ain't new and you're only partly right. Also, you are clearly too new or misinformed still.

Yes, they want you to spend money, like most companies.

No, the shards are not the same. They give the same chances regarding rarity, however, the affinity is quite different. You see, Void champions can only be obtained from Void Shards, irrelevant of Rarity, so if you want to have a chance at getting, say, Arbiter or Venus (even if it's a small chance) you gotta get dem Void Shards. That's what makes Void Shards more valuable. Some argue most Void champs arent that better, and I agree. But those that are better, are much much better.

Also, Void Shards do not drop from Dungeons, so there's limited ways to obtain them."