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3rd longbeard

3rd longbeard

Oct 18, 2019, 21:1010/18/19

3rd longbeard

So I pulled my 3rd longbeard today. I've pulled a total of 5 legos in this game. 3 are the same. First off the percentage chance of pulling a legendary are so low it's hard enough to pull one. I dont even want to know what the chances of pulled 3 out of 5 of the same one are. They need to make a reroll option or something where if u pull a dupe legendary u can reroll it for another random legend. Hell I'd even be happy if he was a usable epic or a bottom teit legend just something new.

Sorry rant over just a little annoyed 
Oct 18, 2019, 21:1610/18/19
they have mentioned somewhere on here about dupe champs and hinted at something in the future being done, or coming soon, or next update, or have forwarded it on to the developers......that was a few months it will definitely possibly maybe will be coming very soon...ish
Oct 18, 2019, 23:0310/18/19
They need to do something for sure. Even if it's just something like info have a dupe u can take one to 6 star with no other food. But only for legendary for obvious reasons lol.but I'd rather them just let us reroll it for another legendary 
Oct 19, 2019, 13:2010/19/19

theoffsprlng said:

So I pulled my 3rd longbeard today. I've pulled a total of 5 legos in this game. 3 are the same. First off the percentage chance of pulling a legendary are so low it's hard enough to pull one. I dont even want to know what the chances of pulled 3 out of 5 of the same one are. They need to make a reroll option or something where if u pull a dupe legendary u can reroll it for another random legend. Hell I'd even be happy if he was a usable epic or a bottom teit legend just something new.

Sorry rant over just a little annoyed 

Hello Guys,

you can read this link for more exactly "Suggestion 10".

So guys don't worry and have more patience.

Have a nice day
Oct 19, 2019, 17:0310/19/19

can't believe there's a human being that would complain about getting 3 Longbeards.

Hell, give me 5 and I'd make my team only with them and stomp anything and everything.
Oct 19, 2019, 21:2210/19/19
Oct 19, 2019, 21:23(edited)

No need to troll, THEOFFSPRLNG raised a valid concern.

Pulling the Lonbeard once is 1/57 (or whatever is the current number of non-void legendaries), granted that there are equal chances of pulling any non-void legendary.

Doing it 3 times in a row is 1/185193. Doing it 3 out of 5 times is higher but still maybe around 1/100K.

Now add the chances of pulling a legendary from sacred shard and you get your final odds at around 1/3000000. It's extremely unlikely and frustrating. At least Longbeard is an excellent legendary. Imagine you pull 3 Ma'Shaleds.

Oct 20, 2019, 01:1710/20/19

I know it sounds dumb being annoyed with pulling a good legendary but as hard as it is to get a legendary it would be nice to get a new one. 2 longboards could in theory make a good team but 3 seems a bit excessive lol. If it were like 3 bad el or someone along those lines it would still suck but maybe not as bad lol

And @kale i pulled all 3 from ancients lol I have never pulled a legendary from a sacred. 
Oct 20, 2019, 01:1710/20/19
Agut said:

can't believe there's a human being that would complain about getting 3 Longbeards.

Hell, give me 5 and I'd make my team only with them and stomp anything and everything.
Have u used a longbeard? I dont think the single.hit single target a1 would be that great with 5 :P
Oct 20, 2019, 03:2710/20/19

Hey Hey

Both Congrats and sorry to hear, though having longbeard is a great help, but this mainly about using him to combo with other champions with good basic moves, such as prisoners or attack down champs.

As Mr Ivv has already noted they are looking to help with this, though im going to pass this through as feedback to see if i can help get some momentum, I'll let you know if I do.

Good luck and have fun
Oct 20, 2019, 03:5710/20/19

Agut said:

can't believe there's a human being that would complain about getting 3 Longbeards.

Hell, give me 5 and I'd make my team only with them and stomp anything and everything.

Some Legendaries aren't all that great, some are really just good as one-offs. Even though they fixed my pig (Norog) and made him a proper DEF champ, I sure as hell wouldn't want any more than the 1 I have. His A1 is single target single hit -ACC, his A2 is a fairly strong AoE single hit that has 80% chance for Block Buffs (80% my ass), and his A3 is a non-stackable Passive (-15% dmg reduction for allies), and his A4 is a Dungeon DEF Aura.

Speaking of my pig, we should have gotten a free mastery reset after they changed him.  I'm not spending 100+ gems to reset his masteries because the changed him from ATT to DEF
Oct 20, 2019, 22:1710/20/19

KiwiMcSheep said:

Hey Hey

Both Congrats and sorry to hear, though having longbeard is a great help, but this mainly about using him to combo with other champions with good basic moves, such as prisoners or attack down champs.

As Mr Ivv has already noted they are looking to help with this, though im going to pass this through as feedback to see if i can help get some momentum, I'll let you know if I do.

Good luck and have fun

I am very happy about your response. Dupes have been plaguing this game from the very beginning and they can certainly make people feel very discouraged from making further purchases. I certainly know how it feels to drop 99 and either not get anything of value or pull another dupe of some badly performing hero. 

There should really be a limit of how many dupes you can drop in total over a certain period or an option to reroll. 

Oct 23, 2019, 19:4310/23/19

Normally, I don’t do this!

However, you have pulled your 3rd LongBeard.

I am willing to negotiate!

I am going to make you a trade offer you can’t refuse!

I will trade you Luthiea (High Elf Epic), CageBreaker (Orgyn Tribe Epic), & 2mil Silver for 1 copy of LongBeard.

I added the Silver Incase you need to remove any gear from your LongBeard.

Deal or No Deal?