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Ragequit Bait Evil Spiders and Suggestions for Improvement

Ragequit Bait Evil Spiders and Suggestions for Improvement

Oct 18, 2019, 15:5810/18/19

Ragequit Bait Evil Spiders and Suggestions for Improvement

I've been playing for about a week. Overall, it's been pretty fun. But I'm hitting game burnout and I felt it would be useful for the game developers to know what goes into that so you can improve your product. 

1. The pop-up ads are tiresome. We get it. You want money. Hell, I've even spent a few bucks on the game in the short time I've been playing. But the constant pop-ups saying, "Pay us money!!! Spend!! Spend!! Spend!! This game's only purpose is to get you to spend money!!" Reminds me of Rowdy Roddy Piper in "They Live" when he puts on the sunglasses for the first time. I think we all get it. These sorts of games are a dime a dozen and all of them function on the same business model. Give the game away for free, sell in-game stuff. But be smart about it. Focus on "Hey this game is even more fun because ..." and less constant cheerleading for people to spend more and more money. 

2. People with little or no money to spend are going to struggle. When you make a free to play, in-game purchase modeled game, the danger is always that you'll hand overwhelming advantages to whoever can spend the most money. Yeah, you're definitely one of those "pay to win" games. 

2. Repetition. The game, the game mechanics and the overall gameplay are fun. Trouble is that it's too repetitive and predictable. It would just be nice if you varied things up a bit more.

3. The Spider's Den. This takes me back to a video game from my childhood with games like Contra, Ghosts n Goblins and Mike Tyson's punch-out for being pointlessly difficult just for the sake of being pointlessly difficult. This would be fine if it was made abundantly clear that the Spider's Den is unbeatable until you're a good ways into the game. Trouble is, you've built quests to help guide new players and you've got clearing Stage 4 of this dungeon in the very very early stages of quest progression. I'm Level 29, have multiple four stars, I've nearly cleared the campaign on Normal ... and I party-wipe every time in Spider's Den on anything past stage 1. Doesn't matter what combination of champions I use, everybody dies. If this is meant for advanced players, maybe make that a little more obvious? Maybe don't put it in your early quests progression?

A couple of suggestions: 

1. Take a page from Guild Wars and have a well or altar or something where you can sacrifice items you don't want for items that you do. Case in point, maybe 10 one star can be tossed in to crank out 1 two star, then 10 two star gets you 1 three star, etc. Something like that. Have another one that's just completely random. 

2. Chicken Farm: The fact that you have chickens in the game is hilarious. So go with it a bit more. Kinda like the hidden cow level on Diablo 2, make it silly and make it fun. Defeat a bunch of silly looking lethal chicken monsters for a chance of various level star chickens as loot. 

3. Vary the music. The same music is tedious and you tend to just shut it off. How about changing tracks? Make the main music track a little more interesting? Chain multiple songs together perhaps? Better yet, how about enabling players to set their own playlist as the background music! 

I'm sure you're aware that you're not the only game in town. I'm genuinely enjoying your game and I'd like to keep playing, but right now I'm fighting the burnout. Figured I'd throw you guys a few bones to help keep people playing past the first few weeks. 

Oct 18, 2019, 16:3310/18/19
Oct 18, 2019, 16:34(edited)

Very interesting take with some notable points. 90% of the Raid SL community is behind you, we all sing in similar tunes about how Plarium could make this brilliant game sustainable.

You will notice the longer you play though, that the company doesn't seem to intend on making this great game inhabitable for low spending players through the ads like you've already touched on, and events, tournaments etc. 

There are some mods you'll see around the forums who seem to care about what the player base is saying like Cirilla, however little to nothing gets acted on and overwhelmingly players find more things to complain about than praise. 

That being said, a lot of players will moan for the sake of moaning, but there are some absolutely solid points that the community brings up time and time again like not having enough energy (cap should be doubled at least, I believe I have seen mods saying this will happen but don't quote me, and don't quote them either), not having enough vault space (which is apparently being adjusted soon), pricing of said ads being over and above anything regular people are willing to pay, unbalanced heroes on both sides of the coin, namely Legendary heroes that are less useful than many rares, the list goes on.

In summary, this game as we all agree is brilliant and has SO much potential if it is managed correctly. But the clear motive from the developers and lack of trust in their community suggestions turns a lot of players quite sour who end up quitting.

Oct 19, 2019, 11:0910/19/19
For me, the best option would be when they open the server where all free playing players would be, and the others who pays and buy stuff, or ever bought anything on actual account, stays on present one. Then the game would be fair.
Oct 20, 2019, 05:3310/20/19

Hey Hey

I am sorry to hear, I have promptly forwarded your feedback to the CM's/devs for review.

Thanks for the feedback!

Good luck and have fun.

Oct 21, 2019, 14:3410/21/19

Honestly, the longer I play, the more I realize how the game is designed in every possible way to get you to pay them money. So they recently closed the potion dungeons. Thought that was really weird. Then I got the popup add telling me I can pay $20 for a package containing 15 each advanced potions ... and THAT is why they closed the dungeons. 

The trouble with all of this money-grabbing is that you're missing out on the long game. Eventually the word gets around: Raid Shadow Legends is a money-grabbing nightmare and no matter how much you advertise, new people will stop showing up and you'll bleed out your active player base who will all quit out of growing frustration. Take Pokemon Go for example. Pop-ups at login never have anything to do with begging for in-game purchases. They're only ever about events. That game has been going for years and years and it's still making crap-tons of money. Same thing with Clash of Clans. Those games will still be around making money hand over fist years after RSL fades into irrelevance. Why? Because they built a sustainable game that didn't drive players away. 

It's a simple game of psychology. Your worst ideas: 

1. Energy. Every single player can expect to repeatedly hit a wall that will lead them to ask the fairly obvious question: "Why am I still playing this game? Is it time to stop and focus on more important things in my life? Maybe I should take my family out to do something fun instead." You're goal is obvious here. "Pay us money and you can keep playing our game." This utterly fails at understanding video gamers. We get hooked on a game. We want to keep playing. The longer you have a gamer addicted, the more committed they feel and the more likely they are to be willing to pay out money in the long term. 

2. Silver to Upgrade, equip, remove, swap and do pretty much everything with your characters. Utilizing shiny new gear and swapping gear around to test things out should be easy, fun and exciting. You've made it a complete nightmare. It's the same thing as item 1. You're doing it to make money, but you're failing to understand gamers. You're interrupting the process of getting addicted to the game over and over and over again. You're making people question, "Why am i still playing this game??" repeatedly. Do you want your players to ask themselves that question multiple times every single day?? 

3. Shutting down upgrade dungeons. And then it comes: The popup to spend your $20 cash for the upgrade potions that you've just been denied access to. Again, you're throwing up another instance that makes your players question, "Why am I still playing this game??" 

4. In-game purchases kinda suck. You don't actually get much for the money you spend. 

5. Nothing to do but grind. After you've cleared the campaign, the entire game is built around grind. Grind for silver, grind for gear, grind for levels. Grind, grind, grind. Clan boss is a grind. Arena is a grind. All of your events seem to center around grinding. If I grind my way up really really far, what do I get to do with it? Just more grinding. How about doing something fun just because it's fun?? How about doing that as often as you can possibly manage it?? 

6. Not listening to your players. You've got a whole lot of players who say they've been making suggestions for ages and nothing ever gets fixed. You're reviews on the Google Play store are like a broken record too. "I didn't like it because." followed by Plarium stating, "If you don't like it, don't click it or just don't play the game at all." You can't have a sustainable game unless you listen to your customers. 

You're game was instantly addicting. All of the downsides burned me out faster than I've ever experienced before. I'm still playing the game, but I'm right on the verge of quitting. The core game system is great. Eliminate all the downsides and maybe you can make a lot more money in the long run. We all do get it. You're goal is to make as much money as possible, and I'm telling you that you're pissing away the long term revenues for short term ones. 

Oct 21, 2019, 17:5610/21/19

Pity it will be ignored. Just quit now - there is no hope.

I am thinking about that too. If everything is so grindy it needs to be automated not to drive people away we have core mechanics issue.

This rarely gets fixed by patches. It more likely requires complete overhaul (at least 180 degree execs mindset change)

one round taking 10-20 minutes on manual with almost guaranteed progress is much better than 100 rounds taking 6s each (on auto) - having minimal chances for anything usefull.

May 9, 2020, 05:1005/09/20
May 9, 2020, 06:22(edited)

GranTorino said:

Very interesting take with some notable points. 90% of the Raid SL community is behind you, we all sing in similar tunes about how Plarium could make this brilliant game sustainable.

You will notice the longer you play though, that the company doesn't seem to intend on making this great game inhabitable for low spending players through the ads like you've already touched on, and events, tournaments etc. 

There are some mods you'll see around the forums who seem to care about what the player base is saying like Cirilla, however little to nothing gets acted on and overwhelmingly players find more things to complain about than praise. 

That being said, a lot of players will moan for the sake of moaning, but there are some absolutely solid points that the community brings up time and time again like not having enough energy (cap should be doubled at least, I believe I have seen mods saying this will happen but don't quote me, and don't quote them either), not having enough vault space (which is apparently being adjusted soon), pricing of said ads being over and above anything regular people are willing to pay, unbalanced heroes on both sides of the coin, namely Legendary heroes that are less useful than many rares, the list goes on.

In summary, this game as we all agree is brilliant and has SO much potential if it is managed correctly. But the clear motive from the developers and lack of trust in their community suggestions turns a lot of players quite sour who end up quitting.

I think exactly like both of you. Though sadly we're in 2020 now and nothing to not much has changed on those points. If they want the game to be awesome they have to make it awesome, cause it has awesome roots, for real, but the leaves suck real bad. (Yup raid is a tree now) :(

Some problems are: IAP prices (seriously), the pop ups, unfair RNG chances in some places of the game (that I think they are at least looking into this A BIT), potion mixer (wth fix that thing, really, cmon, I barely use it cause I need my silver, and I'm not alone, silver is not THAT easy to get), and in my opinion to stick me around FOR LONG (personally), friendly PvP! All games I know have it except for Raid. Lastly, ENERGY, yeahhhh, we all know it's not going anywhere, but I (and lotsss of people) have a mindset that most games with energy systems are shit, just um, well, yeah. There are also many other points that really really really REALLY need to be done something about but those are some very big ones :/ (they are facts and not just my opinion)

The game is so much fun (and alot of this fun gets ruined but yeh), I just don't think it is enough in it's current state to keep us all playing!

It makes me sad that they seem to only care for money grabbing with sucky ways when they have so much potential for getting money with better ways. I hope they read us all and act once and for all.

Funny thing, I'm a mobile game developer, and seeing all this just make me cringe, like... no one would take such approches plarium, it's not too late. :|
